Chapter 5

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James POV

"Welcome sir. Let me take your coat and I will show you your seating spot". I nodded at the waiter who received me at the entrance of the restaurant. I waited for him to escort me to this weird place. Connor really did surprise me this time and by special, I finally understood what he meant by it. 

I wasn't supposed to know anything about the woman I was going to meet other than her name. Her name was Maya. It sounded very normal indeed. The restaurant looked like any other restaurant would, but the difference was this date would be in the dark. How creepy was that? 

I shivered a bit by the thought of not being able to see the woman in front of me, but what the heck! I might as well try something new now and then. Working as a prosecuting attorney at the law firm every day meant that I wouldn't have the time to really go out and try some fun stuff. Connor knew that. 

As the waiter showed me our table, he gave me the instructions and I sat there while waiting for this woman, Maya, to show up. After waiting for about five minutes or so the waiter came in and briefed me about that they would now begin to turn the lights off so that the woman could come in and sit in front of me. 

I must admit that I actually felt a little nervous about this whole date. I tried to fix my shirt and ran my hands through my hair to make sure it stayed as I styled it before arriving at this place. 

I slowly began to kind of imagine how Maya would look. Would she be a tall or a small woman? Curvy or slim? Would she be a brunette or a blonde or maybe she had her hair dyed? 
Connor didn't tell me anything so I became really curious about her. I smiled at my own imaginations. 

Suddenly I heard a clicking sound coming closer. I could hear the waiter coming against me with the woman, as I heard her footsteps against the floor. She was wearing shoes with heels on. I was especially attentive to all my other senses now that I couldn't see anything. My hearing got extra awakened and I could now begin to smell every scent that was coming my way. 

I heard Maya putting her handbag beside her and the waiter pulling her chair back so she could have a seat. She sat down and I could without delay smell her perfume. It was subtle and not too strong of a smell. It was like a floral woody and musk fragrance. I liked the smell of her. 

"Hi, I'm sorry for not being a gentleman to pull out your chair for you but as you can see our little date here makes it impossible to see anything. I hope you will bear with me". 

I heard a small giggle from her. "That's quite alright. Hi, I'm Maya. It's nice to meet you". I could sense that she was smiling at me in the dark. 

"Hi I'm James, nice to meet you too" I said while smiling too. 

It was a little silent after that. After all this must have been the first time for us both to try something like this at all. 

"So, do you do this often?" I heard her asking me. Surely she had a soothing voice. Not too high nor too low. She had this calm and very feminine voice to her. Wow, my observant skills was really relentless!

"No, this is the first time I must say. My friend hooked me up on this date and now here I am" I chuckled a little. 

"Oh, well this is my first time as well. My good friend also recommended me about this kind of date, she obviously thinks that I should go out some more instead of hiding back at my studio all day". 

Studio? What did she actually do for a living?  "What do you do for a living Maya?" 

"I am working at a Cafe as a part-time worker at the moment while I'm also an artist. I am a painter and I do abstract painting. My big goal is to make that my full-time job in the future". 

Okay, so this woman must really have a passion for it!  I admired women for finding something greater than just the ordinary. 

"What about you James, what do you do for a living?" 

I kind of liked her saying my name out loud with her soft voice. I proudly smiled even though she couldn't see me smile and answered her. 

"Oh, so you are a lawyer? Wow, that's really nice. You must have long working hours, I guess!" she laughed softly. She proceeded further by explaining for her laughing at that. "I mean, not to say anything bad about that. Because I am an artist I usually use a lot of hours too on my work. I guess that's why our friends got us this date". 

Ah, yeah. True. 

As the date went on and we got our dinner we talked a lot. But as we still were in the dark I got curious about her physical appearance. I was enjoying our date a lot.

 Maya seemed like a very humble person who still had a lot of dreams. She seemed rooted and at the same time she had this very bubbly personality. She seemed very relaxed and not so uptight as all the other girls I've been on dates before. 

I wondered what she thought about this date and what she thought about me also. Did she feel the same way? Did she want to see me or was she just polite and wanted to get over with this date. As far as I could sense she seemed to enjoy this date though. I mean, I knew for sure that she wouldn't regret it when she finally got to see me when the lights got turned on. 

I was a buff and muscular man, I had brown hair with blue eyes, which many women found attractive. I had a good job and I had all the material goods that a man could have in his life. I was in fact confident about myself. 

She also had humor! We both laughed a lot and we actually flirted a bit over the dinner. We both carefully and without thinking about it sought each other's hand. As I lay my hand over hers on the table she gasped a bit. I think she got a little surprised by my physical outreach. But she eventually took my hand and we both sat there smiling. 

Two, almost three hours later I thought it would be appropriate to call the date off and hear her out. 

"So Maya. How do you feel about meeting up again? And next time out in the daylight?", I asked her with a slight smirk on my face. 

"I would love to. I really enjoyed it tonight." 

"So are you up for another date?" I asked her. She said yes and that meant that we could get the waiter to turn the lights on. Finally I got to see her face and see for myself what kind of woman I had been on a date with. 

I straightened myself up so I sat more upright and I had my one elbow on the table while resting my jaw in my hand. I sat there with a crooked smile on my face and was excited to see her. 

The lights got turned on and my eyes were looking straight into a pair of deep brown eyes. 

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