Chapter 24

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James POV

I was in Mayas embrace, soaking all her purity, her gentleness, her goofiness, and her beauty into me. Having told her about my parents and the lack of love from them was nothing that I easily shared with anyone. In that area I was very private.

I somehow got surprised by my own willingness to share my inner thoughts with this small woman who brought all sorts of feelings up from deep within.

Maya was indeed different. Not that I had never met any other woman and thought the same, but somehow it was different with her. She wasn't like anybody else I had dated or had a relationship with. She had a completely different view on life that I never experienced before – even her artwork showed that too.

Maya was not like the usual girls I would spend time with. She was tiny compared to me. I was always used to have a woman by my side who would be as tall as me or almost at the same height. 

Maya was grounded as a person in general. She didn't try to fit in with other people nor did she want to just live life normally. Her passion for her dream inspired me deeply. She was always gentle in her way of approaching new things and she was patient.

I also noticed how sweet and polite she was towards other people. She generally treated people with respect and made them feel comfortable. Just like she made me feel the same. 

The evidence was also clear when I met her family now. Her family was wonderful people. They seemed really nice and I enjoyed my time with them, but I could see that Maya was different compared to the rest of the family. She seemed more independent, confident, and mature. Maya was indeed an intelligent woman, but a person who still got that special warmth within her. After meeting her parents, I could finally conclude that the warmth she had, the unique compassion and sympathy – it all originated from her true roots. Her culture made her personality that way.

I had this indescribable feeling within me and it only grew stronger as I held her in my arms.

The same happened yesterday at her apartment too. This overwhelming feeling that took over me. It made me do things I wouldn't do if I really had my head with me. The need to take care of her, make her feel safe. The need to see her constantly, the need to be in her presence...

When I felt her lips, even for a brief moment, which it really was,  I wanted more that night. I had kissed other women before, but somehow, I had never experienced a feeling like this at the same time while kissing any of them. Only with Maya, I felt it like this. I couldn't figure out what it was until I met her parents and now embracing her in a hug.

The kiss made me think about how I wanted her to be mine. Although it also made me feel numb. When I saw her again at my house this morning I couldn't find the words. I was paralyzed to sit with her in the car to meet her parents. This was not something I would do, ever. But she made me do things I would never have thought of doing!

Before she came into my life everything was related to work, my job, my career. Now I woke up with more excitement, more drive, and more yearning for something meaningful other than work.

That's when I found out that I truly had fallen in love for the first time. I had fallen in love with Maya Ravikumar. Having her in my arms right at this moment made me terrified suddenly. This wasn't part of the dare. And this was definitely not the plan according to me!

I had never truly been in love with anybody before. Either I had some flirts or I hooked up with someone once in a while, but love? That had never happened. And now I was more than confused. Had I fallen in love with this woman in front of me? The very same woman who I disregarded in the first place.

I wanted to flee from this moment right away. This unfamiliar feeling towards Maya made me conflicted and stunned. I broke the hug and now had a big lump in my throat. I swallowed and looked her straight into her brown eyes. Her lashes were longer today as she was wearing makeup. Her eyes searched through mine for a while but I didn't say anything. I couldn't tell her how I felt. I couldn't even comprehend what was going on with me. I had to think this through.

"Shall we head back home? I have a lot of work to catch up on".

She looked surprised at my abrupt suggestion. But she ended up nodding her head in agreement and we headed back home to her parents to say goodbye.

When I was about to leave their house with Maya walking before me, I was stopped by Mrs. Ravikumar. She made me wait a bit when she suddenly went inside to get something. I waited for her to come back, wondering what this was all about. Then I saw her come back with a big lunchbox of the leftovers from the dinner she made earlier.

She was so kind as to pack it for me and I felt grateful. I gave her a hug and thanked her. "Please come again anytime. If you want any Tamil food in the future, call me anytime son".

She smiled at me and Mr. Ravikumar had a big smile on his face. I couldn't exactly see him smile that much as his big mustache was hiding his lips, but his eyes told me that he was smiling genuinely.

"Thank you for coming James. And thank you for supporting our daughter. You are a good friend, son". Mr. Ravikumar gave me a handshake and nodded with a proud smile.

We said our goodbyes and we drove back to my house. I kept on repeating the last couple of months with Maya. I sat in the passenger seat and glanced over at her. She was behind the steering wheel, driving smoothly while humming a melody. She seemed content and happy.

I, myself, was completely confused. I needed time. Time to think. 

And this was a little sneak peek into James' head. What do you think?
So both of them have finally acknowledged that they are in love. But James is freaking out! Oh oh... 

Stay tuned! I will upload another chapter tomorrow. Every vote and every comment means the world to me.  

Thanks, and big hugs! :) 

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