Chapter 48

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Mayas POV

I couldn't believe the words that just came out of my dad. Did he just approve James? I think my mom also got surprised. And even my sisters. We all just kept looking at him waiting for something more to come out of his mouth. I saw how his jaw clenched from time to time. His big black mustache covered almost his upper lip. I couldn't quite read his face other than he was serious.

My mom cleared her throat and walked over to him. 'Honey, are you sure?'

I guess my mom was in disbelief. All my life I had thought that marriage would be a big mountain to climb, especially if I fell in love with a white man. But here I sat and heard my dear father giving me permission. Not that I was obligated to get his approval before getting married. I could marry whoever I wanted, and I had the right to make my own decisions, but I wasn't a daughter like that. I felt a huge responsibility towards my family and they were everything for me. 

I couldn't dream of getting married to someone without having my parents' blessings. So this was a big deal for me. I started to cry happy tears now. Vinni screamed out of pure excitement. Sascha was also surprised but happy for me. I got up from the couch and hugged my dad from behind.

'I love you so much appa. This means the world to me' He stiffened at my sudden affection but then relaxed again. He turned around and then patted me on the shoulder. He wasn't looking too happy but he looked determined about his decision. 'As long as he makes you happy and that he comes here properly as a man with his family'

I gulped and averted my eyes from him. Look, I wanted to get married to James. I did. But the man was supposed to have the same feelings! I didn't know if James was even ready to get married now. What if he wanted to get married in two or three years? Would my parents accept that? Right now it seemed like James just left me for good. 

The things he said at the end were strong words. But I wanted us to get back together. Make him understand what kind of responsibilities I had to my family, tell him honestly about what really happened. Of course, if he listened to me he would understand. That's how James was. He was just hurt and surprised. I couldn't blame him for that.

Sascha came and put her hand on my back and whispered silently to me.

'I know what you must be thinking now. You want him to be the one to propose to you right? And you haven't talked about marriage just yet, am I right?' I met my sister's eyes and nodded. Then my eyes teared up again.

'Relax. Just take things slowly. Mom and dad will eventually understand. The first thing you have to do now is go back and get James. Tell him everything and make him understand what went on today. I'm sure he will come around'

Then Vinni continued. 'Yes, don't let James go, big sister. He is so sweet and kind. And he is definitely one heck of a sexy man. You really did well there, sis!'

I raised my eyebrows at her statement and then we all burst into laughter. Vinni was such a typical hormonal teenager.
We sat and talked for a few hours about James and me and then I told them a bit about his parents and Owen. They smiled when I told them about Owen. They were also very satisfied with his job as a lawyer. When it began to get late, they all decided to force me to go back and talk it through with James.

My mom came over to me before I was about to leave. She looked a bit hesitant and shy but she slowly handed me a bag. When I looked at the bag in my hand I saw different meal boxes packed with Tamil food she had made for dinner. 

'Dear, please tell James we are sorry for the incident today. Tell him we really like him and that dad was just really shocked about it. Please give your dad some time to adjust to this reality. You know him: he is old fashioned and his whole family has been like that for decades you know. He will come around eventually. The food is for James, he told me the last time he liked our food. Maybe he can taste this dish I made.' 

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