Chapter 50

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Mayas POV

'This is your hotel. I hope you will have a nice stay here in our country'

I got out of the van and looked around. I was standing in front of a white building. It was getting darker by the minute, so all the neon lights were on and the windows in the building were lighting up. I saw the sign where it said; GSH Hotel with purple color letters. I slipped the chauffeur the money for the ride and took my luggage with me inside the hotel to check-in. I was immediately met by a nice lady in front of the desk. She helped me get to my room on the third floor. It was a three-star hotel with a lot of beautiful rooms. 

I got a room with a king-sized bed in the middle of the room. The bed was big, it had white linen with orange-colored pillows. The room was stunning. The staff was doing a great job so far. They were smiling and very polite, so I felt very comfortable being there. It was so late in the evening that I didn't get much to do other than taking a shower and then unpack a few things. Then I admired the room a little bit but went to sleep in a haste. The long flight hours made me tired and all the feelings and thoughts I was processing meanwhile had sucked all the energy out of me.

The next couple of days I didn't bother checking my messages on my phone other than from my work. When I saw messages from James, I ignored them. I was trying to make my brain busy with all the new surroundings, the warm weather, and all these people who looked like...Me.

Here, all people had the same color as me. They were all as small as me. The women had the same type of hair as me. The smell and aroma when it came to food was what I had grown up with. I had never been to Sri Lanka before, but I had heard about it a lot from my family. My parents always missed their home country. Now I was here but because of different reasons. This was a way for me to figure out who I was.

I got plenty of time on my own which meant I got to see a lot of beautiful places around the city but also outside the city. The first day I decided to check one of the famous beaches out that wasn't too far away from the hotel. 

It took around an hour and twenty minutes by car to Bentota Beach. As far as I could understand this beach was one of Sri Lanka's most popular on the western coast. And I was amazed as soon as I saw it. Stretches of golden sands lined by palm trees swaying gently in the breeze, the crystal-clear waters, a family-friendly atmosphere, and plenty of water sports – it was all just breathtaking. The beach offered clean and quiet surroundings; the sunset later that evening was nothing short of gorgeous. The beach also had restaurants near the place where I could indulge my taste buds with a hearty Sri Lankan meal, and the delicacies were great as well. I loved my first few days in Sri Lanka, it was all quite an amazing experience. There were so many things to take in and I enjoyed every single minute of it.

This is it! This is how you live your life. Everything feels great. I'm on top of the world!

I was overwhelmed by all the new things here for the first few days. I hadn't got time to really think about my problems. I did think about James and how I missed him, but I was quick to push him out of my thoughts and focused on my life here in this luxurious country that I was originally from. I could really understand my parents' longing to come back to their homeland. This was absolutely a paradise.

The next day I explored the city, I found out that it was a very modern city. I also knew that the northern part of Sri Lanka was the place I had my roots from. I didn't go there as I just wanted to be around Colombo. I was used to New York – people everywhere, the modern technology and stuff like that. If I had to go to the northern part, I would feel obligated to meet all my family members who still lived here, but my parents didn't even know I was here. And I didn't have the energy to meet new people. They were family, but they were people I had never met before. Anyhow the next days went by sightseeing around and exploring all the delicious food that I had never tasted before. 

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