Chapter 36

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Mayas POV

Before we arrived at James' home I got a text message from Rose.

Urgent. Gotta tell you something very important

I read the message out loud to James and we both wondered what it could be. Before he could say anything, his phone was now buzzing. He drove the car to the side, so we weren't out on the road and he pulled his phone up.

'It's from Connor. He says it's urgent and that he wants me to come as soon as possible...'

We didn't think twice but headed directly over to their house. We didn't get anything to eat for dinner and I was hungry. I had only gotten that apple pie. I began to think about all sorts of stuff about what it could be about. What if it's something like an accident? What if it's because something really horrific? My stomach couldn't handle it. I got a big lump inside and it only grew bigger by the time we arrived in front of their house.

When we rang the doorbell, we were met by a very stone-faced Connor. He welcomed us in, and we couldn't stop giving each other looks of curiosity.

'Dude, what's wrong?'

As we came further into the living room we could see that some of Roses and Connor's family members and friends were also here looking a bit flushed about the situation. I guess they had texted a bunch of more people to come too.

'We have something to tell you dear family and friends. We know it's a bit sudden and we know that we might have worried you...'

Connor gave Rose a side hug and smiled tenderly at her. Rose continued speaking and we all held our breaths.

Please don't say you have cancer. Please don't say you are divorcing!

I closed my eyes; my hands were in fists and my stomach churned inside.

'We are pregnant!'

I opened my eyes and people around us were gasping in relief. Then when realization hit us all, we relaxed and laughed here and there. I think their families were so relieved. I hadn't even noticed it myself, but before I knew it my hand had sought out to reach James'. He gave my hand a squeeze and kissed me on the forehead. On our way there we were both worried, so we found comfort in each other right at this moment. 

It wasn't until we noticed Rose and Connor staring at us, that we realized we were very close to each other. They didn't know anything about our relationship. Sure, Rose knew we hung out sometimes as friends and she knew that I saw James at the restaurant with that girl. But she didn't know anything about what happened after that. I think I just wanted to figure out how it went for a while before telling anyone.

Connor's eyes went wide and he had an open mouth. Before he could utter something, we both went over to them and hugged them to congratulate them.

'I'm so happy for you Rose! This is amazing news. Although you scared us there for a bit. Who in the world text messages someone like that?'

'Oh well, you know me – I'm all up for a little dramatic scenario' she winked at me but then turned the attention toward me.

'Care to explain what has happened between you and the 'I-don't-date-black-women?' She had a playful smile but also a surprised look on her face all at the same time. I could see that Connor was hugging James and they were whispering something to each other too. I shyly looked down on the floor. 'Well we are sort of... together now'

'No way! But I thought he was hooking up with that woman at the restaurant...The man changed his mind then?' She gave me a playful smile. Connor caught my eyes too and he smiled broadly. His teeth were visible, and I could sense that he was indeed proud of the outcome of us.

'It's a long story that I will explain to you, but I don't think it's the right time. In fact, I think we got bigger news today! I am so happy for you guys!'

'Oh yeah, that's true. I want all the details when we meet again though!' She kissed me on the cheek and then told me about how they both found out that they were going to be parents.

The evening went smoothly. Everyone was happy and people kept congratulating the couple. They made some snacks that we could take, and I didn't hold back when they served us. I was starving! James chuckled when he walked over to me into the kitchen where I sat close to the counter where all the snacks were.

'Someone is hungry huh?'

'Are you kidding, I'm starving. I could eat this whole house if I could!'

James laughed out loud. He placed his hand in front of his stomach and tilted his head back. It was nice to see him laugh like that. He looked so carefree and charming when he did that. I joined him and we both were in each others embrace while laughing.

I was happy right now. I had mustered all my strength to not let James' parents talk down to me, I had met his brother, we just heard great news from our best friends and we were here together as a couple. How could I not be any happier?

Suddenly something struck me. I wanted this with him. I wanted a life with this man. Him as my husband, having kids with him. I wanted to experience everything with James. A sudden urge to just give myself to him occurred inside of me. I gave him a soft look and he noticed it quickly. He kissed me and asked me what I was thinking about.

'Nothing much. I just figured out that... I really want those things. A family. I can't wait to live that life someday... with you...'

James didn't get to hear those last words. Because at the exact same timing we were interrupted by a voice behind us.

'James? Is that you?' 

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