Chapter 8

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Mayas POV

Something was shaking me, yet I didn't intend to be bothered about it. With closed eyes and the duvet over my face I ignored any kind of disturbance. 

It went silent for a bit. Good. Now I could sleep peacefully again I thought. Not long after some silence I got interrupted again by the feeling of cold air embracing my upper body. I growled and opened my eyes to see someone standing by my bedside. My duvet was now lying on the floor. 
"Maya, wake up!". Rose had her hands on her hips and she waited for me to finally get up from the bed. 

"Good morning to you too! Rose, for god's sake. It's Sunday, couldn't you let me sleep for a little longer huh?" I was irritated and just wanted to go back to bed even though it was already 12 and about lunchtime. Suddenly I remembered yesterdays disaster and heartbreak. I sighed and my eyes got watery just by the mere thought of James' rejection. 

Rose sat down beside me on the bed and looked silently at me without uttering a single word. We sat there for a while not saying anything. I think she could sense that the date didn't go well. And by the look on my face, she was absolutely right about that! 

"What happened Maya?". She caressed my back with a sulky face. She then gave me a hug and we just sat there for a couple of minutes. 

"The date was beyond fantastic, Rose. I really loved the time with this James guy. He was so handsome and he was funny. He was interested in my artwork and he seemed like a really nice man... but.." I trailed off silently. I looked anywhere but at her. 

Rose stroke me at the back still waiting for me to continue. I felt so tired. Crying myself to sleep last night exhausted me. 

"But what, Maya. Was he ugly or what?". She really didn't have a clue and I didn't blame her for that. I didn't think such a thing would ever happen to me again, but apparently it did. 

"No, he was beautiful! When we got to face each other in the light I was thrilled to see how handsome he was. Rose, I really was beginning to think that this could lead to somewhere special. We just clicked, you know". I bit my lip and looked out of the window. It was a sunny day and perfect for a day outside. I could really need some coffee at the moment, my mind trailed off. But I was swiftly pulled back to the conversation. 

"So what was the problem then?!" Rose said eagerly. I bet she was confused.

"I took a quick inhale of air and said it promptly. "He said he didn't date black girls". 

Rose froze. After telling her that my whole body felt tired. I stood up and went into the bathroom. Rose was still sitting on my bed and was not moving an inch. I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, put some light makeup on, dried my long hair, and went out to Rose again. I was surprised to see her still sitting on my bed and looking out of the window. She looked like it was her who got rejected. 

"Rose, forget it. You tried to hook me up. But it's not your fault you know..." I went over to her. Her face, which was normally very mild and feminine however now looked completely contracted and her cheeks were red.  She looked furious! 

"I know I didn't do anything, but I know whose fault it is." she almost spat out. I observed her whole body language and she was so uptight. I wonder why she got such a reaction to it. She then quickly stood up and pulled her phone out of her pocket. 

I just stood there and observed her walking forth and back in my room. She was about to explode. I fearfully stepped two steps back. Rose was an energetic person and she was so caring and loving but at the same time, she was also a human being who had a temper that could destroy a whole city! 

"Who are you calling, Rose?". She looked back at me and gave me a cold stare. Okay, I should probably just keep my mouth shut for a while. 

The person on the other end of the line picked up and answered Rose. "Hi, babe. What's up?" 

"What in the hell have you done!!" She yelled back to Connor on the phone. 
It went silent for a while. "How could you set my friend up with someone who doesn't date black girls!" 

Did Connor know James? I was confused. So Connor and Rose set us up or what? Okay, I really needed some coffee now, for sure! I walked away and went out to the kitchen. I could hear Rose argue with Connor a bit more before she entered the kitchen. She walked very determined with firm steps towards me. "Rose, I.." I was cut off by her embrace. 

She hugged me so tightly that I almost couldn't breathe.

"I'm so sorry Maya. I didn't know Connor would set you up with a guy with such idiotic preferences". So they did set us up. So James must have been one of Connors friends? Wow, I didn't see that coming!

"Does Connor know that his dear friend doesn't like girls like me?". 

Surely, Connor must not have known. Otherwise, why would he then set him up with someone like me? I mean, that would just be cruel against me!

I saw Roses face turn even redder now. With an ashamed look she nodded. 

"So Connor knew about James' preferences and yet he still set us up?" I asked her completely awed. She nodded shamefully again. 

"But I didn't Maya! Oh, I'm so sorry honey. I wish I knew. And I am so mad at Connor for doing such a thing against you when he clearly knew about his friend's race problem". 

I looked at her totally defeated. How could Connor do such a thing against me? I had to know. And I had to tell him that doing such a bizarre thing was not helpful at all. I was cut off in my thoughts by Rose again. 

"I am so sorry Maya. Please forgive me. I will talk to Connor about this. You must have had a hard time yesterday. Oh, and I wasn't even here when you got home!" 

Rose looked devastated. Rose knew my past with Oliver. So she could really sense how big of an issue this was. It was not easy for me. "It's okay Rose. It's really not your fault. But can you promise me to not set any more dates up for me?" 

She looked sad. "Rose... I.. ehm. I just need to find my man on my own. And maybe I will never get a man". She looked at me horrified when I said it. "Relax. If it turns out so bad I can always get my parents to find a suitable brown man for me" I said it with a forced smile and tried to make it sound like a joke. 

"But you hate arranged marriage. You want to find love on your own, Maya!". She was right. It was a cultural thing in Sri Lanka for the parents to find a husband for their child. But I just couldn't do it. I wanted to find my man on my own and there had to be love between us.

I was now 26 years old so the time was ticking for my parents. I knew that. And in that way my time was also ticking to find a partner who wanted to get married based on love! Oh, dear... 


Thanks for reading everyone. How sick of Connor to do such a thing, right? Or what are your thoughts?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next!

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