Chapter 9

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This chapter may also have some faults. Please do comment if I need to correct some spellings. As you may know, my mother tongue is not English but danish! :) 

Mayas POV

Three days went by since the blind date with that racist. I still needed some time to comprehend the whole thing. As I was sitting in the living room watching television, I heard the front door open. It must have been Rose coming back from Connors place. I heard a whispering voice at the entrance and waited for Rose to come in. I got surprised when I didn't only see her but also Connor standing at the door frame into the living room where I was sitting. 

I quickly straightened myself up to look a little bit more presentable. I was after all just lying on the couch whilst stuffing myself with chips and chocolate. Yep. I did have a hard time moving on from last Saturday and right now I was processing the whole situation by comforting me with snacks. 

"Hi, Connor" I nodded at him and then looked down again. I was not the type to freeze people out. I always seemed to be polite and nice to people, even though they hurt me. But Connor did something hurtful and I couldn't really let it pass that easily. 

"Hey, Maya. I'm so sorry to have put you in that place! I really thought that James would be proved wrong about his assumptions if he got on this kind of date." He sighed deeply and looked straight into my eyes. He moved closer to me now but at the same time hesitating. I watched him closely. What did he mean by that exactly? Was this some kind of joke to him? I was beyond baffled to hear him right now. It felt like the cozy little living room which was normally very warm now felt indeed cold. 

"So I was just some sort of experiment for you to prove a point to him? Well, Connor. I'm sorry to burst your little bubble there, but your little project didn't quite work out as you planned. I assume Rose has told you how the date went?" 

I stuffed some more chips and looked furiously away from him. He walked over to me and took my bowl full of chips away from my sight. "Yes, she told me and I can only say sorry to you at least a thousand times. It was stupid of me to set you up with James, I somehow thought that he would change his mind when he found out how great you are and how beautiful you truly are."

He looked away and cursed at James as if he was here. Luckily he wasn't, otherwise, I would have kicked him out! He kept talking. 

"I promise you, Maya. It will never happen again and I'm deeply sorry and ashamed to have put you in that situation". 

"Yeah, Maya. Can you please forgive my stupid fiancé?" Rose pleaded and made huge puppy eyes at me. What did I expect? 

These two would be getting married in a couple of months and I didn't want to be the one causing more stress to them. I had to forgive Connor for what he did and move on. There was nothing else to do. 

The only thing I had to tell myself now was that this was a once in a lifetime thing. I would never meet that racist guy again. He was rude and arrogant to think that white people were the only people who had something special. I would never meet him again and that meant, this chapter was now over in my life. From now on I had to focus just on my artwork, my job, and my best friend's wedding coming up. As Roses made of honor I had a lot of planning to do for her bachelorette party. 

"I forgive you, Connor..." I looked him in the eyes and I saw relief in his stare. He took me into a big embrace and hugged the life out of me. 

He looked at Rose now. "Well, honey?". Rose who had her arms crossed, slowly let them down and smiled at him saying: "If Maya forgives you I will forgive you too for doing that stupid ass thing against my best friend!". 
Rose really knew how to be a good friend. She always had my back and I loved her for it. Connor kissed my friend on her head. I looked at them and admired them for who they were. Rose was really good for Connor and he was also so good for her. They made a great match. They stood in front of me and held each other tightly. Then they started to peck each other on the cheeks.

Oh, how sweet! 

Then Rose started to kiss him passionately and he kissed her back. "Erhm. Guys...?" I tried to get their attention. This was getting awkward. I tried to tilt my head to the right side to get a view of the TV screen but they were blocking it with their heated make-out session. 

I tried to cough loudly to get their attention. But no, they were passionately gone in their little romantic bubble. I had to somehow burst that bubble. 

"Guys! Get a room! I'm actually trying to watch something!". They suddenly came back to earth and discovered that they weren't exactly alone. Rose blushed and giggled as a way of getting away with it. 

I lifted my one eyebrow and smirked at her. Rose was really happy with Connor and it made me glad. At the end of the day, everyone made mistakes. Every human being would do things they would regret. Even I wasn't perfect. So forgiving Connor for what he put me through was essential for me. I wasn't perfect either. I smiled at them as they retreated from the living room and went back to her room. 

Instead of stuffing more chips furthermore, I decided to head over to my studio to get on with my paintings. I was too distracted by my emotions these days that I didn't get time to paint at all. And now I could sense that I really missed it. To completely get away from this reality and just make art. This was my therapy. 

And this could also be a way for me to celebrate that this chapter was over. James, you will forever be in the past now. 

Or so I thought until...  

Hey guys! What do you think will happen next? Is James out of the picture now or what? ;)

I hope you enjoyed this little chapter. Please do vote and comment, so I can get motivated and so I know that you are on this journey with me! 

In these times where the coronavirus is making us stay isolated, I have more time to read and write. Do you guys do the same? I hope everyone is staying safe!

Keep supporting me, please. I need it guys :D 

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