Chapter 18

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Mayas POV

Before we went to James home, we stopped at a local grocery store to buy all the essential ingredients that I needed to make the food. When we got all the things we needed we headed back to the house.

As we walked into his house I was immediately met by the cutest dog in the whole world.

"You have a dog?" I grinned and loved that his dog was so friendly.

"Yeah, his name is Nico" he said while he took his shoes off. I was sitting in a squat position while petting Nico. Nico was so thrilled to see James and he was especially curious to see me. His tail was wagging like crazy!

I didn't notice anything about his house since I got inside as I was quite busy playing with Nico. I felt a pair of eyes piercing through my back and caught James staring at me and Nico.

"What?" I asked him still playing with the dog.

"Nothing, it's just... Nico usually doesn't act this way when he meets new people"

"Oh, what does he do normally?"

"Well, he would bark or step back to observe first. I think he likes you if he already behaves like this". I smiled back at James and felt relieved to know that the dog in this house liked me.

"Well, then at least this cutie pie isn't reserved as much as the owner, I guess". I smirked at him and saw that he understood what I meant. He just looked at me without replying to it.

As Nico followed James in the living room, I finally noticed how big the house was. It wasn't a luxury house with a pool like some celebrity stars house. It was rather more classic and cozier with a feeling of home. But it was clear to see that a man lived in this house.

Boy, this man needed to decorate this home a bit more! In some way I wondered what was missing about it. I couldn't quite figure it out. When I stood there and thought for a while the thought hit me. It needed some warmth. Some warm colors... Something more personal, like pictures of family and friends and stuff like that. All the walls were bare and felt like they were all alone and nude. But he surely had style when it came to the interior. The living room had some nice couches in black leather with a small table in wooden in the middle. I walked through the living room into the next room. The bathroom was much bigger than mine and there was so much space. I walked inside and looked in awe. How I wanted a bathroom like this one!

"Do you want to check the kitchen out Maya?" He stood at the door frame with Nico by his side. I nodded and followed him to the kitchen. When I saw the kitchen I almost fell on my knees. The kitchen was beautiful!

It had dark brown cabinets with two double doors. The table was made of marble and was shining so clear. It almost looked like the kitchen never got used. I walked along the kitchen table with my hand sliding against the shining surface. I had a huge smile on my face, and I could see that James was watching me as I walked.

"This kitchen is absolutely amazing James! I love how big and spacious it is. It almost looks like no one uses it!". I turned to meet his eyes. He smiled a little and said:

"Well, you're are right, I don't really cook that much so..."

"You don't?" My eyes widened in disbelief. "How can you not feel the urge to use this kitchen. It's the best place in a home!" I grinned at him.

"I never feel like I have the time to cook for myself because of my work, so I usually eat take out or something".

"James... Can you cook?"

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