Chapter 38

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Mayas POV

About forty-five minutes later I got off the bus and walked over to my apartment. I opened the door and turned on the lights. I was drenched and all soaked because of the awful weather. My clothes were all plastered to my body and I decided to take it all off immediately. I didn't care about if the entrance would be all wet or if it was a mess. I just wanted to get it all off. When I took off my underwear, at last, I headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower. The water hit my body and I made sure to turn the water into almost boiling water. I was feeling cold and the warm water was soothing. Then I started to sob like a little girl. How pathetic I was. When I realized that I had started crying I scolded myself mentally for being such a whiner.

I didn't check how long I was in the shower, but I knew it had been a little too long. My fingers were evident as I could see how they turned into raisins. They were all wrinkly because of the long shower.
When I got out of the bathroom, I only had a towel around me. My hair was wet, but I didn't care. I didn't even care to put on some comfy clothes. I just walked around with a towel around my body and opened the fridge to see if I had something to eat. I was still not full after eating all the snacks over at Rose and Connor's place. I saw that I had some leftovers of some lasagna and took it out. I placed in on a plate and put it in the microwave. Because of the noise of the microwave I hadn't noticed that my front door had opened, and that James had walked in. When I turned around and caught him, I jumped in shock and screamed.

'Relax. It's just me babe!'

'Don't you dare call me babe again! And how did you get in?'

'Rose gave me the extra key. She forgot to give them back when she moved out and I knew that if I stood outside, you wouldn't let me in, so she gave me the keys'

'Well, James. I'm really exhausted. It has been a long day and it seemed like I was only coming between you and Anna...'

He walked closer to me, but I only took some steps backward. He looked hurt now.

'Maya. Why did you tell Anna that we were just friends?'

'Please James. Like I couldn't see the way you wanted to say that too'

'Please, Maya. Just listen to me. I can explain.'

'You really don't have to. I could see the way you looked at her. Obviously, she is someone who was really close to you'

He masked his face by dragging his hand over it. He looked conflicted and tired too.

'Look, I can explain alright? Yes, we were very close before, but not the way you think'

I was not ready to hear his romantic love story with that Anna, so I cut him off.

'You really don't need to. I'd rather be free from the information. I won't stop you. If you still like her then that's fine'

My lips were starting to tremble after saying those things to him. God, I wanted him to leave so I could be alone. This was not cool at all! I turned around to hide my face from him. All my emotions always busted me. I didn't want him to see me like this.

'You're gonna feel so stupid when you realize who Anna really is...'

How could he say that to me? I turned around to face him now and he had his hands along his sides. He took a big breath.

'Connor and I had another best friend before...'

What did this have to do with their friend, I thought until he made it clearer.

'His name was Andrew. And now his name is... Anna.'

I crossed my arms and gave him a snobby look. Yeah, that was a nice joke. I waited for him to go on, but he didn't. That's when it became much clearer to me who Anna was.

'Wait, so you're saying that Anna is Andrew?'

'Yes, babe. She left New York for good because she wanted to transition into a woman. She felt conflicted here in New York as her parents didn't accept her. We told her we were on her side, although it came as a big surprise for both Connor and me. I mean, she was Andrew before. The guy we used to hang out with and do guy stuff with...'

'And when she mentioned that it had been five years, you mean she left five years ago to transition?'

He sighed and nodded. 'Yes, I hadn't seen her since then and she didn't even contact us. Until I saw her at Connor's house. I was just really in shock to see my best friend turned into a woman'

'Uh...' I couldn't really say more than that.

'I was just in shock. I didn't mean to make you feel forgotten. I never meant to do that. I was just completely taken away to see her again'

'Right.... Of course. That makes sense' I moved my big toe from one side to another. How stupid of me! I thought that Anna was her ex while in fact, she was a man before! I was really feeling stupid.

James cleared his throat and moved closer to me. I didn't step back this time. I looked up at him and saw him smile at me.

'I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I just thought... t-that she must have been your ex or something.'

'No worries. You are already forgiven beautiful. If that's what got me this chance to see you like this, then I'm quite alright'

Huh? What is he talking about?

Then it hit me. I was standing in front of him only wrapped in a towel. The towel wasn't that big, so it was showing my thighs and my cleavage was visible. I turned into a hot oven in a matter of seconds and tried to get away from him.
He grabbed my wrist and made me come closer. He was now close to my ear and whispered.

'I want all that with you too'

'Em, What?' I was confused. What was he talking about?

'I want to have a family and kids with you too someday'

My heart raced quicker, and my knees melted and turned into jelly.

'You heard me?'

He nodded and kissed me. 'Of course, I did. And I still love you if you are in doubt'

I hugged him and was grateful that Anna wasn't who I thought she was. Then my thoughts wandered back to her.

'She did a great job though. I would never have thought that she once was a man...'

We both laughed. 

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