Chapter 23

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Here comes a long chapter. I struggled a bit to write this chapter as I didn't know how to make this story progress. But here it is and I hope you like it. 
Let me know your thoughts about this chapter. 

Mayas POV

On the way over to James house my mind kept on repeating yesterdays blissful moment. Even though it was very brief and the moment didn't last for more than three seconds, it was the best three seconds with James compared to all the other good times we've had.

While driving my way over to his place a smile crept on my face. I so badly wanted to not smile at the mere thought of us kissing but my silly girly side of me took overhand. I was ecstatic to be able to get so close to the man I felt so many things about.

I reminisced about it for a while. It wasn't because we continued what we were doing after the food came yesterday somehow, we just ended up eating the food and then I fell asleep on his shoulder throughout the time we watched a movie. He then also fell asleep and we both woke up when the movie had ended. It wasn't too late, but he had to go home to make sure Nico was fine and to also get some sleep before meeting up with my parents today.

When I arrived at his house, I walked over to his front door and knocked. It didn't take long before he was at the door welcoming me. I couldn't help but pay attention to his outfit of the day. He wore some nice dark blue trousers and paired it with a white shirt. It was simple and yet so sophisticated. He looked simply amazing.

We gave each other a quick hug and then we were out again, walking towards my car. I was driving us to my parent's house. The ride didn't take that long, but somehow the time seemed to feel longer than it was. James was silent all the way. I turned my face towards him and gave him a big grin.

"Are you nervous James?" he quickly turned towards me and shook his head as he wasn't. I wondered why he was this silent then.

As I drove closer to the house, I could see a tiny little woman standing outside and waving at us.

"Is that your mom?

I nodded at James as an answer and quickly turned off the car to get out and hug my mom. My mom was the same height as me, so she was a little as a hobbit. We were all like small hobbits, like in the Lord of the ring's movie. I chuckled a bit just thinking about it. I knew that James must have begun to feel too big when he met my whole family. He was a giant compared to all of us.

My mom gave me a kiss on both of my cheeks and hugged me for a while. I didn't see my parents too often. And I didn't do it because my life in New York was busy. But I was here with James.

After what happened between James and me yesterday I couldn't help but think that maybe he would be their future son-in-law. I liked the thought of him being by my side.

James reached out to give my mom a handshake, but she ignored his outstretched hand and went closer to him and gave him a big motherly hug. I saw James stiffen at my moms' gesture and felt a little bad on his behalf. But then again, he said yes to the dare and the dare included meeting my family. How else would he get a glimpse of my world and my culture?

As we walked inside the house we were met by my dad and then my sisters.

Dad was smiling at us. Sascha gave her hand to James to greet him politely and Vinni stood behind dad and gave a shy smile to us both. Vinni was the shy person of us all. She didn't say much in front of new people, but she did have her opinions and thoughts, she was just careful about whom she shared them with.

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