Chapter 2

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Liana's POV

"Liana..." Josh said with disappointment in his face.

"Come on Josh it will be so much fun, I promise" I say holding onto hope.

"Liana we can't. We're not staying". Josh really knows how to piss me off at times. I push him and run upstairs in a strop. I hear footsteps following up the stairs after me so I jump on my bed face in my pillow.

It was Josh. Of course it was. Messes everything up and comes to fix it. But this time he's not. He opens my door and walks to my wardrobe throwing clothes out and onto my bed.

"What the fuck are you doing Josh" I say in frustration.

"You're coming with us. Now stop fooling around and pick out clothes. You need pyjamas, clothes and a dress. Pack your shit we are leaving in an hour". He says. Whoops. I feel kinda bad.

"Joshy come here" I say with my arms open ready to hug him. He comes to me and we hug. "I'm sorry I just didn't know you wanted to take me to London."

"Don't be silly." He shrugs before leaving. Holy fuck I'm going to London. I've never been before. And shit. I need a dress.

"FREYAAAAA!!!!" I shout down the stairs. Next thing I know is Freya is in my bedroom. "Right I need a help finding a dress. Josh didn't tell me why. But can you help me please?" I begged.

"Okay that's fine, where are your dresses?" She says looking through my wardrobe.

"That's the thing" I say "I don't own a dress." Whoops. I messed up again. Who wears dresses anyway. Not me for sure.

"Liana what the hell, not even a prom dress?" I shake my head. "I bet you don't even know how to put on makeup." I shake my head again. Guilty. What's the point of going to prom and what's the point of wearing makeup.

I had really clear shin so I didn't need to put makeup on it. I always left my hair as it was naturally curly dark brown and my eyes were just brown. Boring. So of course I didn't go to prom because I didn't have a date.

"We'll go shopping tomorrow for a dress don't worry" I squeal quietly "and I'll do your makeup for the party"

"Party?" Did she just blow her cover. I've never been to a party. Like a drinking party. I remember kid party's in jungle gyms but that's the last party I went to.

"Whoops. Don't tell Josh I told you." Cover blown. Well done Freya.

I get some clothes into my suitcase and a oversized shirt and shorts for pyjamas as I'm only going to be at Josh's. I change into some grey joggers and a yellow Nike crop top. Picture above. I run down with my suitcase ready.

"JOSHYYYY!!! I'm ready". I shout for him to take the heavy suitcase off me. He takes it and by now my dad had arrived home. I gave him and my mom a hug and grabbed my yellow Nike Airforces. "Bye mum be good" I joke.

I jump into the car and put my music in my AirPods. I hated car journeys and as this on is around 3 - 4 hours long, I decided to sleep.

This is part 2 obviously. I hope you all liked it. I haven't gotten into the action yet so just wait until the next chapter.
Love you honeys
M x

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