Chapter 21

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1 month later
Liana's POV

I was at home filming a GTA video with Josh, Vik, Simon and JJ. I get a phone call from an unknown number. Usually when I get a call when I'm recording I won't answer it but I thought it was a prank call so I answered it.

"Hello" I ask. The boys now pay attention to see who it was.
"Hello is that Liana Bradley?" This sounded way to formal to be a prank call.
"Speaking" I say. As we are in a Discord call, everyone could see each other's face.
"I am sorry to inform you but your mother, Ann Bradley, has passed away in a car crash this morning."
"W-what? B-but she can't." A tear falls down my face. "What h-happened?" I ask. Now more tears are falling down my face.
"A drunk driver crashed into her. When the ambulance arrived on the scene she had already passed." The woman tells me.
"Was it quick?" I ask. I look to my computer to see all the boys looking at me and Josh looking very worried. I turn around on my chair so they can just see the back of my head.
"Sorry, was what quick" the woman asks.
"Did she die instantly. Or did she suffer." I raise my voice.
"It was quick. We think she only felt the pain for a minute before she passed." I need to be alone right now. Why the fuck didn't my dad tell me.
"Thank you" I say before hanging up. I leave the call and call Josh on his own.

"What was that" he asks. My eyes just flood with tears. I couldn't hold it in.
"Mum" I say. He listened to the conversation and when I said "did she die instantly" he got the gist. We both start crying and I decided to go down to my dad.

"Did you fucking know about this?" I ask him. He's got a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
"Well it's not fucking my fault is it!" He raises his voice. I go upstairs to get some money and then leave the house.

I can't cope. I need something. I decide to go to a shop. The owner knows me quite well. I get in there and open the door.
"Hey why isn't it Liana" he says. I just smile.
"Can I get a pack of cigarettes" I ask him as they were behind him.
"Cigarettes? Why?" He asks quite concerned.
"I just need them." I say as he passes me a pack. I give him the money and start to walk out. "Oh wait I need a lighter" I say to him. He laughs and chucks me one for free. I walk out and head home trying to sneak the pack in my pocket.

I get to my room and set one off. I begin coughing at how horrible it tastes. My phone started buzzing like crazy but I just ignored it.

My dad comes up to my room and sees I'm smoking.
"What the fuck are you doing" he shouts.
"Smoking. What's it look like?" He comes over to me and slaps me.
"Don't fucking give me that cheek" he walks away. How fucking dare he hit me.

A few weeks later
I decide to hit up an old friend from school. He was a drug dealer and he sold weed quite cheap. I was getting ready to meet him.

I head out the house with my money. I brought £100. I didn't know how much you can get with that but I needed it all. I haven't spoken to the boys either since the day. I just couldn't have been bothered to speak with them.

I meet the boy in a ally way. And showed him the money. We exchange and I head home.

My dads been a dick to me recently. Ever since mum died he thinks he can do whatever he wants to me. Whenever he pisses me off I just put out my burning cigarette onto his skin. It would either end in him punching me or taking the cigarettes off me.

I got home and went straight to my room. I opened my window and then I started rolling up the weed I had just got. I set it alight and started smoking it. I'm guessing my dad could smell it from upstairs because he came up and had a bollocking at me.

"What the fuck are you smoking?" He shouts
"What's it smell like?" I say whiffing it in his face.
"Get the fuck out my house" he says. Fine by me.

I pack my stuff. Just some clothes and other things. And I get out. I had no where else to go so I sit at the end of the drive way smoking. I go on my phone and see a miss call from Josh about 2 hours ago. Maybe I could ask him for help. I open my phone and call him.

"Hey josh" I say.
"Why haven't you been answering me? It's been weeks Liana!" He says down the phone.
"Dads kicked me out. Can I come live with you please." I ask him. He says yes and says he'll come and get me straight away. So now I wait for three hours.

Three hours later, Josh comes and picks me up. I get in and he just looks at me.
"What happened to you" he says looking at my face and the bruises.
"Dad happened" I said back to him. He drives away and I know I will never see that house again.

Half way through the drive I roll down my window. I get out a spliff and start smoking it.
"What the fuck Liana" Josh says.
"Yeh?" I ask him.
"Put that out now!" He says. I put it out on my hand and chuck it out the window. He grabs my hand to look at it seeing loads of other scars that I put out other cigarettes. He throws my hand down and just keeps on driving.

We get into the house and the boys come down and give me a hug. Simon lifts up my face to see the bruises but I just move my head away.
"Same room?" I ask.
"Yeh" Josh says.
"Oh Josh can I have £10 please" I beg him.
"No you're just gonna buy more cigarettes".
"Don't be stupid, I have my own money for that, I wanna go to the library and get a book".

That did sound very unbelievable but it was true. He gets £10 from his wallet and passes it to me before I move upstairs into my room. I set up my room and after I finished I look on the internet to find local drug dealers. I find this one guy and he deals quite close to where we are.

I message him and he says to meet him in an hour. I start getting ready and Simon comes in.
"What happened to you Liana" he says
"Well Simon, some things don't last forever, like my mum. And when someone close to you dies you get quite sad" I said walking past him and out my room.
"Where are you going?" He asks me
"To the library" I say before walking out the front door.

I get to the library and find a book "worst deaths from history". Perfect. I go up to the woman to buy it and she looks at me funny. I just pass her the £10 and she gives me change.

I go to the place where the guy said he will meet me. I wait for 5 minutes until he arrives. He doesn't look like a drug dealer. He just looks like a normal guy.

"Hey you're pretty good looking" he says
"I just want me weed" I sigh. I give him the money and he gives me the weed.
"How about I give you these pills for free. First customer ting. And plus because you got a big batty".

I look at them. They were really colourful and had pictures on them. I took them and thanked him before sliding them in my pocket so Josh wouldn't get suspicious.

I get home and see Josh in the kitchen. I give him the change.
"Oh you actually got a book?" He looks surprised.
"I ain't no liar Josh. Oh and can I get a lock on my door. A girl living in a house of boys and I don't even have a lock on the door" I say. He nods and goes upstairs with me.

"How are you doing?" He asks me.
"I'm doing really good" I said sarcastically.
"Look come on Liana. We're meant to speak about his." He says while looking at my door. He goes downstairs and comes back up with a lock.
"I'm not coping well to be honest. Since mums died I've just gotten really desperate" he looks at me while sorting the door lock out.
"What do you mean by desperate?" He asks looking concerned.
"I mean I've been having sex with random men to get money for weed Josh" I said to him. He eyes raise.
"What about Simon?" He asks
"He's not giving me money, is he?" I say. He finishes with the door and sits on the bed with me.
"Why are you doing drugs anyway Liana" he says. I put my head on his shoulder.
"It's not really drugs Josh. It's just weed. I can't help myself Josh. It helps me to cope." He hugs me and kisses me on the head.
"We'll get help for you Liana. I promise." He leave my room.

I fucking hate this.

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