Chapter 37

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Liana's POV

I've been in rehab for a few days now. I've witnessed so much its unbelievable. They give you loads of unnecessary medication which makes you feel numb and useless.

I made friends with this one girl. I think her name is Tia. She said she got in because she's got a drug problem. I never knew people actually want to go and not get forced to go.

There was this one girl, on the other hand who was just a bitch. She's honestly the most fucked up girl in this place. She got in for drinking but she's a ratchet. She think she owns the place so I tried my hardest to stay away from her.

That didn't go to plan at lunch though. I was getting my food and then I walked over to my table and sat down. She got up from her seat and sat down opposite me.

"Hey" she says
"Hiya, can I help you?" I ask
"What'd you get in for?" She asks
"Attempt suicide". She just looks at me like I'm a freak.
"How long you got in here?" She says
"Only a few more days"
"Days?" She stand up and gets angry. "How the fuck are you in here for days for trying to kill yourself and I'm in here for months?" She shouts so I stand up as well.
"Maybe because I have family who looks after me" I said
"Why'd you try and kill yourself if you have family then?" She asks a bit calmer.
"Psychotic depression" I just say
"I knew you were a psycho" she says. I jump over the table and kick her in the stomach making her fly across the floor. I walk over to her and say,
"I may be a psycho but I'm a fucking good one"
I get pulled away by the staff and into my room where I have to be held until tomorrow.

An hour later I get pretty bored. I realise I haven't cut my hair in like 2 years so I open my door and ask one of the staff if I can get my hair cut. They say sure and escort me to this tiny room with a chair. They tell me to sit in there while they get the hairdresser.

She comes in after 5 minutes and I realise it was one of my inmates. She asks how short I want it so I ask for a bit over my shoulder.
"What you in for?" She asks in a nice tone.
"Attempt of suicide" I respond
"No way so am I" she laughs.
"How come you tried to end it anyways" she says.
"Voices" I laugh jokingly. "I have psychotic depression and I hear and she shit which I shouldn't. Makes me do shit I don't want" I tell her. She seemed really nice and took it really well.
"Ahh nah not the same for me, I got raped and the police didn't believe so I was like, fuck it" she says.
"Oh yeh? I got peer pressured into it, corrosion, and I told a friend but he twisted it around and made the whole school believe I was lying about it". I say
"So you're young then?" She asks
"18" I say.
"Jeez, so is that why you have the depression?" She asks me.
"Nah my mum died last year, it kinda took a turn on me so I started doing drugs and shit. My dad kicked me out so I went to live with my brother and his friends" I tell her.
"Oh really. What's his friends like?" She says
"Well altogether there's 7 of them and they have a YouTube channel..." I say before being interrupted.
"The sidemen?" She asks
"Yes that the one"
"No way, who's sister are you?" She laughs
"Josh's" I say. "However me and Simon dated but then we were all in Paris and I left because they were pissing me off, they didn't bother to contact me until the other day" I tell her.
"Oh shit, you and Simon were a thing?"
"Yeh we were. I still really like him now though but I guess things change" I say.
"Yeh they do a lot of the time" she says before spinning me around on the chair.
"Wa-la" she says showing me what it looks like in the mirror. It looks fantastic.
"Oh my god this is amazing, thank you so much" I say
"No problem. It was nice talking to you." She says before walking out the room. I walk out after her and go to my room as I have to stay in there.

I walk in to see my roommate lying on her bed.
"Hiya you alright?" I ask her
"Yeh I just fucking hate this place" She says and I agree. "You wanna play noughts and crosses?" She asks after. 
I say yes and she grabs a piece of paper and a pencil. We started the game and actually had quite a lot of fun playing.

The dinner time bell rings and she walks out.
"You not coming?" She asks
"Nah I'm in solitary confinement" I joke
"Ahh alright I'll see you in a bit" and she walks off. One of the staff pass me some food and I thank them. I start eating the mush on the plate, little by little. After I almost killed myself I lost my apatite again so I didn't eat that much of it. It made me feel sick anyways so it's best if I leave it.

My roommate comes back and sees the plate of untouched food on the floor.
"Are you not gonna eat it?" She asks. I shake my head and she grabs the plate and eats it for me. A member of staff comes to take the plate off me and thinks nothing off it which makes me and my roommate laugh. It wasn't that bad in here I guess. It's just a bit crazy that's all.

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