Chapter 34

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Liana's POV

I finish unpacking and decide I want to go get some food from the shop.

"Hey Si I'm gonna go to the shop, can I borrow your car, I'll pay for any damages" I say
"I didn't know you got ur licence" he says
"I don't. You figure it out when you take your dads shit" I laugh.
"Can I drive you" he says
"Yeh go on then" I say. Saves on money just in case I do crash.

We walk to his car and start driving to the shop.
"What have you been up to during the year?" He asks me.
"Nothing really" I say.
"Well how have you been then? Gotten into any trouble?" He asks.
"A fair bit of trouble but I didn't stay in jail that long. And I ain't been doing good to be honest with you" I say
"Jail? What did you get in jail for?"
"Stealing and shit"
"Why haven't you been doing good?"
"Well maybe because all my friends, my boyfriend and my brother didn't bother contacting me. I thought I was alone Simon". I tell him "I lost my shit Minter and you didn't even message me once. I thought you actually loved me" I sigh.
"Liana you needed time" he says.
"You don't fucking know what I need" I raise my voice.
"What do you need? I'll give you anything" he says.
"Will you though? Or will you leave me again?"
"You were the one that left first Liana. You left with just a note. I wanted to help but you were just too much". He starts to raise his voice at me.
"Too much? Too fucking much? What the fuck Simon?" I say.
"Just tell me Liana. What do you need and I'll get it you" he says a bit calmer.
"I NEED YOU SIMON!" I shout. He just stays quiet. I've messed this up.
"I'm sorry" I say calmed down. He still doesn't answer me.
"For fucks sake Simon" I say.
"I have a girlfriend Liana" he says.
"You what?" I ask not quite sure if he meant it.
"I have a girlfriend". I laugh through my nose and just lie back in the seat.
"Liana" he says.
"Just take me home please" I tell him
"No" he says bluntly.
"But what about at my house before when you made a move on me? Simon I haven't fucked anyone because I was waiting for you, and you just go and do my dirty like that." I say with my hand on my head.
"I thought you weren't coming back" he says.
"You thought I weren't coming back but you came to see me? Does your girlfriend know about this?" I ask
"Just drop it Liana" he says. Who the fuck does he think he is.
"Let me out" I say.
"Let me out Simon" I say through my teeth. He says no again and locks the doors.
"Are you kidnapping me?" I ask. He just laughs and carries on driving. "Please Simon you're scaring me". He just ignore me and keeps driving.

We get to the supermarket and Simon gets out and quickly locks the car leaving me stuck. There is no way this is happening. I start kicking at the passengers window and it smashes open. I climb out and call Josh.

"Josh" I say while running away from the car to a little park.
"Where are you?" he asks scared.
"I'm by asda but Simon literally just tried to kidnap me, I told him to let me out and he wouldn't then when we got to the shop he locked me in the car and left so I kicked his window in and climbed out. I'm freaking out Josh!" I tell him panicking.
"Come on Liana, surely all them years of fighting class has paid off" he says
"So you're saying I can beat the shit out of him?" I ask
"Go ahead" he says
"Will you bail me out of jail?" I ask and he just laughs. "Right I'll see you later" I tell him and go into Asda.

I walk down all the isles until I find him. He was looking at the chocolates so I walk over to him and grab his neck pulling him down on the ground. I stamp on his head, reach for his pocket and grab his car keys. I run out the shop before anyone can stop me and get into Simon's car starting it up. I drive away and to the sidemen house.

"JOSH" I shout. He comes running down the stairs as I throw Simons keys on the floor.
"Did you drive his car?" He asks I nod and walk around with my head in my hands.
"Josh what if I've seriously hurt him" I say.
"He shouldn't have done what they did" he says which is true.
"I'm gonna hide on the roof, I'll see when he comes home don't tell him I'm there please" I say running up to the roof.

—————— time skip.

It was about 30 minutes later and I see Simon walk up to the house. He looks up, notices me and runs inside the house. I slide down the other side thinking there was a ledge but I just fell right down and bounce on the stones at the bottom.

I wake up to see I'm in the back of the car. My whole body is aching. I let out a little ughhh in pain and sit up. I sit up a little bit and see Simon was driving the car.
"Simon" I moan. I really need to go to hospital. He doesn't reply so I try a different technique.

I get up from the back seat and kiss the side of his neck.
"Liana I'm driving" he says
"Well stop driving and we can take his further." He drives a bit more before turning down a dirt track. I really didn't want to do this but if it helps me then I'll do it.

He stops and gets out. He then opens the back door and climbs on top of me.
"I think I need to go to hospital Si." I tell him
"Shut the fuck up you slut" he says and slaps me. I just lie back and let it happen. He starts to undo my jeans and kisses my neck at the same time.
"Do you have to?" I ask he slaps me again before I remember whah Josh said before "surely all them years of fighting class has paid off".

I lift my leg up in pain and kick him in the stomach. I then hit him in the side of the head multiple times until he passes out. I slide my way to the front of the car and start the engine. I drive out of there and back to the house.

I get out the car and hobble over to the back seat. I grab Simon by the arms and pull him out and into the house.
"Josh I think I need your help" I say up the stairs. He looks over the top and sees Simon's body on the floor. He runs down and I let go of Simon's arms making him flop onto the floor.

"I think I've got this" I said to Josh
"What happened to you?" He asks
"I fell from the roof" I say
"What the fuck Liana you need to go to hospital"
"Let me sort this prick out first" I say and kick him in the ribs. I get a chair from the dining room and sit Simon in it. I then get some rope and tie him up. I bring him to the living room and wait for him to wake up.

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