Chapter 44

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Liana's POV

Today Simon and I were going to find out the gender of the babies. The boys wanted to come along as well so they did. We were sat in the waiting room, most the boys were on their phones until this one mum turned around and looked at me.

"Hold old are you?" She asks.
"18" I tell her.
"And you're pregnant?" She asks with a disgusted look. The boys start paying attention and looks at me and the woman.
"Yes, yes I am" I tell her.
"You're a bit too young aren't you?" She says.
"Nope. Not really." I say.
"Which ones the dad?" She asks looking at the boys.
"Dunno, it could be any of them. That's why they're all here" I tell her. The boys start to laugh but keep it on a low because we were in the doctors. The woman just turns back around.

"Liana you can't go saying that" Simon laughs.
"Well people can't go judging me" I say and put my head on his shoulder. I hate it when people tell me what I can and can't say. And when random people that don't even know me judge me.

"Liana Bradley" the doctor calls. I get up with the boys following after. She asks me the usual, if I've been drinking or taking any medication and I've just told her I don't drink and I've been taking my usual ones.

She tells me to lie on the bed so I do. She rolls up my T-shirt and puts the gel on it. Because it's been a few more weeks, the babies had started to grow a bit more. She uses the ultrasound, finds the babies and takes a close look. She lets me see them first revealing two tiny little penises. I'm going to have two boys.
"Oh my" I say and laugh. The doctor shows the boys and they all jump around the room.

"2 boys!" Josh yells.
"We can teach them Fortnite!" Simon shouts.
"How am I going to cope" I laugh. I already live with 4 boys and now I'm going to have another 2. The doctor wipes off the gel from my stomach and then hands me a picture of the two little babies. It was honestly the cutest things ever. I thank the doctor and walk out with the boys laughing and following after me.

"So which ones the dad?" The woman from before asks me.
"Well I found out that that Blondie there is the father." I say and point to Simon.
"God bless you" she tells Simon and we all just laugh and walk away. Fucking rude much. We get to the car park and before everyone gets in the car I say
"Make sure you come to the sidemen house. We need a discussion" I say. The boys all looked scared but they got in their cars and drove away.

——————— time skip

Me and Simon get to the house last. We open the door and I call everyone into the living room. They all sit on the sofa so I sit on a bean bag in front of them.
"Right" I begin. "Simon gets first choice as it's his children. But I need help with names and I would like you all to help me" I tell them. 
"MORPHEUS" JJ shouts and everyone burst out laughing.
"No JJ" I laugh. I definitely wasn't going to name my child after some guy in the matrix.

"I like the name Ellis" Harry says.
"I like that" Simon says and I write it down on my phone. I really liked that name Ellis
"Chandler?" Tobi asks.
"What from Friends?" Vik asks. I liked it though so I put it down.

"What about Lyle?" Josh asks.
"Lyle Lyle crocodile" Ethan laughs. I put that one down as well because I really liked it.

"Cain" Tobi shouts. I throw a pillow at him and everyone looks at us confused.
"You know the son of Adam and Eve?" I said.
"The one who killed his twin brother?" Tobi says. Everyone just laughs and calls us religious buddies.

They came up with a few more so I decided to go over them with Simon.
"Right so we have Ellis, Chandler, Lyle, Blake, Wyatt, Dallas and Leo. Which ones do you like?" I ask him.
"Why don't you pick one and I pick one." He says.
"Okay I'll pick Lyle." I say.
"Right I'll go with Wyatt" Simon says.

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