Chapter 27

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Simon's POV
2 months later

We see a lot of change in Liana. It makes us all happy that she is turning back to herself. She's started speaking a lot more. Not about herself and her feelings but shes speaking even after an episode. The one bad part is she stays in bed all day and just stares at the ceiling.

"Simon" she asks.
"Yes baby girl"
"Come here and watch these clouds, there's loads of colourful ones" she says. I walk over to see what she's on about and I just see normal white clouds. She's probably just hallucinating.
"Wow they look beautiful baby" I say to her trying not to make her feel bad. "Why don't you stop watching them for a bit? When was the last time you slept?" I ask her. She just hums 'I don't know' and carries on watching the projector.
"Do you wanna cuddle and watch a movie?" Then instantly her head shots to me and she nods her head rapidly. I laugh and lie down on the bed turning on the tv. She cuddles up into my chest and we watch a movie of her choice. She decided to put on tangled. A princess movie.

Half way through the movie my phone starts to ring. I look at Liana and see her asleep on me chest. Last time I saw her sleep was the day before yesterday so I let her sleep.

It was Ethan calling so I answered.
"Hey bro are you coming on GTA" he asks me.
"I'm gonna have to cancel on that one" I whisper. "I just got Liana off to sleep, she hasn't slept in days". He says it's fine and ends the call.

I kiss Liana's head and decide to fall asleep myself.

I wake up and look at the time to see I've slept for 5 hours. Liana was still asleep so I moved away and let her sink into the bed. I go downstairs to get some food and see Vik.

"First time I've seen you in a while" he says
"Yeh sorry I've been caught up." I tell him
"We are all here for her Simon, you don't have to be the one that looks after her all the time"
"I know, I think I love her Vik"
"I can tell. Just let us know if you need help" he says and goes upstairs.

I grab a box of cereal for when Liana wakes up. She usually just eats it out the box. I make myself a sandwich and go upstairs.

———————— time skip.

Liana woke up an hour ago. She had a decent sleep but I realised non of us have washed since 4 days ago. I go and run a little puddle of water in the bath.
"Come on you, bath time" I say to her.

She sighs and gets up walking over to the bathroom. She takes off her pants as she was only wearing a long T-shirt and I help her take the T-shirt off. I take my clothes off as well but leave my boxers on and I get in with her. I just find it easier that way.

I wash her body and check over her to see any extra cuts. For the first time I found no knew ones so I gave her a hug and congratulated her. I then washed my body and rinsed it off with water. I start doing her hair, massaging the shampoo into her head then rinse it out. She tells me to turn around so I do and she starts doing my hair, shampooing it and everything.

We both get out and dry ourselves. I'm really proud of her. She's getting a lot better. Anyways she get new underwear on and puts on one of my T-shirts. I just get into some joggers and a hoodie.

It was almost Liana's birthday. It's the 1st of November and her birthday was on the 10th. I haven't got my present for her yet because I haven't been able to leave the house but I decided to today.

"Hey Liana do you wanna go sit in Joshs room with him? I need to go out shopping" I ask.
"Why can't I stay in here?" She asks back.
"You can, ill leave the clouds on for you and you can play on my xbox whenever you want. I'll be back before you know it." I tell her kissing her goodbye.

I go to tell Josh that she's in my room and I'm popping out to get her a birthday present.

——————— time skip.

I had no idea what to get Liana for her birthday. She doesn't wear clothes, makeup or jewellery. I can't get her chocolate because she won't eat it. I go to look in all the different shops and I find this cloud snow globe. I thought it was perfect so I got it. I also looked a few more shops and picked out a cute little teddy bear and a wooden board shaped in a cloud saying 'I'm so proud of you'.

——————— time skip.

I get home and hide my presents behind the door in the living room as Liana never goes in there. I head up the stairs and into my room to see Liana was playing GTA with Ethan, Josh and Vik.

"Simon's home!" She shouts. I walk up to her and give her a hug and kiss her head.
"What you been up to?" I ask her.
"I'm just playing GTA with the baddest boys in town" she says and I hear cheering coming from the headset. I laugh and let her play. 

I love her but I don't know when I should ask her to be my girlfriend. I know she will say yes but I just want to make sure she gets better first. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know that sounds stupid because she needs a lot of looking after but she's perfect. I will help her through anything no matter what.

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