Chapter 4

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Simon's POV

I get off Twitter and realise that Liana has gone for a while so I get up. I walk out the room to see JJ half asleep on his phone with his back on the door.

"JJ?" I asked him wondering what's happened with Liana. "Have you seen Liana?" JJ doesn't look bothered.

"Yeh she's in my room getting dressed." He's says then realising it's been about an hour since she's been in there. We open to door to find her no where in site but a pile of clothes on the floor.

"Shit she must have gone in the lift. You check downstairs and I'll check upstairs. Quick before Josh gets home." I panic running up the stairs while JJ runs down them.

I go upstairs to the other guest room which we hardly every go in. I open the door and see that the slide door to the balcony was open. I go out there to see nothing. Where is she then?

"Hellooooo?" I heard a faint voice. Am I going insane?

"Hello?" I ask back. What's going on. I can't see her in the garden so where is she.

"Up here silly". What the hell is she doing sat on the roof. I jump onto the ledge of the balcony and onto the roof and up to her.

"We need to get you down before Josh gets home." I say before she puts her finger against my lips. My stomach just did a whole barrel roll. I can't fall for Josh's sister.

"Look at the view, isn't it beautiful?" She admires. It was beautiful indeed. Almost as beautiful as her. Simon what the hell you can't say that. Oh I've gotten myself into so much trouble.

She rests her head on my shoulder and starts humming a song. She was humming when the party's over by Billie Eilish. I joined in and she started giggling.

"Come on you, it's cold and Josh is going to get worried" I whisper in her ear. We slid down the roof and onto the balcony. We walk out the door and look over the stairwell to see Josh, JJ and Vik panicking. We laugh and they all came running up to us.

"Where the fuck were you Liana?" Josh shouts making me feel quite bad. Liana stayed quiet so I spoke for her.

"I found her on the roof. We watched the sun set. She was safe don't worry." I made sure he wouldn't panic too much.

Josh's face rages in anger. "GO TO YOUR ROOM LIANA." I haven't seen him this angry before.

"But-" she says hopelessly. Josh just points his finger towards her door. Now this wasn't on. "I haven't eaten since 1 though, it's 8 now. Can I have some food?"

"I'll bring you some up later". He says while walking down the stairs. What's gotten into him?

"Josh, she just went on the roof. Why are you being so harsh on her?" I say really confused.

"I just want to protect her Simon I always have. She's been through a lot". He says before walking into the kitchen. What does he mean by been through a lot?

I walk upstairs after begging Josh to give me the plate to give to Liana. I knocked on the door and heard an "enter".

I walked in to see her on the xbox playing GTA online. "I got food, chips and chicken nuggets, Josh says their your favourite." She closes down GTA and opens Netflix and begins to pick a movie. "Your food is gonna go cold" I say still holding the plate.

"Hold on I'm picking a movie. You can never start eating unless you find something to watch." She puts on Sinister 2. I'm guessing she saw the first one. I gave her the plate and she patted the bed implying me to sit down so I do. "Have you seen this?" She asks. I shake my head as she smiles straight after.

"Erm hey all us boys are filming a QnA tomorrow, would you like to join?" I ask being polite and hoping she'll say yes.

"I have to go shopping with Freya tomorrow, we're getting me a dress as I don't have one. But if we finish early then sure." I acted chill as she said sure but instead I was jumping with excitement. I might get to know her more with this QnA.

—————— little skip
We finished watching the movie, well I did. Liana fell straight to sleep. She was lying on my chest so I had to slide myself out of there. I kissed her forehead and left the room going into the kitchen to find Josh.

"Hey bro. She forgives you for shouting at her and she said she didn't realise how stupid climbing on the roof was." I made up a white lie just to get Liana and Josh back together.

"Thanks. I was going to ask her if she'd join us with a QnA tomorrow" he says.

"I asked her before and she said sure but when she's come back from shopping with Freya."

"Oh shit yeah. Is everything still happening for the party? Have we sorted everything out? I want Liana to have the best party ever!" He says with excitement.

"Yeah nothings changed. Anyways I'm going to bed now. Night" I say before walking upstairs and into my room. I think I'm falling for Liana.

Whoop. Another big chapter. I'm getting carried away too much. But I wonder what questions are going to be asked in the QnA. And what dress Liana will pick for the party.
Bye honeys
M x

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