Chapter 6

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Liana's POV

Freya and I want into the house giggling about the song we heard on the radio. I walked into the kitchen to see an extra 3 boys I didn't know. I stiffened up in shock as I began to grow shy again. Josh came over to me and introduced me. "Guys this is Liana. Liana this is Harry, Tobi and Ethan." I didn't know there was more. Simon said we would film with the rest of the boys but I thought he was on about Josh, JJ and Vik.

"Hi" I said shyly. I walk turned around embarrassed and walked upstairs with my bags. I went into my room and placed my dress on the bed.

Knock knock. I heard from my door. "Come in". It was Vik. I haven't really spoke to him that much but he seemed alright. "Hey Vik. Sorry about before I just froze up. I'll come down in a second." He nodded and walked out. I decided to get changed as I promise Simon I'll be in a QnA. I put on a puma hoodie and some plain leggings. And headed downstairs.

"Hiya" I say to the boys. "Sorry about before I got a bit nervous. Are we filming or what?" I say as the boys laugh and go into the living room. I sat in the middle with Simon on one side and Josh on the other side. And Simon starts the intro.

"Hey guys and welcome back to sidemen Sunday. Today we are doing a QnA and we are joined with Liana who is Josh's sister." I wave towards the camera even though it was a bit weird at first. Talking to a camera and everything. However we got straight into the video.

"First question, what's everyone's go to food" Harry asks. "Mines pizza"

"Same" Josh, Vik and Ethan say at the same time.

"Ice cream" Simon says

"Pussy" JJ says. Obviously.

Tobi says "chicken"

Everyone looks at me and I say " plain pasta". Everyone looked at me with confused faces and I just shrug my shoulders. "It's nice you should try it" I wink at the camera.

"What do you guys do when you're pissed off at each other" vik says.

"I'll answer for Josh!!!!! He will send you to your room!" I said and the boys laughed including Josh.

—————— tiny skip

"This ones good" JJ says. "How old was everyone when they lost their virginity?" I can feel myself going red. I wasn't ready to tell them about this. Not just yet. Josh knew the whole situation but I guess it flew out his mind.

"19" JJ said.
"Same" Ethan said
"I was 17" Vik said
"Same" Harry and Simon said at the same time.
"No sex till marriage" Tobi said
And then Josh says "I was 16! The youngest". I really wish Josh remembers. I need saving.

They turned to me and I was looking in my lap trying to avoid the questions. "Liana???" JJ taunts towards me.

"14" I whisper. I know it's bad but it wasn't my fault.
"What" Simon says not hearing. No one heard I said it that quiet. At this point I think Josh knew what was going on. He grabbed my hand tight.
"I said 14". Everyone cheered, apart from Josh, for me losing it at such a young age. I wish I hadn't.

Josh helps me up and takes me into my room. The boys noticed something wrong so they followed us up stairs. I didn't cry. I couldn't cry. It's like I lost all my tears from crying too much.

They all sat on my bed wanting to know the story. I have to tell them. "I had this boyfriend" I began "he kept asking me and asking me. I said no everything. He kept playing the guilt trick on me so I gave in. I said yes. It wasn't rape because I said yes but it felt like it. It hurt so much. We didn't go to the police but I told one of my close friends. But then, it got around the school. Everyone thought that I had been raped and when I told them I haven't they called me a faker and I lost all my friends. Well a year later in year 10 it was like a week before we broke up for summer. Now my other ex boyfriend and his mate which I told what happened to, kept shouting "rape" at me. I had enough of it so I went to the councillor. She told the head teacher and he contacted the police. The police came round and I had to explain it all again. I hated every single bit of it. They asked me if I wanted to file a report and I said don't bother. There was no need it happened a year ago I said to the police. They left and I carried on"

I stopped telling the story. Tears started streaming down my face. I'm crying. I looked up at the boys seeing sadness in their eyes, even a tear in some. "I'm sorry" I say.

They all open their arms and I lied back into them across their laps. I finally had friends. I also felt a bit drowsy from crying and fell asleep on them.

This ones a bit deep but uno. At least she got her feeling out towards the boys and I wrote about it.
Bye honeys
M x

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