Chapter 48

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Liana's POV
5 years later

"LYLE LEAVE YOUR BROTHER ALONE" I shout from the kitchen. He comes running in.
"You alright Cain?" Tobi asks him.
"Mummy why does uncle Tobi keep calling me Cain?" He says and Tobi laughs.
"Because Tobi is naughty" I say and whack him with a tea towel.
"Oww" Tobi says and walks off with Lyle.

Josh comes in with Wyatt on his back.
"You alright buddy" I ask him.
"Yeh" they both respond and it makes Wyatt laugh.
"Mummy where's daddy?" He asks.
"Daddy's probably in his room" I tell him.
"Do you want to go and see him?" Josh asks.
"Yes yes yes!" He says jumping up and down on Josh's back.

I finish washing the dishes and goes outside to see Tobi, Harry, Ethan and Lyle playing football. Lyle was more of a football guy and Wyatt was more of a gaming guy. Non of the boys had favourite though which is good.

I go upstairs to see Simon editing a video with Wyatt on his lap.
"Mummy, one day I want to be a youtuber like daddy" he says.
"Because daddy's better then mummy isn't he?" Simon whispers in his ear.
"No! Mummy's better!" He says and runs up to me hugging my leg. Even though we didn't have favourites, the kids did. Wyatt preferred me to Simon and Lyle preferred Simon to me.
"Do you all wanna go to the park and play some football?" I ask them both.
"Hell yeh!" Wyatt says.

I strap Lyle and Wyatt into their car seats and get in myself. The boys were following in their cars behind us and the boys kept looking back to see if they could see their cars. We get to a red light and we stop. Ethan and Harry stop next to us and I roll down the boys window.
"Hi Ethan and Harry!" They shout and wave.
"Hiya guys, keep your hands in ok" Ethan says. The sidemen have gotten very protective of the two boys and it was cute.

We get to the park and choose our teams. I was in a team with Wyatt, Tobi, Josh and Vik. On the other team was Simon, Lyle, JJ, Harry and Ethan. We get the two kids to kick off. Lyle gets the ball and sprints to the goal. He passes it to Simon and he shoots for the goal but Tobi catches it. Wyatt takes the ball, runs past the other team and shoots for the goal and he scores. Everyone cheers and lifts him up into the air.

Lyle starts and pushes Wyatt onto the ground. Wyatt gets up, runs to Lyle and tackles the ball off him. However Harry tackles Wyatt, aims for the goal and misses. Lyle walks up to Wyatt and kicks him in the knee.
"Fuck you!" Lyle yells.
"Oi!" Me and Simon yell at him. Lyle runs off to JJ, Ethan and Harry.

Me and Simon run over to Wyatt who was on the ground.
"Are you ok Wyatt?" I ask him.
"I'm fine, he's really weak" he says and Simon laughs. He fist bumps him and then we all walk over to Lyle.
"Can you apologise to your brother please" Simon tells him.
"I'm sorry" he says genuinely.
"I'm sorry too" Wyatt says.
"Why are you sorry?" Lyle asks him.
"Because you're weak" Wyatt says which makes Lyle and him fight. Tobi pulls Lyle off and Ethan pulls Wyatt off. Having kids was very hard but it was also very funny.

"Who wants ice cream!" JJ yells and the kids yelled "meeee!" They follow JJ to the ice cream van with the rest of the guys leaving me and Simon.

"Hiya honey" I laugh as we haven't spoken much today.
"Hey are you alright?" He asks.
"Yeh I just miss you that's all" I say.
"How about when the kids go to sleep we, you know" he says and winks. I laugh and say ok.

—————— time skip.

"Goodnight boys" I say as I tuck them into bed. I kiss them on the forehead and Simon does the same. They were really tired tonight as they played a lot of football today.

Me and Simon go back to our room and I lie on the bed. Simon takes off his shirt and climbs on top of me.
"Hey" he says and gives me tiny kisses around my face.
"Hey" I say back and kiss him on the lips. I pull away but he pulls back in. I sit up slightly and take my T-shirt. He grabs my boobs and kisses my neck. I start to let out tiny moans and then I roll Simon's joggers down. He does the same to me and goes back to kissing me on the neck. I guide his dick over to my vagina and put it in. He starts to go faster and faster making me moan lots but he covered my mouth with his hand. "Shh baby" he says softly which makes me moan even more.

I turn him around so that he's lying down and I'm on top of him. I sit on his dick and start bouncing on it while kissing his neck.
"Liana I'm gonna cum" he says. I get off and open my mouth trying to catch the cum. I do so and swallow it. "You're my bad girl" he says while grabbing my face.

Two hours later Simon went to stream on twitch so I decided to edit a video. Simon had a small room as his office so I stayed in the bedroom.
"Mummy" Lyle says.
"Yes honey" I say and turn around from the chair.
"I had a bad dream" he says. I pat my knee and he jumps up on there.
"What was it about Lyle?" I ask him.
"There was a woman in a car and she was driving but a car crashed into her. It was scary" he says.
"What did the woman look like?" I ask concerned.
"She looked like that woman in the picture up there" he says and points at a picture of my mum on the wall.
"Oh really? I bet it was nothing. Would you like to sleep in my bed?" I ask him and he nods. I pick him up and take him over to the bed and tuck him in the middle.

Once he'd fallen asleep Simon comes up into the room and sees Lyle on the bed.
"What's he doing there?" Simon whispers.
"He had a bad dream" I whisper back.
"What was it about?" He asks
"He saw a woman crash in a car. He says it looks like my mum" I said. It was strange because we haven't told the kids about my mum or dad so I don't know how he knows.
"Maybe she was trying to communicate with him". Simon says
"Maybe" I say back. We get into bed with Lyle in the middle and eventually fall asleep.

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