Chapter 40

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Liana's POV

I go back to my room and decide I wanted to paint my room. I move everything into the middle of the room. JJ was out for the week on a tour I think so I wouldn't disturb him. I realised I needed tape so I go downstairs to Simon.
"Have you got any tape?" I ask him.
"Why? Have you tied up any more men in your room?" He laughs.
"No Si that was just you" I laugh again and catch a dirty look from Talia.
He walks over to a drawer and passes me a roll of tape.
"Thanks honey" I say and walk back upstairs.
"She's such a bitch" I hear Talia say.
"Just because she's better then you?" Simon's says. Ohhhhh get reckedddddd.

I start taping my wall up with loads of different triangles. Once I finished adding different shaped triangles I open all the cans of paint and put a blob of paint on each triangle to I know what colours to do. I start off with the yellows and finish that in like half an hour.

I hear a knock at my door and see Simon walk in with my smoothie.
"Thanks" I say and put it on my counter.
"What are you even trying to do?" He asks
"I'm going with the flow." I tell him and he just laughs.

I do the purple and then all the other colours after. After I finished it was around 2am. Just because I might have took a two hour break. It looked pretty cool once I took all the tape off. Pick above but with different colours.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen to see Vik.
"Hiya vik what you doing?" I ask him.
"I'm about to stream minecraft with some friends". That sounded pretty cool.
"Can I play?" I ask him.
"Of course, we're just going to play some hunger games and some building games if that ok with you" he says
"Perfect" I say and run upstairs.

I put everything back to its original place and jump on my pc. I always play minecraft on my pc because I find the controls are way much easier. I join Viks call and introduce myself to his friends.

30 minutes into us playing hunger games I kill Vik. He shouts fuck lots of times until we hear down the headset.
"Can you shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep" and a slam.
"Who the fuck was that?" One of the guys ask while we all laugh.
"Simon's ex" Vik says. I laugh harder.
"Why is she even here anyways?" I laugh.
"She's trying to win Simon over" vik laughs.
"Aww the poor girl" I say and continue playing minecraft.

It was about 5am and Vik said he's going to sleep. I say alright and go off minecraft. I decided to go on my xbox and play overwatch. It took some time getting used to but it was fun.

I play for a few hours but then I decide to go downstairs. I walk into the living room and see Simon asleep on the sofa.
"Si?" I whisper. He wakes up and smiles.
"Come sleep in my room if you want". He nods and walks up the stairs with me.

He looks at the wall and looks surprised. But then he lies down on the bed and falls straight to sleep. I decide to play some GTA 5 and try and do some online challenges.

I was customising a new car I just got until Talia barges into my room.
"Excuse me?" I say really confused as to why she's just come into my room. At this time it was around 2pm so I guess she was looking for Simon. He wakes up and looks at her.
"Shouldn't you be getting on? You asked for your wish". He says. What wish? 
"But Simon you cant leave me like this" she says.
"I don't love you anymore Talia. I never really did to be honest, I was still in love with Liana." Why am I brought into everything.
"Can you two take your shit elsewhere, I'm trying to play here" I say and get back to customising my car. Simon lies back down.
"Simon?!" Talia shouts. 
"I thought I told you to go. Just piss off I don't want you back" he says.

She walks off crying and then we hear the front door slam. Simon lets out a sigh of relief.
"You call me a pain?" I laugh
"You are a pain stupid" he says and throws a pillow at me. I throw it back at him walk over and hit him gently.
"Owwww" he laughs. I sit beside him on the bed.
"So is she gone?" I ask.
"Hopefully, she's a fucking bitch." He says
"I know. She was really rude to Vik last night" I say.
"When was this?" He asks
"Around 2:40 maybe" I say.
"Oh I was asleep then" he laughs.

I realise I was already getting really tired so I decide to trick Simon into helping me.
"Si, is it ok if you take me to the pharmacy. I need to get some pills to help me eat" I tell him. He agrees and goes into his room to get dressed.

——————— time skip

We get into the pharmacy and I ask the person behind the desk if I can have a bottle of Modafinil. It keeps you awake for a bit longer. He gives me a bottle of the pills and I pay for them. We walk out and get back into Simon's car.

"Do you want food?" He asks.
"I'll just have a smoothie" I say. I hate actually eating food so I drink a smoothie because it counts as a meal.

We drive to the smoothie shop and I recognise the guy behind the desk. He recognises me and his eyes widen and he touches his nose. I just nod at him.
"Hey can I just get a mango and passion fruit smoothie" I ask. He says yes and goes to make it. He was my first ever drug dealer in London. The one that gave me the ecstasy. He finishes making it, Simon gives him the money and we walk back into the car.

"Did you know him?" Simon asks
"No why?" I ask back.
"It's just how his eyes widened when he say you" Simon says
"Maybe he thought I was good looking" I nudge Simon jokingly which makes him laugh.
I take out one of the pills and swallow it down with the smoothie. This should keep me awake for another 40 hours.

We get home and I jump out the car. I walk into the house and see Josh eating a bowl of cereal.
"Josh it's like 3 in the afternoon" I say.
"It's a snack" he says back. I put my smoothie and pills on the table and walk over to the fridge and grab out some strawberries. Josh grabs the pills and starts reading it before I snatch it out his hands.
"Nosey" I say and put the pills in my pocket.
"What are they?" He asks.
"Just to help me eat. That's all." I tell him
"Cut the bullshit Liana what are they?" He asks.
"What's going on?" Simon asks
"She's got pills but they ain't for her eating I know it" he says. Shit. I leg it outside and I hear "GET HER". I run onto the grass until getting tackled down by Simon. He wraps his legs and arms around me so I couldn't move. Josh grabs them out my pocket and me and Simon both wait for his reaction.

"How many have you taken?" He asks.
"Only one" I say.
"What are they Josh?" Simon asks confused.
"Fucking pills to keep her awake. Why do you need these?" He asks me.
"I was doing this challenge. To stay awake for 100 hours" I tell them.
"That's fucking ridiculous Liana" Simon says still in the grip of me.
"What? It's already been 30 hours" I say. Simon's grip tightens.
"Liana why" Josh asks.
"I don't like sleeping. I keep getting nightmares." I tell them.
"The same nightmares? Still?" Simon asks talking about what happened when I was 14. I just nod and Simon loosens his grip. I sit up and Josh walks off.

"Josh wait" he turns around, "I'm sorry, I love you" I tell him.
"Love you too just stop being stupid" he says and walks back inside.

"Simon I'm sorry" I tell him.
"Save it" he says and walks off. I just lie back looking at the clouds. Whoops. Maybe this challenge isn't the best.

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