Chapter 13

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Liana's POV

Today is Friday. I think Simon was coming today. It was my day off from college so I had all day to do whatever. I took some dogs around the neighbourhood out for a walk just for a bit of cash and now the time was 4pm. I was wearing a cute purple hoodie and also white joggers with my grey vans.

Simon messaged me saying he told Josh he was off to his mums for the weekend. Thank god for that. I told Simon where I lived and I didn't know what time he was going to come.

——————— half an hour later

Knock knock. I run downstairs and open the door to Simon. I hugged him and welcomed him in.

"Mum, Simon's here" I say to here. She walks in and when she see him she gets a bit edgy.
"I didn't know it was Josh's Simon" she says but she still hugged him hello.
"Just don't tell Josh mum. Please" I beg her.
"Liana I can't do that" she says
"Please Mrs Bradley" Simon begs as well.
"Well I guess I don't have to tell him everything" we both hug her and I take Simon upstairs.

"You're going to stay in Josh's room. There's a TV in their but if you want to go on the xbox then you can use mine." I say to him but he instantly goes into my room and turns it on.

"Simon would you like to walk down to the high street later? There's this really nice pizza place and I just want to show you around a bit. Then I was thinking maybe we can go into town tomorrow, I already checked the weather and it's going to be pretty nice. I was thinking we could walk around the town park and do some shopping." I say. He laughs at how I've already prepared everything.

"Yeh of course. When do you wanna go?" He asks.

"Nowww!!!" I say running down the stairs. He comes down after me and we leave the house.

I take him around my little village. "This is the bridge" I say taking him over it.

"I can see that Liana". Well I didn't mean it like that.

"No the bridge, it divides the estates. When you are on this estate the sun shines. These are the nice houses. However when you walk over the bridge it starts to get cloudy and it's full of young moms and drug dealers." I say.

"I see what you mean." He says as we get over the bridge and gets a smell of weed. We get down to the high street and I take him to the pizza place.

We ordered and then we left to come back in around 20 minutes. I take him down the high street and hast all the shops until we get to the bottom.

At the bottom it was my old school. I told him about it and pointed out a few class rooms. I also told him about my science teacher and how funny he was.

We walk back up and go to the park. This park looked nice. It had flowers and everything. As it was a Friday and around 4:30 some kids were still playing on the park. I recognised some of them as they were in year 9 when I left. They came up to us and asked Simon for a photo. They also asked why I'm hanging around with him and I just told them that he came down with Josh to visit me.

We headed back and grabbed our pizzas on the way. When we got home we headed up to my room and watched some Netflix. We swapped half of our pizzas over as he got a different one to me. I had a cheeseburger pizza and the sauce on top of it was delicious. Simon however wanted to try the full English breakfast pizza.

We watched a few films on Netflix and finish the pizza before he falls asleep. I turn the TV off and decide to go to sleep as well. I lie down next to Simon and watch him asleep until I gradually fall asleep with him.

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