Chapter 49

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Simon's POV
10 years later

Today was the boys 16th birthday. It was also Tobi's birthday so we decided to throw a massive party.

The boys were following after my footsteps. Lyle played for Millwall juniors. Him and Josh would go and watch every game. However Wyatt liked more of the YouTube side of things. He had nearly 5 million subscribers which was very surprising for a 16 year old.

We had some incidents with Lyal in school. He would keep getting excluded from school because he'd always be fighting. He's also a ladies guy. With one for a few weeks and then he's with another one.

Wyatt was one of the popular kids but never got into trouble. He's had the few detentions here and there but altogether he was good. He's got a keeper as well, a girl he's been with for a year now. She was a year older then him but she was a very nice girl.

Liana and I got married 5 years ago. We both love each other and always spend time with each other. We both are keeping up our YouTube channels however Liana is more a streaming type of person.

Together we made the best family together. The boys loves the sidemen and always try and spend time with each other. We'd always have a FIFA Friday where we'd all come to the sidemen house and play fifa with each other. I am really proud of the boys even if they are annoying.

Anyways Liana and us guys were setting up everything for the party. We had drinks out and we ordered lots of Pizzas. The boys invited 10 people each to the house and Tobi just invited whoever he wanted.

—————— time skip.

Everyone gets here and the party begins. There was dancing, singing and shouting. It was mad. Especially because there was 20 teenagers in a house full of youtubers.

Liana was over dancing with Freya and Gee having a fun time. She hasn't drank a drop of alcohol since before she was pregnant with the twins so she and Tobi just had orange juice. I had a few drinks but I still knew what was going around.

I go to find the boys to see what they're doing. I find Wyatt playing FIFA with his mates and a few of my mates. I look all around the house trying to find Lyle and end up in the garden.

There he was smoking a blunt with 5 of his mates. I walk over and just stand in the circle they were in. His mates just stood still with a shocked look on their faces.
"If you're gonna smoke a blunt, at least offer some to JJ and Harry." I say. I was mad at him but I couldn't tell him off in front of his mates. However they all laugh and run inside.

I just stand outside for a while letting the air hit me.
"Si?" Liana says from the door. She walks over to me and puts her arms around me.
"You alright?" She asks me.
"I think Lyles definitely got your personality" I laugh.
"Why what's he done now?" She asks.
"Smoking weed" I tell her.
"He's just a teenager Simon. You know what I was like back then. He'll stop. We just need to support him" she says. I guess she was right. I kiss her on the forehead and we walk inside. There we see two girls dancing on the tables. It was Lyles and Wyatts girlfriends and they had a bit too much.

"Girls!" I shout and they look at me. "Get down you've had a bit too much to drink" I say. They roll their eyes and get down. They are really nice girls but sometimes when they're together they get a bit off the rails.

All the kids now were off the rails and it was 11 at night all the guys tried there hardest time get them out.
"Dad is it alright if Sophie stays the night?" Wyatt asks.
"As long as her mum knows" I say and he goes into his room. Lyles bedroom was on the top floor so I went up to see him. When I get there I knock on the door.
"Yeh" He shouts from inside. I open the door and walk in to see him on his computer and his girlfriend on his bed.
"Are you staying the night as well?" I ask her.
"If that's ok with you? I've asked my mum and she said I could if I'm allowed." She asks politely.
"Yeh of course that's fine. Just don't be getting into trouble" I say.

Harry got the boys a box of condoms each for there birthday. I didn't like the idea of them doing it but as long as they are safe then I guess it was alright.

I go back downstairs to see the boys left in the house. We played a few games and I got a bit more drunk. The boys already planned to stay the night which was fine. We played truth or dare and it was pretty funny.
"JJ truth or dare" Josh asks him.
"Dare!" He shouts. JJ was a tiny bit too drunk.
"I dare you to smoke one of Lyles splifs" he says. Everyone laughs and JJ lights one up. He smokes it all and we all clapped.

————— time skip.

It was a few hours later and a few drinks later. I go upstairs and into the bedroom to see Liana getting dressed. I wolf whistle at her and she laughs.
"Oi you you're too drunk" She says.
"And you're too boring" I tell her. She just rolls her eyes and jumps into bed. I get undressed and jump in next to her.

She looks at me in the eyes and smiles.
"What?" I mumble.
"I'm so happy I have you" she says.
"So am I gorgeous" I say and she kisses me on the lips.
"I'm too drunk!" I moan.
"I know you are grumpy. Now get to sleep" she laughs.

I lay my head down on the pillow and think about everything in the past years. Meeting Liana, helping her, loving her. The kids, the trouble we have to go through to look after them. Them growing up and becoming like their father. It was all amazing to think about. Just everything. I love the kids and Liana. I don't think I would have gotten anywhere without them.

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