Chapter 46

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Simon's POV

Today Liana, the boys and I were going shopping for the babies. We've already painted it a baby blue colour and now we just needed the essentials and toys.

We had a little leak with one of the videos a few months ago which revealed the fact that Liana was pregnant so we both sat down together and posted a video about it. The fans were really supportive and couldn't wait until they see another two Minters.

Liana only had around 2 months left. The babies should come out on April 15th and all the boys were excited. I am quite worried letting the guys hold the babies just in case but I'm pretty sure they will be fine.

We get to the baby shop and the guys run off finding toys. Liana and I walk over to the cribs and she picks out this really nice one. We get two of them and find a push chair. We looked through a lot but I saw this perfect one. It was a  twin pushchair but also a car seat. It was perfect.

Who knew that baby things are so expensive. We walk over to the clothes and find Josh, Harry and Vik.
"Hey guys" I say. They all say hi and show us the clothes they've picked out for the boys. They were super cute and I knew Liana liked them by her face. Josh got two that says "coolest uncle ever" and I saw this one that says "Im proof daddy doesn't play video games all the time".

Anyways we walk over to the toys and see the rest of the guys playing with them.
"Guys come play with these" JJ laughs. They picked out a few toys and other stuff.

We go to the counter to pay for it all and it was very expensive for a few things. It came over £3,000 which was a lot. We put it all in the car and head home. Liana was making a vlog about it since the fans knew about it. Her fans really wants her to make a daily vlog with the kids but she didn't really like the idea and wants to keep the kids on a low.

We get home and get everything upstairs to the room and build everything up. Us guys try our hardest to build the two cribs but we couldn't.
"Come here you stupid dimwits" Liana says and moves us out the way. She gets down and starts to put the places in the right place.

—————— time skip

About 30 minutes later Liana finishes the first crib. She gets up and goes to do the second one.
"We've almost finished Liana" Harry says.
"Are you sure? I don't want it falling apart while the kids are in there" she says. I think she was getting very protective which I understood. So was I at some points. She lets the boys finish the crib and she gets in it.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ethan laughs.
"I'm making sure it's stable" she laughs back.
"You're a fucking nutter" JJ laughs. She really was a nutter. We help her out and she was quite heavy.

"Bloody hell you don't eat but you're fucking heavy" Josh says.
"Sorrey" Liana says.
"We just have to wait 2 more months and then she'll be as light as the babies" I say.
"Alright alright this isn't a 'take the mick out of Liana's weight day'" Liana laughs.
"We love you Liana" JJ says and we all give her a group hug.

We finish the room and we go downstairs. We all go into the living room and watch some movies. About a few minutes after we hear a knock at the door. Harry goes to get it and then calls Liana, but I didn't seem to bother. Harry goes off to the kitchen to get a drink. I continue to watch the TV until I hear Harry shout
"What the fuck? Who even are you?" and it concerns me.

I get up and go to the door to see the guy I punched in the face 2 years ago.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I shout.
"I came to apologise" he says. I pull him into the house by his shirt and shut the door. The boys now come into the hall to see what's going on.

"Who's this?" JJ says
"That dick that fucked Liana!" I shout and punch him. JJ also takes a punch at him but the other guys held us back to do any more punches.
"Look I just wanted to say sorry" He says and looks at Liana. Liana just looks at him and walks into the kitchen. She comes back out with something behind her back.
"Sorry for what?" She asks and gets up close to him.
"For making you..." he was about to say before Liana whacks a rolling pin in the dick. He falls to the ground and Liana stamps on his head. Josh pulls her off and Ethan kicks him out.

"Liana you're gonna break someone's skull by doing that" Josh shouts.
"And? He deserves it" she says. Harry, who was holding me, let's go so I run over to Liana and hug her.
"I'm so sorry" I say.
"What for?" She asks
"For seeing him again. It must have brought back a lot of memories" I say and she just shrugs her shoulder.
"I'm fine" she says as she begins to cry. I hug her tighter and everyone else comes up to hug her.
"Thank you guys" she sobs. "Thank you for helping me through everything. I love you all" she says. We all Aww at her and say we love her too.
"Thank you and Simon for giving us two nephews" Vik says. The boys classed the kids as their own nephews even though they haven't came out yet. The boys really enjoyed looking after Liana and shopping for baby things.

I couldn't wait until the boys come out. I've already planned out things we are going to do together like video games and football. I can't wait.

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