Chapter 41

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Simon's POV

I glanced out my window to see Liana still on the grass. It's around 8 so it's pretty dark outside. I just stand there wondering what she's doing. I get my phone and call her. I see her arm reach into her pocket, looks at it and puts it back into her pocket. That son of a bitch. I call her again and this time she answers.
"Hello, this is Liana Bradley from the sidemen house" she says causing me to laugh.
"What are you still doing outside you numpty"
"I don't know actually it's really cold" she says and gets up and walks into the house. She ends the call and I sit back down at my desk.

About 10 minutes go by and I see something out the corner of my eye from the window. I looked like the top of a broomstick with a piece of paper attached to it. I open my window and grab the paper. It read
"Bitch I know you see me, in my Lamborghini" I laugh and look up to see Liana's hand grabbing hold of the brush from the roof.
"Liana get down now, you know what happened last time" I tell her. I hear a tut and footsteps from the roof climbing down onto the balcony.

5 minutes later she comes in and lies on the bed. She just stares at the ceiling so I go back to editing.

30 minutes pass and I get up to go get a snack before seeing Liana still on my bed with her eyes starring at the ceiling.
"Lee get up" I tell her and she just grunts. I grab her by the arms and pull her downstairs. Many bumps and carpet burns from her later I pick her up and throw her onto the sofa in the living room.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask her. Her eyes glow up,
"Legooooo. It's in my room though" she says and huffs. I get up, run into her room, get the big box and run downstairs. I start taking all the pieces out the box and onto the living room floor.
"Can I time lapse this?" She asks.
"That's a good idea actually" I say and she puts her phone against the wall facing the sofa.

After we took the pieces out we started building it by the instructions. The instruction book was really thick so it was going to take us a while. It was already around half 9 in the evening and I was already tired. I help her with some of it before falling asleep on the sofa an hour later.

——————— time skip.

I woke up to the sun blinding me in the eyes. I look down and see Liana still building it. She has actually gotten half way trough it and it looks pretty good. I check the time on my phone to see it was 9am. Liana has been working on this for 11 hours. I've been asleep for 11 hours.

"Hey don't you think you've done enough?" I ask her. She just ignores me and carries on concentrating. "Liana Bradley do not ignore me" I tell her. She giggles and carries on. She's left me no choice but to pick her up. I did so and I took her to the kitchen while she was trying to wiggle her was out my arms.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask her.
"Smoothie" she says fast.
"You can't keep drinking smoothies all the time. Why don't I make some pancakes and you can have one of mine?" I ask her. She nods her head so I cook us up some breakfast.

After I finished, I slid the plate over to her and she pours syrup over it. She begins to eat it so I sit down next to her and eat my three that I made myself. By the time I had finished, Liana had just finished her first.

"You're such a slow eater" I tell her.
"Simon I don't feel too good" she says holding her stomach. I quickly hurry her to the nearest toilet and she begins to be sick. Maybe she was right. Maybe that's why she keeps drinking smoothies.

Anyways I held her hair back until she finishes and then she just sits with her back against the wall. I sit with my back against the bath. She looks terrible. She has bags under her eyes and she's still got a bruise from when Talia kneed her in the face. She continues to hold her stomach before throwing up again in the toilet thankfully.

"What's going on with you" I say with a slightly higher voice.
"I don't know, I'm probably on my period" then it hit her.
"Oh no" she says "oh fuck" she says again "oh shit" she says for the final time before I interrupt her.
"What's going on?" I ask her.
"We need to go to the shop" she says.

She gets up and walks out the front door. I follow her and open my car allowing her to get in. I drive to the nearest Asda and she gets out as soon as I park.
"Stay there" she tells me. I refuse and demanded to be told what's going on. She walks up to the shop and I follow after her. She walks all the way up to the condom section and to the pregnancy tests. She picks one up and now I feel like I've got an idea of what's going on.

"Oh my god Liana really?" I ask really excited.
"Simon you may be happy but I'm only 18" she says.
"It's ok though Liana because if you are pregnant I'll help you through it. So will Josh." I say and she laughs.
"Josh will kill you" she says. She pays for it and we get back into the car.

We get home and Liana goes straight to the bathroom and locks the door. Shortly after she opens it for me to come in.
"Now we wait" she says.
"How long?" I ask.
"About 3 more minutes."
"Liana this is the best thing ever" I say. She smiles.
"Maybe it is." She smiles again. I feel like she started to know the fact that she might become a mum.

"Right that's time" she says picking it up. I crossed my fingers and brought them up to my face.

"Simon. I'm pregnant" she shouts and jumps on me. She's fucking pregnant. I'm going to be a dad!

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