Chapter 25

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Simon's POV

I wake up to see Liana besides me asleep. She fucking made me take them pills. I picked them up and walked to Josh's room.

"Josh..." I say seriously. He looks at me and then my hand.
"Did she take them?" He asks
"Worse, she made me take one. She wouldn't put it in my mouth and held my mouth closed until I swallowed it." I tell him. His eyes widen and his eyebrows raised.
"I'm sorry" I tell him.
"It's not your fault. It's her. I just don't know how to keep her contained." He sighs.

We both go into my room and see Liana awake but just lying down.
"Liana" Josh asks. She screams. It was fucking ear raping. She starts moving hear head side to side covering her ears.
"She's having another episode" I told Josh. The doctor told us to not panic when she gets them and try and comfort her.

I hold her and keep telling her to shh. About 5 minutes later she seems to have calmed down. Whenever she has these episodes she usually doesn't speak to anyone for 2 days after.

"Hey beautiful". She just looks at me and rolls over.
"Liana" Josh says. "What do you want for dinner?" He asks.
"For you to fuck off" she says quietly. He walks walks over to her and sits down so she can see his face.
"I love you" Josh says. She just closes her eyes.

"I give up" Josh says and walks out. I go over to Liana and kiss her forehead.
"Hey" I say. "Can I straighten your hair for you please?" She sits up and I go and get the straightener. I part her hair and being straightening.

About 30 minutes later I had finally defeated the curls and not it was straight. She looked amazing. I take her to the bathroom so she could see her hair. She smiled. Usually she wouldn't show any expression at all straight after having an episode but she smiled. I grab my phone and tell her to pose. She smiles and I take a picture of us both. I upload it to Instagram with the caption "let's show some love for Liana. Get well soon ❤️😙".

Liana goes back into my bed and I decide to record some GTA. I put the projector on for her for when she wakes up.

After finishing it was around 10pm. I decided to edit the video and then head to bed. After finishes editing I go over to the other side of the bed because Liana was sleeping on one side. I decided to look through Instagram and there was a lot of comments on the picture.
Some were saying get well soon, some were asking what happened to her and some were saying not very nice things.

I go on twitter and decide to tweet out something.
Liana Bradley is one of the best people I know but unfortunately she's been ill for a couple of months. She's trying her hardest to recover for you guys so just bare with her. Show her some love.

I post it and it instantly gets nice comments. I kiss Liana goodnight and fall asleep.

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