Chapter 43

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Liana's POV
A month later

Me and Simon are going to the doctors today. We were finally going to see if I actually was pregnant. Simon has been looking forward to it for the last week. I was quite scared. I still don't know what to think about it.

We were sitting in the waiting room and I was twiddling my fingers.
"Don't be nervous" Simon tells me. I just smile. A woman walks through the door with a push chair and sits next to me. I look inside the push chair and see a tiny little baby.
"Aww" I say. The woman laughs.
"She's cute isn't she" she says.
"Yes she is very cute." I say.
"This girl right here is very nervous to have a baby. Can you reassure her it's not that bad." Simon tells the woman.
"At first I thought it was the worst thing in the world. Considering I was going to be an single mother. But when she came it it changed my life around. It's amazing" she says and smiles at the baby. I just smile and look down.
"See I told you it wasn't going to be that bad" Simon tells me.

"Anyways how old are you" she asks.
"I'm 18" I tell her. I was expecting a eww face from her but she just smiled.
"My sister was 18 when she had her child. She really wasn't looking forward to it but when the baby popped out I've never seen her take her eyes of him.  Her boyfriend left her though so you're really lucky you have him" She smiles.
"Probably because he's 27." I laugh.
"27?" She looks at me weird.
"Yeh he's my brothers friend and I haven't even told my brother yet." I pull a scared face.
"I'm pretty sure it'll go alright" she reassured me.
"Thank you" I tell her
"What for? She asks
"For making my mind up. I'm really looking forward to it now so thank you" I say. She smiles and we hug.

"Liana Bradley" the doctor calls. Me and Simon get you and I say bye to the woman. The doctor asks me a few questions.
"Right Liana, when do you think you got pregnant?" She asks.
"A month and a week ago" I told her.
"Ok can I have you lie down on the bed please. I'm going to put some gel on your stomach it might be a bit cold." She says. I lie down and hold Simon's hand.

She uses an ultrasound to try and find the baby. She stops in one place on my stomach and shows Simon the screen. Simon covers his mouth and starts to cry. I look at the screen and see a tiny little baby.
"Oh my" I say.
"Hold on a second" the doctor says and moves it again. I look at Simon confused and Simon keeps looking at the screen.
"Holy shit" he says.
"What" I ask. The doctor shows me the screen again and it reveals another tiny baby.
"We're having twins Liana!" Simon shouted. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to say.
"I can't believe it" I say. Simon starts jumping around the room.

We get out and into Simon's car. I'm really quiet because I just don't know what to say.
"Oh my fucking god Liana!!!!!!!" Simon shouts.
He starts the car and drives away from the doctors. He rolls down his window and yells
"WOOOOOO". I've never seen him this happy before and I like it. "Come on you! Dance with him" he says while bouncing up and down in the car.
"Simon be careful stupid" I laugh at his attitude.
"We need to tell the boys! Let's go out for dinner and tell them then." He says. I get my phone out and message the group chat.

Liana: Can everyone come for dinner tonight?

"Where are we going for dinner tonight Si?" I ask him.
"Fuck it let's go Nando's" he laughs.

Harry: Where to?
Liana: Nando's 😉
Ethan: cominggggg
JJ: what time?
Liana: half 7 ok with everyone.
Tobi: See you there.
Josh: Why?
Vik: I'm in
Liana: We haven't eaten out in a while so me and Simon thought we'd all go.
Harry: Alright

—————— time skip.

"Guys are you coming or what?" Simon shouts up to Josh, JJ and Vik. They all come running down the stairs and outside to their cars. Liana and I get into my car and we drive to Nando's.

We get there to see we were the first so we ask for a table for 8. The waitress takes us to our table and we sit down.

About 10 minutes later all the other guys arrive. They all start talking and ordering food. I had to have food today because I couldn't just sit there with nothing so I have a salad. I take one of my pills that help me from throwing up.

We get our food and before we start eating Simon stands up and knocks on his glass. Everyone pays attention to him. Oh Christ. I really wasn't looking forward to this.

"Right guys I have someone very important to tell you" Simon starts. "LIANAS PREGNANT" Simon shouts. Everyone claps, even the people not on the table. I start going red and put my head in my hands.
"And guess what's even better! SHES HAVING TWINS!!!!" Simon shouts again. Even more cheers and yells and whistles were being thrown around the air.

Josh, who was sat next to me shook me in excitement.
"Holy fucking shit Liana I'm so proud of you" he says.
"Really?" I ask looking up.
"Yes this is amazing oh my god. I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" Josh shouts and there's more cheering. Maybe it really wasn't that bad after all. I was shitting it telling Josh but now he's happy for me. This is the best thing ever!

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