Chapter 3

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Liana's POV

"Liana we're here" Josh whispers to wake me up. I've slept the whole ride. I got nervous and started to tense up because I'm not good at meeting new people.

"Josh I don't wanna go in, I'm scared" I said looking at the big house that stood in front of me.

"I'll look after you don't worry. They won't bite." I gave in. I shouldn't get scared. After all I am living with them for a weekend. I get out of the car and Josh goes to open the door. I hide behind him.

"JOSHHHHH YOU'RE HOME!!!" I heard a scream which made me jump. I hold onto the back of Josh's hoodie. Are these men maniacs?

I went on my tiptoes to look over Josh's shoulder as I am only 5'1 to see 3 guys. I saw three however my eyes focused of one in particular. Oh shit I shouldn't be looking at him he's Josh's friend.

Josh picks me up and places me in front of him. "Guys, this is my sister Liana. She's a bit shy to meet you but she's just gonna have to get used to it. Ain't you?" He looks at me and I nod.

"Hi" I slowly say. The boys look at me and all said hi back. I guess this isn't so bad after all.

"I'm Simon, that ones vik and that ones JJ". The fit one says. Oh shit not fit. Well I can't lie he is good looking. They all seemed pretty chill actually.

"Liana I need to drive Freya home. Why don't you get yourself comfortable?" He says while turning around and walking out. I stood there looking useless with my suitcase looking even more useless.

"So Liana, how long are you staying?" Simon asks me. Ahhhh he's speaking to me.

"Only until Monday, I have to get back to college on Tuesday." I say nervously.

"Hey why don't you come sit down and we can talk and everything. You can get to know us and we can get to know you" he says walking into another room.

Him and vik were in front of me and I was following them until I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned around and saw JJ's eyes looking at my ass. I knew I shouldn't have worn joggers.

"S-sorry" he stuttered. What's up with this dick. He's pretty fine though.

"JJ don't be an ass. Anyways Liana what are you studying at college?" Vik asks. I observed him. His face and his posture. Just so I know what he's like. You can tell a lot by someone's posture.

"Erm Animal care. Level 3 it was the harder one and I couldn't be bothered to do level 2 which was for 2 years and level 3 for 1 year. What do you guys do?" I ask. They laughed like I was stupid.

"Have you not heard of us? Has Josh not told you about us?" JJ asks. Why should I know them. There just Josh's friends.

"Josh doesn't really speak about what he does. He told me he just lives with his mates." I say confused.

"We're you tubers. We have a channel together called the sidemen." I looked at them like I hadn't a clue. Which I don't. I don't watch YouTube I just play on my xbox. Shit I forgot to bring my xbox.

"Shit" I mumbled going over to my suitcase. How could I forget my precious xbox. I get my phone to call up Josh. He will answer on Bluetooth.

"What's wrong?" Vik asks. I ignore him and walk around the hall way. At this time JJ and Simon stood and watched what was happening.

Josh picks up sounding quite worried. "Josh we need to go home." He asks what happened and the face on the boys just looked confused. "I left my xbox at home. I need to play." I say dramatically. The boys laughed and Josh ended the call.

"Liana there's already one in your bedroom" Simon says. Ooooo free xbox I think so.

"Take me to my room please sir". He laughs and grabs my suitcase beginning to walk upstairs. I wasn't going to have him carry my suitcase, I've got it so I grab it off him. Nicely of course.

"Hey feisty, I've got it". I give in and let him take it.

"Don't call me feisty" I growl. Before we knew it i was stood in front of my door. Simon opens it and it looked absolutely beautiful. It wasn't like a normal guest room. It was decorated the way I would decorate it.

"Wow" I whisper. Simon laughs at my response and plonks the suitcase down with his body next to it. I go over and grab my pyjamas out. Pick above.

I didn't wanna budge Simon out so I went into the room next door. It was massive. I observed the room around me until the door opened. It was JJ.

"JJ I'm sorry I just needed a place to get dressed. Simon invaded my room and I didn't wanna kick him out. I'm sorry" I say shyly.

"Heyyyy it's ok. Just come out when you've finished ok." He says and leaves the room after. Oh. I guess he's not that bad. Quite nice actually. I get dressed and put my clothes on the floor as I notice a lift. A lift inside a bedroom. Seriously.

I get in and press a random button. I'm going on an adventure ooooo.

This ones quite long so I'm sorry. I hope you're liking it as much as my fingers are.
Bye honeys
M x

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