Chapter 47

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Liana's POV

Today was the 8th of April which meant is was Tobi's birthday. Tobi just wanted us all to play video games with each other rather then us all go out. Everyone was in their rooms at their own houses and I was in the living room on the xbox down there.

First we all played some GTA online. Vik was being helmet boy which made us all laugh. We got to the casino and all spun the lucky wheel to see what prize it'll give us. Coincidentally Tobi got the car which was a one in 20 chance. The boys all had better money, houses and cars then me. I only had part of a penthouse, a cheap house and a car I found off the streets.

We then decided to do a few GTA matches. I surprisingly came last in all of them.
"Thanks to Liana, I no longer come last" JJ laughs down the mic.
"Yeh you're right. It takes longer for girls to cum then boys." I say which makes everyone laugh.

I think the boys were all in a good mood because 1 it was Tobi's birthday and 2 it was only a week until I give birth.

We all decided to go on minecraft and have a competition at who can make the best house. I quietly got up a YouTube tutorial on how to make a cool house in minecraft. We only had 30 minutes to make it and then we'll all have to stop and look at each other's.

I started building mine quite a bit away from the other guys just so I wouldn't crash into their buildings. I think we all had a feeling that Vik was going to win this as he is the minecraft king. After I finished the outside of the house I turned around to have a little peak of everyone else and see a giant penis in the distance. I begin to laugh and ask
"Who's fucking penis is that"
"It's mine!" Harry yells and everyone turns around to look at it.

I do the inside of the house with a kitchen, a living room and a bedroom. It was very cute and modern. I decide to add some finishing touches since we had 10 minutes left. I added 7 dogs and named them all after the sidemen because they are all bitches.

The time was up and we all went to the middle. We decided to go to Harry's first and it was a pretty decent penis. Inside it had a bed and many smaller penises inside. He also added a naked manikin inside the house as well and Ethan went up to it and started making kissing noises.

We go up to JJ's house and see nothing but a disappointment. It was a small 12 by 3 stone house. We all laughed and went inside to see a bed, a chest and some carpet around the room. Tobi looked in the chest and burst out laughing which made us all look in it. It was a picture frame and he labelled it "JJ's nudes".
"Oh shit that's not meant to be in there" JJ says and takes it out which makes us all laugh.

We go to Viks house to see a nice quarts house. We walk in but then I feel something dripping down me. I look to see what it is and I think it was my waters breaking.
"Erm guys" I say. They just all keep talking over me. "GUYS" I shout.
"What?" Ethan asks
"I think my waters have broke" I say. I hear ruffles from Simon's mic and then Tobi says,
"Oh my days their gonna be my birthday twins!"

Simon runs down the stairs with Josh straight after him. "Come on we need to get you to the hospital" Simon says and picks me up.
"I can walk you know" I say.
"Tell the boys to meet us at the hospital" Simon tells Josh and he says ok before getting his phone out. Simon puts me on the passenger seat and drives to the hospital.

"Oww" I say in pain.
"What is it?" He asks keeping his eyes on the road.
"I think it's contractions, but I'll be fine" I say.
We get to the hospital and walk in saying my waters have just broke. I follow them into a room by myself.
"Is it ok if my friends come in?" I ask the midwife.
"If you are ok with that then of course but they will have to give us a bit of space" she says and I nod.

—————— time skip

It was a few hours later and my contractions were getting worse. I held Simon's and Josh's hands as the pain got worse. The boys were stood around the room on their phones.

The midwife comes in and checks how wide I am. She asks me what position I want to be in and I say my hands and knees. She says I can begin to start pushing so I do. It hurts quite a lot.

A while later and I'm still trying to get the first baby out. The boys were all stood to the side so they couldn't see my vagina but Simon wanted to. "Right there's the head" she says "keep pushing" she tells me so I do. It was hard but I kept pushing. Next thing I know I hear crying and Simon say,
"oh my fucking god".
The baby came out at 9:20pm.
"Right ok he's out but you need to keep pushing" she says. Simon cuts off the umbilical cord, picks him up and then the crying stops. He takes him over to me so I can see him and I begin to cry.

My next contraction comes up and I keep pushing. This time it was a lot easier to push the other baby out. I kept pushing until the second baby comes out at 9:37pm. This time Josh cuts off the umbilical cord and picks up the baby. They both wrap them in blankets which Vik brought up with him. I lie down on the bed and take deep breaths in and let all the boys look at the babies.

Simon and Josh both give them to me and I look at the both properly. They both had light brown hair but one had brown eyes and the other had blue eyes. The boys all sat on my bed next to me.

"Can I take a picture?" Tobi asks.
"Of course" he says. He was sat on the end so he held his phone up in the air and we all smiled. The babies both look at me and smile.
"Aww they just smiled at me" I say.
"Who's who?" Simon asks.
"The blue eyes is Lyle and the brown eyes is Wyatt" I say.

I kiss them both on the head and pass them to Simon.
"Look at my beautiful baby boys" he says and shows the rest of the guys.
"How can two ugly fucks make them cuties" Harry says.
"Oi you bitch. Watch your language" I say.

An hour later the boys have all had a turn at holding the boys. Tobi was especially happy that they were born on his birthday. I could tell Simon is the perfect dad just by the way he looks at the baby boys and I could tell the sidemen would be the perfect uncles. However I had this strange feeling that Lyle would be the naughtiest and a daddy's boy and Wyatt would be a mummy's boy.

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