Ch. 1

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I gasped for air. Reaching for the one thing that I felt I didn't have with me for such a long time. My eyes immediately scanning everything around me.

I could see I was in some sort of cave, I scanned through the drawings along the wall. I looked down, taking in the soft fabric that wrapped my body. A silky white dress I wore, as I sat on something quite uncomfortable.

I was sitting on a coffin, a white one with the doors wide open.

I hadn't even realized I was still breathing extremely fast.

"Hey, It's okay it's okay!" A petite young woman said to me as she softly brushed my arm up and down.

"Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here?" I quickly asked paying no attention to my surroundings any longer.

The young woman scanned my face silently for what felt like forever before she finally answered, "What do you mean? Do you really not know?"

"What in the hell are you talking about? Where the hell am I and what are you speaking of?" I shouted.

I looked around once more, a few women stood in the doorway of what I presumed was the cave I was in.

"You really don't know?" The woman asked with confusion over loading her face. "Know what? Okay you are really starting to creep me out, can you just tell me what the hell is going on?" I pleaded.

She held her pointer finger at me, signaling that she needed a minute before rushing off to the woman at the doorway. I saw her whispering things into one of the woman's ear and then turning around to look at me. The whispering and staring continued for a good few minutes, using my time, I once again continued staring at the walls, so far that was the most impressive thing i had seen yet.

The drawings consisted of stick figures many of them stuck out to me and for some odd reason, almost felt a connection between them. I then realized how stupid I sounded to myself for thinking that I was somehow connected to the weird drawings on the wall.

Nothing else stuck out to me in the cave, besides the drawings, it was only me and this coffin along with what seemed like a thousand candles surrounding me.

The young woman slowly walked back to me. "Okay, my name is Jane-Anne Deveraux. I'm one of the local witches and we need your help." She looked up at me as she knelt down beside my coffin.

Everything was a big question mark right now. Where the hell was I? If i'm in a coffin shouldn't I be dead? And what was this girl speaking about?

The confusion that surrounded my face couldn't have been more obvious. "Witch? Are you some kind of lunatic or what? And how am I suppose to be of any help to you?" I laughed nervously.

"I'm gonna explain something to you which is probably gonna scare the hell out of you and confuse you even more but you have to know if there's any chance of you helping us out" She quickly said reading my face as i nodded understanding.

"Okay, you see all of these women?" Jane-Anne pointed at all the women in the doorway who were now facing my way instead of out.

I nodded as i looked each and every one of them in the eye. There couldn't have been more than maybe 6 of them present, not including Jane-Anne.

"We're all witches. I know that may come as a shock to you but that's not the important part. The important thing is letting you know of what you are." She explained carefully. Witches? As hard as i tried, I tried finding the prank in all of this, waiting for one of my friends to come and tell me that there was a genuine explanation to all of this. But for some odd reason, I couldn't even think of any friends I had. There were bits and pieces that I couldn't put together, I felt like part of me was missing and I couldn't figure out what or why.

"What I am?" I asked in confusion. She nodded before speaking once again, "Your name is Vanessa. Vanessa Parker.The reason for your slumber is because a very powerful witch casted a protection spell on you. You, Vanessa, are as well, very powerful, more than anything on this planet, which is why we need your help." She explained.

My mind quickly flooded with memories of my last few moments before my deep slumber. The memories included painful punches to the face and then a sudden gust of wind that i felt freed me from the pain I once felt. I gushed at the thoughts of what once caused me tremendous pain. And suddenly I could remember the moment I was put in a box, I could see a woman whispering things under her breathe, as everything around her moved around due to sudden wind, and just like that. I was asleep.

"How am I powerful? How am I supposed to help you guys?" I asked desperately for more information

"When you turned 25, your father had finally found out what you were, and made it his life mission to kill you. He considered you an abomination to this world. When you turned 25, while you were out playing with the village children, your father was on his way to kill you due to what you were. That very powerful witch I told you about, was told by ancestors that you were the one that needed utmost protection. So she used herbs and quietly put you to sleep and brought you here. Where she then put a protection spell on you, one that allowed witches only to see you were here. Witches from before i was ever born, did everything possible to try and find a spell that could undo it, but its like she hid it so only a witch who was willing to die could unravel the spell. We never had a volunteer before but due to reasons that take too much explanation, one made herself available. And so we undid the spell, and voila, you're alive again." She breathlessly spoke.

I hung onto every word that came out of her mouth, taking in all the information that was thrown my way. Everything somewhat made sense but there was one thing that still confused me about the whole thing, "Wait," I spoke after a few minutes of me processing, "then what am i? what am i that my father considers an abomination?"

"Vanessa, you are Mother Nature herself. You are the Chosen One." She whispered with a smile forming on her face.

"Excuse me?" I laughed, that seemed just utterly ridiculous and stupid the second it entered my ears.

"I know its all confusing but you didn't know because it doesn't really hit until you live through a quarter of your life. But before you could actually live it, you were put to sleep for your own protection."

Everything was still confusing to me but most of it was starting to make more sense. "Okay then how am I supposed to be of any help to you?" I asked

"One of the Original Vampires is threatening to kill each and every last witch here in New Orleans and before our friend died, she told us she was sacrificing herself for the lives of the rest of us." She explained

"Don't worry about your magic, we have someone who can help you control it and learn to use it. But we awoke you so you could help protect us from a monster." She finally finished off.

It was completely silent in the place i was in, I was taking in everything that was handed to me. Everything still confused me but part of me felt like this was familiar.

"Were gonna take you someplace to change and shower and all of that stuff and then you can meet the witch who's gonna help you control your powers okay?" She said as she helped me out of the coffin that I was already growing not fond of.

I nodded before i spoke once more, "Wait, how long was i in a slumber for?"

"Close to 200 years." She said.

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