Ch. 16

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"Call me if you need anything" He said to her as he parked in front of Rousso's.

"I don't have one of those little phones remember" She laughed

"I'll call you from Marcel if anything okay?" She offered. He simply nodded before she exited the car and entered Rousso's.

On the furthest stool, sat a drunk Marcel. Him and a blonde woman looked back at her.

"Sorry we don't open until 4" The woman said as she patted Marcel.

"I'm a friend, don't worry." Vanessa explained. The blonde looked over at Marcel who nodded at her that it was okay.

"Came to drag me out?" He said taking another sip from the bottle.

"Nope." She replied as she grabbed a bottle for herself and took a sip. She knew it was quite early to be drinking but didn't wanna leave Marcel to do it on his own.

"I'm Cami" The blonde spoke up before reaching her hand out for Vanessa to shake.

"I'm Vanessa, nice to meet you."

"So you're the infamous Vanessa?" She asked

"Infamous? How do you know me?" Vanessa nervously laughed.


"Oh... you know him?" Vanessa questioned.

"He always compelled me to be his eyes and ears with everyone and would compel me to forget unless he was face to face with me but then Davina helped me break through the compulsion and now i'm basically his therapist." She explained quickly

Vanessa continued looking at her with a questioning look, still not knowing how she knew of Vanessa.

"He talks about you a lot." She said

Vanessa's cheeks blushed at the comment.

She didn't want to admit it, but she was a bit jealous of the fact that Klaus confided in someone else. She knew, however, she had no right to be jealous, since she only knew him for a couple of days therefore still wasn't aware of his days before she appeared.

She was pulled away from her thoughts as Marcel took another sip from his bottle, blocking out the girls.

"You know Marcel, we'll get her back." Cami said to him

"Yeah and how are we gonna do that? Cause right now she's probably waiting on her ancestors or something. I don't see how we're going to get her back." He sighed

"I promise, I will find a way." Vanessa assured him

"Now we have this whole, vampire killer on the loose who clearly wants something. I don't know, things just keep getting prioritized over Davina." He huffed

"Not for me. It may for Klaus and everyone else, but not to me. I will get her back." Vanessa said.

"Yeah, well according to the mark on those guys' heads', trust me, you're gonna want to put that on top of Davina." He said

"Why?" Her and Cami asked at the same time.

"Let me tell you about the guy that once tried to go up against Klaus."

Marcel then proceeded to tell us about some witch that wanted part of the city Marcel and Klaus built so long ago. Precisely after WW1.

He explained how Klaus was persistent on not giving up his city but Elijah thought otherwise. Elijah thought it would be best to negotiate with said witch.

The witch was named Papa Tunde and Klaus had invited him to Marcel's welcome home party after the war.

"I wasn't sure why he invited him. If he wanted to kill, why be nice enough to invite him over for drinks and dances." He explained.

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