Ch. 2

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Jane-Anne and a few other witches took me to a house which i presumed belonged to one of them.

"Okay, the bathroom is upstairs, you'll find everything you need in there" Jane-Anne concluded to me as she pointed towards the end of a long hallway. I simply nodded, making my way down it and entering the room.

It consisted of an a particularly small room with a tub and what i concluded was a shower. Its been so long, all of these things are so new to me. A white towel laid over a bar and a second one accompanying it.

After a few minutes of struggling on how to turn it on, I was finally able to hop in and wash off myself. I was down for almost 200 years and a "shower" was very much needed.

Soon, I was all clean and i wrapped the towel around my body and scrunched my hair with the other to dry off any excess water dripping from my brown locks.

I wasn't really sure where I was supposed to go to so i simply walked out of the small room and entered the hallway. Two witches stood down the hall, almost as if guarding the entry. "Miss Vanessa, your room is this way. I'll have you know that Mrs. Celeste will be up shortly to help you control your powers." The redheaded woman told me. I simply nodded and entered a room.

A bed lay across from me, along with wooden nightstands on each side. There was a small couch and a few oher decorations sprawled across the room itself.

"I guess after a while, styles change huh?" I whispered to myself. A lot of the things in the room were unfamiliar to me but i paid small attention to them. I quickly changed into the clothes that were sprawled across the bed. No big dress. Nothing of that sort. Instead it was a pair of pants thing and a regular shirt.

Soon, a woman entered the room. "Hi, I'm Celeste. You must be Vanessa" she spoke as she stuck her hand oout for me to shake.

As soon as I shook her hand, I felt my head spin, almost a painful feeling and suddenly I was back in my village where I could see a woman staring at me as I played with the children of the village. The brown woman watched over me carefully but never came any closer. And soon after, I was back to the real and present world.

"What in the bloody hell was that?" I nervously asked.

"You had a vision?" She asked, but not worriedly, almost as if she already knew.

"Some woman was looking at me from afar. I've never seen her before." I spoke as I looked at her, immediately understanding what had just happened.

"That would be me. You see, although I take form of a different person than what you just saw, I have the ability to jump from body to body. Therefore explaining why i look this way today. The day you were ut down for a long and deep slumber, I watched you from far away, making sure you were the chosen one. Just like you, I am very old, older if im being precise. However, you, Vanessa, are very very powerful, and you are the key to bringing down the man that once was the reason I died." She breathed out.

"I'm sorry but i dont know how to do anything witch related. Im not really sure how im supposed to just be of help to you guys."

"That's why I am here, I'll teach you spells and all the things you need to know in order to control your powers. All so you can help us bring down the Mikaelson family, do you understand?" She asked me.

"Well what was so bad that this Mikaelson family did to you that they deserve to be brough down?" I curiously asked.

"For starters, I fell in love with one of them. Elijah Mikaelson. My one true love. We were the happiest ever, it was like nothing could come between us. That was until, of course, "Always and Forever" finally did." She began saying as she walked around the room.

"Always and Forever?" I asked.

"Yes, Always and Forever was frankly the reason I was killed. You see when it comes to the Mikaelson family, no matter how hard you try, someone will always end up hurt. And of course that was me." She looked down, a few tears flooding her eyes but she quickly wiped them away.

"So this Elijah, betrayed you?"

"Not directly, you see, when his brother, Nikklaus ordered for the witches to be killed, he did nothing to save me, he instead lived by his phrase to always and forever stick to his brothers side. Even if it meant me dying in the midst of it. However, luckily for me, I was able to jump into another body and after a long and well thought plan along other witches who have also been collateral damage when it comes to the Mikaelson siblings, the final key to finally bring them to their doom, is you my darling." She finished off.

I processed everything in my head quickly. I couldn't see how I was supposed to bring someone down to their doom. Violence seemed like it wasn't in my system.

"I'm so sorry, however, i don't understand how i'm supposed to be of help. Yes, I understand i'm extremely powerful and everything of that sort, and I also understand that you are gonna help me control my powers. But to be exact, what am I really supposed to be doing to this Mikaelson family?" I finally asked

"You, Vanessa, are gonna kill them." She bluntly said

I stared at her, words unable to spill from my mouth. Never in my life did I think I would live to see the 21st century, let alone kill someone.

After what seemed like hours of talking to Celeste and many spells and what nots' later, I couldn't really do much with my so called powers. We ripped open a pillow case and she taught me how to lift feathers into the air. But I didn't really accomplish much. Celeste said however that when the time came to bring down Klaus, my body alone would know what to do, and that all i really needed to do was focus on my main goal.

"So when are we supposed to do this thing?" I asked curiously

"Tomorrow, around 6. Don't worry, Klaus doesn't stand a chance against you. I've been told by ancestors that although you know nothing, your body will reach for you and surely do the job on its own. The second you feel fear, you'll know exactly what to do." She smiled at me as she brushed against my arm.

"I'm going to let you rest now, you must be tired. You'll do great tomorrow, I know it." She said once more before exiting the room.

Although I had been asleep for almost 200 years, after receiving all the information I had gotten, resting seemed like the only good thing that came out of today. So I lay across the very uncomfortable bed, and as hard as I tried to sleep, I couldn't.

Instead I found myself wondering why this Klaus Mikaelson could be the way he was. What drove him to be cruel not only to the people around him but possibly to his family. If Celeste really was Elijah's love, why was it so easy for him to not care about his siblings feelings.

I don't actually think he could've been born this way. No one is born evil, instead they are taught evil acts, but it doesn't make one an evil person, it makes them a person who can still be saved, ever from his own demons.

I tried picturing this Klaus guy, I was hoping something like what happened earlier with Celeste, the whole vision thing, would happen again. However it did not, even though I tried really hard. I came to the conclusion that I most likely have to have physical touch with this person. And before I knew it, I was asleep, this time by choice.

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