Ch. 12

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"Marcel!" Davina yelled as she quickly got out of the car running into his arms.

"We didn't want to leave her alone in that attic, it's too dangerous" Vanessa explained as she walked out as well, follow by Klaus who stayed near her.

"Thank you" Marcel responded as he continued embracing the young girl.

The group ran inside of the building. Marcel took Davina to one of the rooms and demanded two vampires stay and protect her. Klaus and Vanessa rushed to his office where Rebekah stood next to Elijah and a familiar face to Vanessa, Sophie.

Vanessa stopped in her tracks, not knowing whether or not to trust the witch.

"Listen, I know you probably don't trust me because of my sister, but right now, let's just focus on Davina and the whole ritual." Sophie said as she lifted her hands up in surrender.

"Do you actually think we're going to let you finish that ritual? Were you not the one who was trying to stop it?" Vanessa exclaimed

"Listen, my niece was a part of that harvest ritual, that's why I tried stopping it. Nobody except the elders knew the reality of how they were going to sacrifice those girls. Like I explained to Rebekah, one girl wasn't meant to hold that much power, it'll kill all of us, and then it'll kill Davina." Sophie pleaded

"Please, the girls are supposed to be resurrected after, it's always worked this way. I used to not believe, but now we don't have a choice, either we finish it, or we all die doing nothing about it." She finished

"No way in hell are we finishing that ritual." Marcel spoke up

Suddenly, once again the earth shook, startling everyone and making everyone unstable on their feet. Vanessa was quick to grab onto Klaus for support who quickly grabbed onto her as well.

When all was calm, they looked at each other, quickly separating themselves from each other once they realized their positions.

"Are you sure about that?" Sophie asked

"Maybe there's something I could do?" Vanessa spoke up

"Like what?" Klaus asked her

"I don't know, maybe I can calm her down a bit, it could give us more time to think of an actual plan." She suggested.

Everyone nodded, as she began walking towards the door, every window around them flew open allowing big gusts of wind to enter. Once again knocking some of them off their feet.

"Help her." Marcel pleaded Vanessa, to which she quickly left the room towards Davina.

She made her way down the long halls finally arriving in the doorstep of the witch. She excused herself through the vampires who looked at her with dirty looks.

"Vanessa. What's happening to me?" She cried out.

"It's the ritual. Sophie said that when the ritual was stopped, you stayed with all the power that was supposed to go back into the earth. And now, it's consuming you, but don't worry, i'm going to try and calm you down so we have some extra time to figure out what we need to do." Vanessa explained as she slowly brushed through the girls hair in hopes of soothing her pain.

"At the church, you said that it's the phases of the earth. Earth, wind, water and fire. We already went through earth, and now wind. It's only a matter of time before water and fire arrive, and I kill everyone." She yelled out to herself, once again causing gusts of wind to make their way into the room.

"Hey hey! Calm down. You will not kill anyone. Here let me help." Vanessa said as she grabbed onto the girls hands and quietly chanted something in her head. As always, she didn't know how she was doing it, but her body did it for her.

Soon the young girl laid back into the bed, the wind slowed and everything was once again quiet.

When she turned around, everyone was in the doorstep.

"How'd you do that?" Marcel asked her

"I'm not sure. My body kind of does it for me. It was a spell to calm her nerves down. She's asleep right now, I don't think she can do anything while sleeping." Vanessa explained.

Everyone stared at her in awe, wondering how she was capable of so much in such little time.

"So, what's the plan?" She broke the silence.

"We're going to finish the ritual." Marcel spoke up in defeat.

"What?" Vanessa questioned everyone in disbelief

"Either we do the ritual and hope she's resurrected like they say she will and we save the city as well, or we let her destroy the earth and die for certain in the process. And if there's any chance for her to come back, I'm taking that chance." Marcel spoke up.

Vanessa simply nodded, understanding she didn't want to interfere with his emotions at the moment.

"Come on, let's leave him with her for a while." Klaus suggested. She nodded and found her way out of the room. They all walked downstairs besides Marcel of course.

"You're not going." Klaus stated towards Vanessa as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Excuse me?" She questioned

"Those witches are going to be there. If anything happens to you-" He began

"No, I'm going." She cut him off

Everyone stared at the two discussing with wide eyes.

"Vanessa." He huffed

"Hey, let's not forget that those witches are trying to kill you." She tried justifying.

"And you." He defended

"Yeah but lucky for both us, I'm the reason we're both still alive. If you're going, and those witches are going to be there, I'm not going to risk you dying just because you want to protect me." She said with crossed arms, standing by her choice.

Just as he was about to argue once more, he was interrupted by his sister, "Oh come on Nikklaus, she's clearly a fighter. You're not going to win this one."

Vanessa sent him a smirk to which he rolled his eyes, "Fine, but you stay by me, we're not going to give those witches a chance to try and snatch you."

A smile grew onto her face as she jumped up and down. Rebekah laughed at their little argument, thinking that it was the cutest thing ever.

"Sophie, call your little witch friends and make sure they're ready." Klaus demanded. She quickly pulled her phone out and made her way out of the building.

"They better not try anything stupid." Elijah spoke up, gaining looks from everyone.

"We won't let them. Davina isn't dying for nothing." Vanessa spoke up.

Soon, each one of them made their way to their rooms to prepare for the night.

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