5. she's the one

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Dedicated to ECSC87 . The words in the comment made my day. Sometime I feel as if I'm just fooling myself thinking I write better. Thank you so much dear for proving it wrong. Once again thank you.

Sahir pov

From that day, I always try to see her any place possible. I followed her to canteen, I look into her classroom through the window. Rahul says I'm love sick.im was so.... how to describe myself? Creepy? Maybe.

It was nearly two years when I last saw her. She was a year junior to us, me and rahul. On the last day of college for my batch, we had a party, you know it was a drink party actually. I was standing outside the party hall when I heard a girl cry. I walked to that room and found a drunken batch mate of mine was on top of a girl.

I pulled her back and before he could punch me I pushed him to the ground. I looked at the girl and was shocked to see it was Zoya Siddiqui. My blood boiled due to anger and that I couldn't protect her. At that point, I recognized that this is not just a mere attraction, but love.yeah, she's the one for me. My match.

The next day we guys were leaving to our home country. So, before that me and rahul wanted to go talk to few of our teachers and bid a formal bye. I walked into the staff room to find zoya. I acted I didn't see her. "Ma'am, please ma'am. I dozed off yesterday. Im sorry. I promise to complete the work by evening.please.... please....." I smiled to myself. And her lie.... why dont she complain?

That was the last day I saw her. And then the first time I heard her name..... from rahul. He actually didn't remember her. Why would he? I'm the one who was smitted. "Hello bro, you home?" I heard Tej, one of my cousin. We are really really close. Like siblings can do.

"Nop. Not yet. I'll be leaving in a few minutes." I said and hung up after a small talk. He said he and his family were all at home for a get together. I'm supposed to go home then. I live at my own apartment. Even my parents didn't  object my decision.

I looked into the glass door of zoya's cabin to find her working yet. As my pa, obviously she has loads of work. I knocked on her door. She stood up and I walked in to find it really neat and tidy.

"The office car has already left. If your going I can drop you." I said and she bit her lip thinking for a while. "Uhmmm sir... I have few work left. I mean the Sharma groups files" she said. "Tou can do it tomorrow. So, if you can, make it fast. I dont have all day."

I have no clue about my mind. I just wanted to show my rude side to her. Sahir... she wont like you even a bit if you behave like this. "Sorry sir. I'll be out soon" she said placing her things inside her bag.

We both got into the elevator. "Ohh zoya, who's that guy in accounts dept you were talking to?" She looked as if she was thinking for a while. "Ohh yeah Mohamad." You have to see her smile when she mentioned his name. I just felt like an anger bomb was ready to blast.

"Yeah... well, I dont like my employees being all friendly with the other departments. They can be in their same dept as they work together." I said and heard her murmur,"as if you have 2 or 3 assistants" I felt my lips curve upwards. I soon regained my expressionless self back and said,"i heard you." I looked at her and saw her bite her tongue.

"Cute" i muttered. "What sir?" She asked. "Nothing" I said and within a second, the elevator stopped. Shit. "What the fuck" i shouted. She looked at me wide eyed. "Haven't you heard someone curse?" I asked and she shook her head.

It was dark inside. I turned on the flashlight. I tried to call someone but no coverage. I was happy one side that I'm stuck here with my love. But one is people will ne worried. Mom and dad would think I'm working but zoya's mom and sisters?

"Hey zoya are you crying?" U asked when I heard sobs. I saw her sat kn the floor and covering her face with her palm. She didn't reply to me. "Zoya..." I said and walked close to her and sat in front of her. "Look here" I said and made her look at me. "Dont worry. I'll take you home." I said .

"I told mom already saying I will be late because I have work" she said and looked down fidgeting with her fingers. "Then why are you crying?" I asked for what she replied," I'm scared of dark" she said and I held in a laugh.

"Your not a kid to be scared of darkness" u said for which she said,"its from when I was about to get raped" she said and covered her mouth. "Jm sorry" I get it. It was that day at the college.

"Sir..." I heard zoya after a long silence. "Hmm" I said not looking at her side. "I know it's not permitted to hold hands but I'm really so scared..." before she completed I held her right hand in my left. I gave e a warm squeeze. I didn't utter a single word and nor did she.

It was around 1 midnight when my phone went off. Soon zoya came close to me holding my shirt in a fist. I could feel my heart beat raise. I was sweating and I am sure shell sweat with her hijab on. "Uhmm zoya " I said. I dismt hear her reply. "Zoya" u said a little loud this time.

"Huh?" She asked and pulled away saying," I'm really sorry sir." I was worried for her more than I was enjoying this stay with her. Suddenly the elevator quaked, and zoya slid to my side without balance. The lights came on. She was si close to me that I could smell her hair.

She held my thighs while I had my palms flat on the floor. She slowly stood up straight and when I was about to stand, the elevator shook again and she fell on my lap facing me. She had an equal shocked expression.

When she stood again, thankfully the elevator didn't shake again. While I slicked the g on the buttons, zoya was behind me. As I turned to face her, the elevator reached fast down to the ground floor and landed while i fall down and zoya on top of me.

The most shocking and first time thing was her lip smashed on mine. What did just happen? She didn't pullback and I know that was due to shock. Without a single thought, I kissed her. She looked shock and pulled back.

Without a single word she stood up and walked out the elevator. I stood up and slapped myself. I walked to my car and found zoya standing near the car. I know she wont go at this hour alone. I opened the passenger seat door and closed after she slid in.

"I'm sorry..." I trailed off as I got in the driver seat. When I reached the gate I informed the security to check on the elevator. "Zoya...." I looked at her and saw her at the verge of crying si I stopped my vocal system and drive to her apartment.

She got out of the car and without a second glance nor a word, she walked straight into the building.

Zoya pov

What happened? I came home and without a word walked into the room. I had a warm shower and I was continuously rubbing my lips. My inner voice ut was an accident. But, my stupid mind says I loved the way he kissed when our lips met. Its not an accident that he kissed.

Next day I avoided sir in all possible ways. As I'm his pa I have to be all time with him. And oma the party is today. After lunch when I was inside the cabin, I saw a bag with a black full length party wear, stilettos and matching jewellers. Ohh yeah, hijab too.

But... who could have kept it here? I was thinking when I heard,"I kept it" from behind and soon turned just to come face to face with my boss. He had no expression. I bit my lip in nervousness.

"Sorry?" I asked for what he shrugged and walked into his room and started working. "I cant accept this sir" I said fir which he looked up at me with a glare." You have to miss. Siddiqui" he said and returned to his work. His tone had an authority, finality that cannot be changed by any persuasion.

And, here is the 5th chapter
Hope you guys would love it.

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