16. Sahir gets married to...

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Sahir pov

Why did she shout so loud. "What's wrong?" I asked and I was sure she could have noticed the concern in my voice. "Sorry sir. I was on a call and without realizing...." I cut her off. "Fine. You make sure you don't shout like that again.

I got a call and answered it just to hear the voice of her. It was a girl from the orphanage. "Sahir... where are you? You didn't come to meet me since.... mmm... long...." she said in her baby voice. "Ohh... I'm sorry madam. You know I love you and I really missed you." I said and she was silent. I'm sure she's being mad at me.

"Baby.... I'll come today, okay? But... I'll be bringing someone" I said planning to take zoya with me. I turned around to find zoya just about to walk out her cabin. "Zoya" i said and she asked,"what?" Without meeting my eyes.

"I have to go outside now, and your coming with me." I said and she soo said,"I cant sir. You can go and anyway I'll be a thirdwheel" she mumbled the last part but I caught what she said.

"It was not a request. It was an order" I'm sure she heard me talking to the baby but she thought it was a girl. Zoya... I love your jealousy level. I smirked and said,"soon. I'll be at the parking" and I left.

I was waiting for her for so long and there she came. Her eyes looked swollen. Didn't she get the clue that I have equal feelings for her when I kissed her that day. I regret doing it as it is not allowed to have physical contact before marriage. But, she should have known.

"Where..." I cut her off saying,"somewhere special" she then said,"why di you want to keep hurting me?" She asked and then started crying. "Hey Hey zoya why are you crying now?" I asked and she shook her head saying,"you know I... i love you and your intentionally taking me to where your girlfriend is and that day... you kissed me thinking it was her" i stooped the car with a jerk.

She looked at me and then at the road. "What are you saying?" I asked and she was silent."do you think I'd kiss whoever it is. That was my first time" I said and she turned to me wide eyed.

"But you have..." I cut her off,"I love you. Not just now. I have seen you long time ago. I saw you first time at college. And the girl I told you about was non other but you. That night on our farewell, it was me who saved you." I said it out. I hope shes not still in an effect about that night.

"And that's when rahul gave your file asking me to give you a job and I was shocked to see your name. I got you placed in somewhere I dont usually go to because I was scared to fall more deep for you. And later on I realized my live for you grows even if your on front of my eyes or not.

I've never loved someone else nor any flings if you have a doubt. Mom knows I liked a girl at college and she had seen you. She didn't recognize it was you who's our family friend.

And that day when I got to know what happened in your life after your abbu left, I wanted hug you and console saying I'm here. But, I was scared and that day when you confessed that you loved me, I wanted to say everything to you, but you had other plans. You agreed to marry arham.

I was being a rude, arrogant, strict boss and when you came, without my knowledge, I've changed. A good change. Yes zoya, you changed me. I never thought someone would change me and that's what rahul said too.

Anyway, I'll say the words I'm yearning to say. I love you and will you marry me?" I asked and by now she had tears streaming down her cheek. She hugged me tight and I was thinking whether to take it as a yes or no.

I patted her back until she was fine. "I'm sorry"she said and I gave a look saying 'there was nothing that to6u have to say sorry'

"But, your taking me where? And that day.... mehak.." I cut her off,"I wanted to see whether you really started to have feelings and few times to make you jealous." She hit me playfully and wiped her tears.

"But... that day I saw lipstick smudged in your lips and mehak's lips." I said and he said,"she tried to kiss me. Shes some psychotic I guess." She shook her head and said, dont say something bad about others" I loved what she said and I never followed this. But, I'll do try.


"I'm  getting married and the bride.... even if you'll dont like, shes going to be my wife" I said and abbu and ma had a worried expression. It's been 2 days since I confessed. We had a date yesterday. It went... fine except for the fa t that few men were gawking at zoya and i had to punch them.

Zoya was angry at me. Then, I somehow made her talk to me. "Who's that?" Mom and dad asked at the same time. "Come" i said and turned behind to see zoya walk in. She wa looking down. I could sense her nervousness. "Zoya?"it was abbu.

"Who'd say no to zoya?"it was mom and they both blessed both if us. We planned for a normal register marriage and a reception. Zoya got a call and walked a little away. Mom and dad congratulated me saying that I made the best decision.

"I'm proud of you son"proud because I chose zoya? Wow. Nice dad. But I can never say this out loud. "When do you want the nikkah to happen?" Mom asked and I said,"first you both better talk to zoya's mother" they agreed and walked up to the terrace where she was.

Zoya pov

I was in cloud nine. "I'm so happy for you shimla" I said and then answered her many questions that she had about marriage. "Arham is really a good guy and I hope you both make a good pair" I said and after nearly an hour if talk, I hung up.

I walked into the living to find only sahir there. "Where's aunty and uncle?" I asked for which he said,"maybe preparing for our nikkah" his voice made me get goosebumps. "So... you'll be mrs.sahir. huh" he said stepping forward.

"Sahir......" I said having both my hand to my front. "Your being so..." I couldn't complete when he stood close to me. "So..." he asked in a whisper making his breathe hit my cheek. I pushed him and heard someone giggle and saw Noor. I walked out of the living embarrassed.


It's our nikkah today but why do I feel something bad is going to happen? Maybe, because I'm nervous. I took a deep breathe before signing.

"Now you'll be Mrs.Sahir" said Noor and Zara in unison. I blushed and was getting ready for the reception when I heard mom say,"I'm happy for you beta" I smiled and wiped her tears.

I got myself changed into a red frock and walked down to the garden where the reception is planned. Sahir lent his hand for me to stand. I stood next to him and whenever his shoulder brushed mine, I could only shiver and feel butterflies.

"Your looking gorgeous as ever, Mrs.Sahir  he said and I smiled and I was sure I'm flushed red. "Thanks. You dont look yourself bad" I said and I felt his finger brush my elbow.

"Now, you both can go for dinner" mom said and my sisters along with sahir's cousins took us to a table. They made us feed eachother. I was all the time blushing. "This is not happening" said sahir when they asked us to eat one piece of cherry at the same time.

I knew what they wanted and I did the idea I got. I cut it into two and with the count of three we ate it.

At night, I was made to wear a saree and was seated in sahir's room. And that's when reality strike me. Can I do it? I was hell nervous when the room door opened and in came...

So... the story is coming to an end.

Hope you guys liked the chap

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