Chapter Nine (The Accident Part 2)

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"Tobias is alright, Ms Ouellette. He got hit severely, but it could've been worse." The man in the long hospital doctors coat announced, holding a brown clipboard.

Natalie's heart was pounding and her eyes burned with anxiety. Toby would've died, but it was a miracle that he was still holding on. "He has minor cuts on several parts of his body. And his heart rate is progressing well.." The doctor said. He tried not to stare Natalie's hideous new hairstyle, trying not to offend. "But he could be suffering a minor concussion. The nurses had recently sown up the wound on his head."

This was already the worst day imaginable for Natalie Ouellette.

First there was Tinsley and Brendan cutting her hair and now...this. 

Jesus, what the hell is happening to me? Natalie's mind echoed. 

"P-Please, sir, can I go in? I have had the worst day a-and I need to see my friend.." Natalie was on the verge of tears. Which was like the fifth time only today.  The doctor realized the poor girl's pain and gave her a small consoling smile. "Well, okay, if you wish, dear. But Tobias had been put in a medical-induced coma, just to hopefully heal any current injuries. So it'll be positive that he won't be up in a few days." 

Natalie forced a grateful smile. It was hard to do that, especially now. How would they know that Toby wasn't slowly dying in his coma? 

"Nurse Telly, can you take Ms Ouellette to Toby Rogers's patient room?" The doctor asked, turning to a young nurse, that looked around her young twenties. The woman nodded.  "Okay, follow me, hun.."

It was probably a ten minute walk there. They had passed other patient rooms, which some were quiet and others had screaming mothers in there. Natalie flinched a little and held her arms. Her hair was drenched and was dripping with rain.  "Oh and please excuse the unsettling background noises." Telly pointed out. She smiled a lopsided smile. "Working in a hospital, is kinda stressful, but I get used to it."

The young teen looked up at her. "Don't you ever get tired of it?"

Telly just shrugged. The young lady was in a white and red nurse outfit with black heels for her footwear. "Eh, kind of. Believe it or not, I've always wanted to help people ever since I was a little girl." She admitted, walking side by side with Natalie. "Even if it means wearing this embarrassing nurse uniform."

For the first time today, that actually made Natalie laugh. 

"Look, hun. I know you've been through a lot today, I can tell. And...I'm really sorry for your friend." The young nurse said, a pitying look written in her blue eyes. 

Natalie sighed, shakily. "Yeah, I know. I just...hope he's okay in there." She admitted. "...I really don't want Toby to die..."  That made Nurse Telly sadden a bit, but she turned her line of vision towards a white door, with the numbers: 132, on it. 

"Okay, 132, this is Toby Rogers's room. I'll leave you to have some privacy, dear." Telly said. "Good luck.." She whispered, opening the door for the teen. 

Natalie quietly padded in. The room had a few desk tables with vases of plastic flowers. The walls were white, along with the ceiling and floor. But in the middle was a simple patient, snoozing in a hospital bed.  She heard Telly close the door behind her. But Natalie paid no mind to it. She glanced at her friend, who was now more pale than usual. It was perhaps the colour of death. 

"Hey Tobster.." She whispered, sitting herself down on a seat, next to the bed. Of course, he didn't respond. The only answer she got, was the beeping of the heart monitor, that's tubes were hooked to his arms and neck. And a tube in his nose, to help him breath. She cried. 

"Hey man, don't do this to me...please." Natalie tried to force a weak laugh. She took off her cap and revealed her ugly side haircut. The world really was cruel. 

"I know I was an asshole to you back there...and I'm sorry." 

No answer. Natalie reached for his hand. It was limp and cold. Several slices were cut into his delicate plush skin. "I'm sorry, man.. I'm so so sorry..." 

What happened next was not easy to recall. But not long after, Connie and Lyra rushed in, to see Natalie with the reddest eyes ever. Natalie tried to explain, but her voice was chopped off by her crying. Toby's mother hugged the heartbroken girl. While Lyra had trouble understanding everything. 

"It's my fault!" 

"Honey, it's not your fault. Shh, calm down, now. The doctors have explained everything to us and we came as fast as we could." Natalie looked up. Expectantly, Toby's dad didn't show up.  He was probably just on his drunk ass, drinking away and partying. 

Completely ignoring the fact he had a son in the hospital. "Is Toby gonna be okay?" Natalie asked. 

Connie sighed. "We don't know dear...but where are your parents?" The tired-looking mother questioned. She had a crazy similar appearance to her son.  Same dark brown hair, same eyes. Same smile. It was only now, that the girl noticed that her parents hadn't shown up. Hadn't Garold High supposed to ring one of them? Mary Beth and David Ouellette were probably completely blind to all of this. What was she gonna say to Lucas? 

That his favorite wrestler component was in a hospital bed? 

The little boy was probably having a better day than she was. Natalie breathed a trembling sigh. What was she going to do now?  

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