Chapter Twenty-One

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Suddenly, Natalie's eyes flew open and found herself in the same hospital room. She whirled around to see the doctors, who were supposed to perform the surgery, all in shocked states. 

"What's going on..." She managed to utter. She wasn't in the hospital bed, like she was supposed to be. The girl went to face the wall, that she stood in front of. The wallpaper looked like she had punched it in. It was crumpled and was still flaking to the floor. Had she done that?

Natalie stared, in shock, for what seemed like forever. 

"What are you doing, you idiot!" A doctor screeched. "Get her down!"

"She's not supposed to be awake, Terrence.." Another doctor explained, still dumbfounded. 

But their sudden plan to get Natalie down was suddenly scrapped, when the patient began throw her head back, cackling violently. Tears were pooling around the corners of her eyes. The pits of their stomachs all dropped when she did so.  

"Jesus Christ! Adam, get the syringe!" A frightened doctor demanded. "Call the security, anything!" He cried, desperately. What the hell was going on? Natalie slowly rotated herself to look at them. The golden clock necklace still hung around her neck. 

Her eyes were a bright, vibrant green. They almost looked like they were...glowing. Her entire sane state collapsed like a weak building. The petrified expressions that rested on the doctor's faces, made some part of her feel overjoyed.

Without warning, she threw herself towards the first figure her eyes rested on. They screamed as they hit the hospital floor. The other doctors booked out and ran into the hallways. 

"Wait.." The poor doctor tried to scream out. Natalie cut him off when she tightened her grip around his neck. Natalie breathed shakily as if she had lost all control of her action. 

The man's face flooded red as his windpipe was crushed under her brute strength. 

"Doctor..." Natalie purred, whispering almost. "Your Time Is Up..." 


Natalie managed to twist his neck, which followed by a sickening snap. The bone was broken and the man's head laid lazily on the floor, motionless. The life quickly escaping his eyes. 

The teen trembled. But she wasn't sure if it was insanity or pleasure or even regret. She stumbled to her shoeless feet and stood, on shaking legs. The death of that man pleased her, somehow. It was sick, she knew, was the best feeling ever. It felt as if no one could trap her here anymore. 

But the girl stared blankly at the body, at her feet. 

What had she done?

She stared at her hands, slightly amazed by her newly found strength. But then this new version of Natalie Ouellette, grinned. But froze when she saw herself in the mirror. She stepped closer. Her eyes were... completely green. "What? What happened..?" She asked herself. But then that same wave of insanity drowned her again.

" Make their time come to an end, Natalie."  Her subconscious rasped. 

The girl just stared for a second. "But...why?" She asked, seemingly to no one.

"Do you really want to live a life of failure? Everything just has to be perfect here. But you don't have to be. MAKE them suffer, be merciless, don't have a heart for anyone..."  The voice answered, bitterly. 

All the events that happened afterward, blurred again. Natalie held a needle to her cheeks and began to sow through her skin. It pinched the flesh underneath, but she couldn't feel a thing. And the red mess continued to pour from the wounds. 

Tick Tock...Tick Tock...Tick Tock..

The necklace glinted. Natalie held it, her blood-stained fingers staining it. Holding breath, slightly. 

Tick Tock...Tick Tock...Tick Tock..

Then the voice talked again. "Do it.." 

She didn't think twice. The teen had officially had lost all rational thinking. She picked up an empty syringe and dug the needle behind her eye. It hurt for a second, but her bitter feelings numbed it all. Then that's when she began singing...

"One, two...this is the end for you. Three, four... time ripped me to the core. Five six...they all think I'm sick. Seven, eight, he was my soulmate..." Natalie stopped for a second, knowing what was coming next. But then her eyes lit up with determination. "Nine, ten...I will see Toby again.."

Once she was done, she stood back and admired her new eye. She had replaced her eye with the necklace clock. Natalie smiled at her reflection.

Then she felt a sharp pain break through her skin. 

She fell over by the brute force, landing on her knees. She held the gunshot wound on her torso, that was bleeding fresh blood from her hospital gown. There, in the doorway, was the two security guards. 

One of them held the gun. "Stay down, Ouellette!" They demanded, charging at her. 

But the man cried out, when the murderer had stabbed down at him with the syringe. The needle breaking through his own skin. He fell back a little while the other was terrified. She kept stabbing at him. And she didn't stop until his body fell still. Natalie winced from her wound, but grabbed the dead security guard's gun. 

The other ran out before she had the chance to shoot. 

"Get him..."   

The security guard charged down the empty hallways, in a panic. His heart thudded, endlessly as he ran. About four minutes of running, he started to hear...ticking?

He stopped, confused. The man stood in the center with many hallways leading in different directions.He just had to get to the exit. But the ticking seemed to echo from every  path now. He panicked, sweating out of fear. Where the actual hell was it coming from. 

Then the lights started flickering...

"BOO!" Natalie spooked, hanging upside down from the roof. She threw the bloody syringe into the male's eye, brutally. The man screeched loudly and tumbled over from the pain. Blood spurted greatly from the organ. And Natalie stared, smirking, her brown hair dangling upside down. Then the guard slowly died, blood escaping from his stabbed eye.

"Ah shit, slowly get down.." Natalie told herself, unwrapping her legs on the light wire. She landed quite harshly but came out alright. 

Natalie sighed. 

These kills weren't enough. At least...not yet. 

"What do I do now?" The young murderer asked, again to no one. 

"Get dressed and leave this hellhole...We've got some killing to do.."  

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