Chapter Three

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The chilly morning wind stroked Natalie's long, dark hair as she stood at the bus stop. Her foot tapped against the concrete, slightly. Toby was usually always early. And the teenage boy would always race her there. 

But it seemed like the brunette hadn't made it yet. She quickly sent him a text while she shivered from the cold winter breeze. "Come on, where are you, Toby?" She muttered under her breath. There were a few others at the bus stop with her, but she just didn't feel like sitting down. Soon, their ride would be here and her friend would arrive, only to miss it. 

The young teen panicked a little at the thought. But tried to keep herself together, hence they were too many people watching. "Where is this bastard?" Natalie whispered. 

"Yo, do you mind?" A gruff voice interrupted, making her jump a little. She whirled around face to face with a tall, bearded man. The high-schooler already had scary scenerios spinning in her head. There was this dude, with gang-looking other guys behind him. Natalie stumbled out of the way of the schedule table, where the bus arrivals were put on. 

Luckily enough for her, they didn't stop to intimidate her or anything. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Thank Lord..." Natalie sighed. 

She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, which sent her to whirl around. To her surprise and relief, it wasn't another tall, gangsta looking guy. But the familiar, cute pale button nose met her eyes. They smiled. "Toby?" Natalie squeaked. 

"H-Hey, what's got you a-all worked up, Nat?" He chuckled, while his usual ticking came in contact with his body. Toby's childhood friend let out a shaky sigh but smiled back. "Nothing, man. It's just that some of the people who live around here, really freak me out." She admitted, standing closer to the boy. 

"N-Now that's a l-lot of honesty." He twitched. "That doesn't s-sound like something y-you would say, Natalie." 

She smiled. "Yeah, true. I'm just feeling so tired this morning. Had to take Lucas down to school again. He's got some duffy show or something like that." The dark-haired teenage girl explained. "Oh y-yeah, how is t-the kid anyway? H-Havent't seen him since h-his birthday party.." 

Natalie shrugged, there wasn't much to say much about her little brother. He just went to school, came back and fell asleep. Like usual. But she always remembered how he would always tackle and wrestle with the pale teen. It was cute. But she did have to tell them to be careful, in case one of them accidentally kicked, a hole in the wall. 

"Ah, g-get here you little b-bugger!" Toby hollered, wrestling with Lucas. The child laughed as Toby tickled his armpits and the bottom of his feet. His most ticklish spots. "Stop! I'm gonna get you back for this, Toby!" Lucas yelled, between loud laughs. Natalie stared from the desk that was oppisite from her brother's bed. She smiled at the sight. "Hey, be careful or you'll break something!" She laughed. 

"Natalie, help me!" Lucas yelled out, squirming from Toby's grasp. "He's bullying me! Stahp bullying me!" 

Tobias chuckled as he continued to tackle the boy into the sheets of the bed. "Try and stop me, L-Lucas!" He said. That was until he felt the kid slip from his grasp and tackle him back. Toby landed with a grunt. Lucas smirked, victorously. "I'm not such a wimp, after all." He said. 

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