Chapter Nineteen

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It had been a month ever since the two teens were separated. Toby didn't like it there, in Sans Francisco, but even so, he couldn't deny the fact that he was enjoying his time with his family. But it always hurt when the realization dawned on him, that this was his new home now.

 Lyra had just graduated and gained a great job at a restaurant. And they were getting paid a lot more than often. But the sister couldn't complain. I mean, they had a great gig right here.

Believe it or not, Matthew never once attempted to abuse or insult Toby. But the annoying fact was that he was just trying to look good, in front of family. Even though, Toby appeared to be happy, he was missing Natalie a lot. 

The family of four began driving home, after a short visit at Aunt Macy's place. Unsurprisingly, Matthew was too drunk to drive. But since his wife didn't like the concept of drinking, she was still sober. And so the mother agreed to take her husband and children back home. 

"Ticci Toby! Ticci Toby! Ticci Toby!" The teen's annoying cousins chanted, mockingly.

Toby frowned. He absolutely despised being called that. He didn't know why, but a lot of their nasty jokes made their way to his heart and it always hurt him. But of course, he would never admit that. No way in hell.

His Aunt Macy's kids were annoying as anything. They would take advantage of his ticks and would make fun of him because of it. Aunt Macy's kids were just evil, that's all. He seriously preferred his Aunt Lori, on Connie's side of the family. She was a cheek-pincher and she would gush on about how Toby had grown into a man. Even though, he was only 5'6. 

"S-Stop calling me that.." Toby muttered, rolling his dark eyes. 

"Aw, and what are you gonna do, T-Toby?" One of his cousins asked, in a mocking tone. And snickering afterwards. Toby swore to God, that hell was gonna explode from inside of him. But...they were just kids and he was the oldest. Even still, they were literally Satan in the same house with him. 

"I-I'm gonna kick your ass, if you don't s-stop.." He threatened slightly. 

"Ha! Yeah, you can try, dickhead!" 

Toby sneered and was gonna burn a hole into his cousins. But released his anger in a peaceful way. He seriously didn't have anger issues. But when it came to things like these, Toby was gonna be Satan, himself.  It annoyed him even more, when Aunt Macy was completely oblivious to the fact her children, were swearing.

 Anyways, the only sound that flooded in, was the sound of the car's engine. The city lights twinkled and glistened as the car drove by. And the night sky was like a blanket of black, hovering above them. Toby pulled his attention away from the window.  Lyra was fast asleep, with all her books resting on her lap. Connie yawned. 

All of a sudden, a certain face flashed into his mind. Dear lord, did it hurt to know that he wouldn't be seeing it anymore. Natalie Ouellette. He promised himself to never forget that name. And he kept it well. Toby remembered those soft brown tufts of hair. Her warm, plush hazel eyes and that sneaky cat smile of hers. Her Paranorman merchandise hoodie and her simple navy blue jeans. And that black choker that she always wore. 

And that stupid red and black cap, that she just loved. Everything about her, made her matter so much to him. Toby smiled at the memory. It was good to know, that he didn't completely forget. He looked down and stared at the old scars on his hands. 

It was surprising, that they weren't healing fast. But Toby just shrugged it off. He still couldn't remember everything about the crash. When he got hit, skidding his flesh against the hard, wet concrete. The teen reached up and felt the stitched up slit in his head. It was hidden underneath his fluffy tufts of hair, but he could still feel it. 

Was it really true that Natalie was crying for him?

Toby's eyes saddened at the painful reminder that she was gone now. 

"Mary Beth Ouellette?" The woman behind the counter smiled. "Yes, that's me and I'm here for Natalie Ouellette's appointment." The mother replied, gesturing to her girl that stood beside her. 

"Yes, right this way, Miss.." The lady led them through the hallways. Natalie kept her hood up and just stared down at her sneakered feet, as they padded along the carpeted floor. There were strange paintings that were hung up on the beige walls. As if they were walking in an art gallery. 

After a while of walking, they finally made it to the door. Natalie felt anxious, all of a sudden. But forced herself to walk in. "Um, Dr Fields? Natalie Ouellette is here.." The woman declared. 

The doctor looked up and smiled warmly. She stood up. "Ah, pleasure to meet you, dear.. I'm Dr Debra Fields. And you'll be talking with me, hun." After Dr Fields and Mary had exchanged hands, Natalie's mother finally left. The door closed gently and it was just Natalie and Dr Fields. 

The therapist was a thin lady and had long, straight blonde hair. 

She sat behind a fresh wooden desk, with the girl sitting in a leather seat, in front of her. 

"Now, please tell me, honey. What has been bothering you lately?" Dr Fields asked. "I mean, anything that you've been struggling with?"

Natalie thought about it for a bit. There had been a lot  going on and it was so much, that she didn't even know where to start. Toby's incident, the weeks of loneliness...the move. Mary Beth had noticed Natalie's off behaviour and had scheduled threapy for her. And to add the cherry on top, her breakup with Chris. 

 But where was she even gonna start?

"T-Time...Time has been my problem, Dr..." 

Dr Fields felt her face contort with confusion. This was such an unusual repsonse. But of course, the woman kept her degree and jotted it down. "How?" 

"It's just been so torturous.. It kept speeding up when I didn't want it to and it slowed down at the most loneliest parts of my life. I know, I sound crazy.. But it took away everyone  I cared about.."

From the corner of Natalie eye, she saw Dr Field's face sadden. "Ah yes, your mother told me about your friend, over the phone. It was... Toby, right?" Natalie suddenly tensed, feeling her heart hurt like a knife in the chest. "Oh, I'm so sorry..."

"No..i-it's okay.." Her voice quivered, hiding her face in her long brown hair. But some sort of anger inside her, demanded something from her. Natalie looked away. It was a big wave of anger, but she fought against it. Or at least, tried to. 

"Look, sweetheart, I need you to tell me what's bothering you..." The therapist said, slightly growing irritated. But stopped when she saw Natalie's eye twitch. "You're bothering me. You're just like everyone else. Everyone doesn't understand me...and they never will.." Her angry tone slowly grew into a sad one. 

"Time fucked me over. And it took away the only person I ever loved. Toby was there when no one else was. Why can't anyone see that I'm not happy?" Natalie felt her face grow hot as a knot filled her throat. She never imagined it would be like this. "Everything has been piling up on me...and Toby's gone." Natalie trailed off.

"I want him back..." 

"I'm horribly sorry, Natalie. Trust me, I am. But we have to get some progress out, at some point.." 

Natalie's vision flashed black for a mono-second. It felt as if someone flicked off a lamp, only to  be turned back on again. The teen looked around, visibly confused. What had just happened? Did she blink or...? No, that was impossible, she didn't even close her eyes! 

"Natalie?" The woman called, watching the girl look around frantically. 

But then a strange aura filled the entire room. "Natalie, is everything alright?"

There, right there, Natalie felt a cold whisper rasp into her ear. "Your Time Is Up..." The teen shook and felt a cold chill run right down her spine. And then, she fell out of her seat, collapsing onto her knees in fear. Natalie swore she was going crazy. She panicked and backed up into the wall. 

"Natalie?' Dr Fields squeaked, springing to her feet.

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