Chapter Fourteen

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"Toby?" Natalie squeaked.

"Shhh!" He hissed. He turned his head towards the front window, that his parents' commotion came from. "You're not s-supposed to be here.." His voice was broad with annoyance. 

Natalie felt her face grow hot with embarrassment. This was a bad time, Natalie felt flustered and stared down at the grassy lawn. "I was just checking up on you.." She admitted timidly.  The girl heard Toby sigh. "I-I'm sorry, Nat. I-I...didn't mean to sound harsh.."

Toby's apology made Natalie lift her head, to look at him. He was still in his hospital clothes and a white cast had been wrapped around his right arm. Toby twitched and sighed. He sat himself down on the doorstep, holding his forehead with his free hand. 

"Parents fighting again?" Natalie asked.

"Y-Yeah, Lyra's trying to break them u-up. She t-told me to stay outside.." His voice quivered. Toby felt tears well up in his eyes. "I d-don't want him here.." 

Natalie felt like crying, herself. Her parents weren't financial, even though Mary wanted a perfect family and happy kids. David Ouellette was just as cruel as her friend's dad.  The spiteful words he had yelled, made her feel hurt. But Natalie could see clearly that this wasn't the time. 

"Oh Toby...It's gonna okay, you'll be fine.." The girl sat down beside him and reached to rub his back. 

Toby hid his eyes in his hand, trying to hold back the urge to cry. He didn't want to cry. Not in front of Natalie.  "I really d-don't want him here, Natalie. N-Nothing ever g-good happens when he's h-here. He just hurts everyone he s-sees."

Natalie sighed. "Yeah, I know, man. I know how you feel, Tobster..."

He jerked his head towards her. "A-Are you saying you heard all t-that?" Natalie softened a little, her friend didn't sound at all, threatening. But rather, embarrassed. For a minute, she wasn't sure what he meant by that. But then she remembered his urine problem, that his father argued about into the world. Literally.

"Oh...yeah, about that..." 

Toby sighed. "H-He's such a fucking l-loudmouth... And that's why I-I hate him. H-He can't be quiet when he's talking about peeing i-issues.." Natalie caught a little laugh in his voice. 

She was relieved that his cheery demeanor didn't officially die down. 

Toby looked at her. "You know, I-I can never get over your hair.." 

Natalie's cheek cells seemed to like that compliment. And so, her face began heating up again. The young Rogers laughed. "You okay?"

"Uh, yeah, sure, I'm fine." Natalie stammered, her entire face warm. "Stop teasing me, dude."

That made Toby laugh harder. Natalie smiled, her smile was fresh with joy. It had been a while since the two could have a good laugh.  Life did seriously suck, for both of them,  but their lives both had their moments. And these were one of them. "So are you coming to the quarry, in the easter weekends? I heard Fiona is going as well, but who knows?"

Fiona was always the shyest out of all her friends. 

But her happy thoughts were cut off, when she saw Toby's face tighten with pain.  "Are you okay? Was it something I said, I'm so sorry, man." Natalie panicked. 

Toby trembled a bit. How was he going say this? 

"N-Natalie...I've been wanting to tell you this for a w-while n-now and please don't freak o-out or anything.." The teen was obviously confused, like Toby had expected, but silently went along with it. "M-My dad is furious about the crash. A-And...he wants us to move away.."

She felt her heart stop, just like that day, Toby was shoved across the concrete. Blood and rain pooling around his split-open head. Her hazel eyes widened. Did she hear him right? "Y-You're kidding...right?" She asked, looking for any sign of jokery, lingering in his eyes. But those, strong pure brown eyes stayed stern. 

"Please tell me that's not true, Toby.." 

"I-I'm sorry, Nat. But I can't.. My damn d-d-dad, can't take this place anymore. H-He wants us to come along w-with him, to move to Colourado, t-to live with his family.." Connie's son muttered, not daring to look into those eyes of hers. He would dread the days over there and he knew it. 

"B-But I just got you back, you can't leave again, man.." Natalie's voice quivered slightly. Toby caught onto that and looked over at his best friend. This was gonna the hardest goodbye ever.

I mean this was the girl, he had made his happiest memories with. 

They had made it so far together. They had hustled through the storms and gave an arm and a leg to one another, if one was hurt. Toby wouldn't be able to see that happy girl right next door. That cat smile of hers. Soon the name he cherished so much, Natalie Ouellette, would just be a grainy and faded photo in a picture book. 

But before Toby could prevent Natalie from mourning, the door behind them, swung open. They turned like frightened, helpless puppies. And there, stood Matthew Rogers. He was steamed off and angry, but his expression contorted into fury, when he saw Natalie. 

"You!" His hand rushed down and grabbed Natalie's collar. She screeched and kicked. Toby shot up and tried to get his father to let her go. Again, what was happening next just became a chaotic blur. Lyra, Connie and Toby were all yelling and trying to get their abusive family member to stop. But he ignored and yelled all this nonsense that kept drifting in and out her head. 

"You're the bitch that got my son hurt!" Matthew spat. Natalie couldn't breathe. She wanted to scream out for Lucas. Yell out to him to get help. But what could her harmless, little brother do in a situation like this? It'd only worsen it for everyone, she realized. But this all felt familiar, for some reason. David was just like this. Pitiless and ugly-hearted. 

"Dad, stop! You're scaring her!" Lyra screamed.

"So? This little slut is the cause of all of this! Why can't you see that?!" Matthew yelled. "P-Please I don't mean any of this to happen-" Natalie was cut off when Matthew threw her to the ground. She landed harshly on her back, but stared at Toby's father with terror. 

"Why the f-fuck did you do that? Natalie, are you ok?" Toby rushed to her side  as he twitched. She felt his hands pull her up, even though he was forcing his broken bone to work, regardless. 

Matthew frowned. "You blind cocksucker! Don't you see that she  is the reason you're like that? She's just like those other sluts around this damn neighbourhood!" 

Connie pushed her husband back with a shove. "That's enough, Matthew!" 

Matthew rolled his eyes. "You are all so fucking blind..." He muttered. Then the father gave Natalie a long deadly glare, that melted through her very being. "If you don't wanna get hurt, then don't come near my son ever again, ya got that?" Without warning, he stormed down and grabbed Toby by the arm. He proceeded to drag the boy up to the doorstep. 

But to Natalie's surprise, Toby didn't try fighting against his father. He didn't even tried to attempt. Her friend stared down at her with wide pitying eyes. Toby had the look of an absolute lost and scared child. His hope had died.  

"Don't ever try to talk or come to see him. It'd be best if you stay on your side of that fence, Ouellette. Otherwise, things won't go well for you or your pathetic family and I'm warning you now..." Matthew ordered, gravely. 

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