Chapter Sixteen

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Right after school, Connie came and picked up her son. She knew all too well, that this new routine would cause Toby to be very moody. Mrs Rogers sighed and pulled a cheery smile, watching her son climb into the car. "How was school today?" She asked.

Toby closed the door. And just shrugged. "Eh, it was g-good, I guess."  He continued to stare down at his sneakered feet in silence. Connie just guessed that this wasn't a good time.  After a long pause, Connie shut her eyes and looked at her son again. "Look, honey, I know you've been having a rough time. you want to go down to McDonald's to get your waffles?" The mother wanted her son to be happy. I mean, what good parent wouldn't?

But the pale teenager slowly shook his head. He turned to face the car window and stared at the high school gates. His shoulder twitched as he said; "I j-just wish I could take the b-bus with Natalie again.." 

No waffles were gonna heal any of this. Nothing would. Toby felt the urge to cry again. But bit back at his depressing feelings. He was surprised at how much he cared for Natalie.

"Jeez, am I really this clingy?" He thought. Well, if Natalie was slowly becoming depressed herself,  then that would make the both of them, clingy. 

Toby realized that this was because of his pathetic excuse of a dad. Sometimes he really wondered why it was him to earn such a life. 

Connie turned back to face the steering wheel and prepared the vehicle to drive out onto the road. Like always, Toby dreaded wanting to go home. Passing Natalie's house and to see that asshole at home. The boy reached and scratched his split eyebrow. Whenever he looked in the mirror, he would always see that new feature added to his face.

Others thought it was quite attractive, even though it was originally just a scar across his eyebrow. 

But it became a thing, that Natalie would always tease him, that girls would have an interest in. Of course, he would always laugh it off. Toby was aromantic and never once had an eye for someone. He just didn't. But the crazy events that took place before, it changed him a lot. 

Natalie's ruined hair, the crash that caused his condition, his weeks in hospital and his least favorite part, Toby's dad threatening Natalie. How fucking dare he? 

He remembered crying that night. Weeping his eyes out and screaming angrily into his pillow. His dad really had ruined everything. Everything just felt so off. 

The car's engine continued to run as they drove down busy roads. He watched as the sight of the road he had gotten hit on, passed by. Did that driver ever get arrested? Toby wondered. 

Once the two passengers had arrived home, Toby just climbed out of the car and walked right past his arrogant father, who was waiting for his wife. To give him a hug or something. What the hell it was, the teenager couldn't care less. 

"Oi! Asswipe, watch where you're going!" He heard Matthew yell. 

Anger seemed to possess every thought in his head. But Toby held it all in. He wasn't gonna lose it. He wasn't gonna make the situation worsen already. 

Toby slammed the door behind him. He faceplanted into his bedspread. For a while, his heart hurt for some reason. He really didn't know why, but everything felt gloomier here. His room looked a lot emptier. Maybe that was because they were gonna be moving away soon. 

All his dressers had been emptied and all his clothes had been placed into a suitcase. His blankets and sheets had been put into neat piles. Connie must've done them. 

But why did they have to move away? Toby loved it here already and everything he thought he had, were gonna be gone soon. And that included everyone he thought he had too.

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