Joe's Point Of View

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I woke up around eight and decied to get up and started packing more boxes. I finally finished packing around about thirty mintues later. I decied to call Ronnie and see how everythign was going and if they are going to shopping with my mom. I grabbed my phone and called Ronnie.
   "Hey baby. How was your night?" She asked
   "It was lonely with out you. I have everything packed up and I was about to call my dad but I was wondering if you guys are going to go shopping with my mom?"
  "Yes we are planning on going around ten if thats okay with her and we will pick her up."
  "Ok I will tell her. I hope you find stuff for the house and you. I will give my mom my card for you to use."
  "Joe you don't have to I have money saved up from when I worked for you guys."
  "No you are not touching that money. You are my girl and I'm going to pay for it. ok?"
  "Ok, I'm going to get off here so you can call your dad."
  "Ok love you!"
  "Love you too, baby!"
   We hung up and I called my parents house.
   "Hey mom."
  "good morning Joseph."
  "The girl are getting ready and they said they will pick you up at ten. Is dad around?"
  "Yes, hold on a mintue and I will get him."
  "Ok." I heard her moving to find my dad and yelled his name.
  "Hey dad I was wondering if you and Frankie mind helping me move while mom goes to the mall with the girls."
  "I don't mind. Is Kevin and Nick going to help?"
  "I was just about to call them and ask."
  "I'm on my way there and I will get Frankie and give my card to mom."
  "Ok son we will be waiting."
  "Okay bye dad."
  "Bye Joseph."
  I hung up the phone and called Kevin first.
  "Hey Bro. Whats up?"
  "I was wondering if you and Nick will help me move today?"
  "Yeah Nick is right here let me ask." I heard them talking in the back ground.
  "He said thats fine since all the girls are out with mom today."
  "Meet me at Ronnie's in about an hour."
  "Okay, see you then bye."
  "Bye." I said and hung up the phone. I got ready and headed off to my parents house.
       We finished moving everything from Ronnie's around three that afternoon. Ronnie is suppose to come over to the new house and help me unpack and then go shopping for food. Then whatever she didn't get today we were going tomorrow to get some more stuff.
      I was in the kitchen unpacking the dishes when I heard the front door open.
  "Joe!" Ronnie yelled from the living room.
  "In the kitchen." I yelled back I heard her footsteps enter the kitchen and I turned around to greet her.
  "Hey baby. Did you have fun shopping?"
  "Yes, I got us a new bed set and more towles and I got me a few outfits. I got you a few things too but you have to wait to get them."
   "What did you get me?" I said walking towards her and blocking her between me and the counter.
  "I'm not telling you. I said you have to wait till after we go get food." she said leaning closer to me. I closed the distence between us and pressed my lips down on her hers. It started slow and sweet, then it started getting rough. She had her hands tangled in my hair, and my hand found her hips. I lifted her up and sat her down on the counter. She wrapped her legs around me, and my fingers traced patterns on her side. I broke our kiss and move down to kiss down her jawline to her neck. I was kissing her and she moved her hands to my arms, it was getting rougher and rougher. Then we were stopped by my stupid phone, I broke my kiss and took my phone out of my pocket to see who it was.
  "Who is it?" Ronnie asked.
  "Its my mom." I said answering my phone. "Hello."
  "Hello, Joseph. I thought I would call and see if you two need anything for the house." my mom asked
  "I think we have everything we need right now, mom." I said
  "Ok, have you two had dinner yet?"
  "No mom we were planning on go out to dinner and then getting food for the house." I told her.
  "Okay, I was calling to make sure, Joseph. You have never lived on your own before."
  "I'm not on my own mom. I have Ronnie here with me."
  "I know sweet but I your mom its my job to worry. I will let you go so you can get stuff done. Love you, Joseph."
  "Love you, too mom." We hung up and started to help Ronnie unpack our kitchen.
  "My mom was just worrying, you know."
  "Yes I know its a mom thing."
  "I wonder if she did this with Kevin?"
  "I don't know but I'm getting hungry."
  "Me too. Lets go get something." We got everything we needed and left the house.

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