Chapter 1: A Kingdom In Flames

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11 years ago...

"Son, control it! Please don't let it take over!" The king cried, glancing towards the guards and his wife fleeing to the castle, his talking was only making it worse but it was the only way for the people to get to safety.

"I'M TRYI-AHHH!" The young prince screamed, smoking red smoke circling the young 8-year-old.

"EVERYONE HIDE!" The king yelled, giving his son one last look prior to running to the castle. That was not his son anymore. The spirit won this round.

The once happy prince, now flew over the castle, practically mocking the people inside.

The dragon swooped down in a deafening roar, lighting the kingdom in flames.

Screams filled the once beautiful streets of Viro and the king couldn't do anything but hug his shaking wife.

"Don't worry Jennie, our son will come back to us.... eventually," he whispered and kissed the top of her crownless head.

"Kai, he is going to be hunted his whole life." She wept, scrambling to her knees, looking out of the window on her left.

"Your highness, he's coming back around! What should we do?"

"General, get your men and go, I'll be staying here," Kai ordered and the general looked at the queen.

"I'll be staying as well. Suho, please go to Shadowpaw. Tell them what has happened here but make sure my son is not hunted down. Do I have your word?" Suho nodded confidently, ready to walk away when he got pulled back by Kai.

"I will miss you, brother." He smiled and hugged the crowned king back

"I will miss the both of you, I promise I will carry out your last wish." Suho looked at the two one last time, his brother and childhood friend stood hand in hand, a smile present on their faces. Taking a deep breath, he ran out, leading his men and the survivors away from their homes being torn into pieces.

As they rode deeper into the woods, Suho suddenly stopped and watched as their once beautiful castle went up in flames. "I will honor you both," he mumbled and started riding on his horse again.

His men were on the sides of him, either on horses or in their animal form. The survivors continued to cry and mourn from the royal family and their own family. They rode until they entered the Lion's Kingdom.

"General, what's happening?" The front gate guard asked, skeptically looking behind Suho.

"Viro has fallen. I need to talk to your king pronto." The guard nodded.

"Your men can stay here, you follow me. D.O get some medics here." He announced and then shifted into a wolf, running towards the grand castle. 

Suho took a deep breath and followed until he was bowing in front of the royal family.

"Suho, tell me what happened?" The king ordered from his throne.

"The young prince lost control, it took over him. King Kai and Queen Jennie are dead along with half of our people. I have two favors to ask, our queen's last wish was to make sure no one goes after her son and I ask if we can stay here, live amongst you and your people." Suho explained and the king nodded, rubbing his chin.

"I will honor yours and your queen's wishes. Make yourself at home and I'm sorry about Kai and Jennie." Suho stood up and bowed again.

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