Chapter 17: Lipstick Proves Love

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Jimin slowly crawled off his boyfriend's bed, continually checking if he was still asleep.

"I'm sorry Yoongi." The pirate moves a piece of hair away from the older's face when he suddenly got an idea. "Oh, he is going to be so mad," Jimin smirked and walked out of the room to find a certain lady

However, Jimin turned around a corner and ran into someone.

"Oh, I am so sorry." The redhead quickly scrambled to pick up whatever was dropped.

"It's oka- oh Jimin, hi."

"Oh, Miss. Mia hello, here you go." Jimin handed her the cups that were dropped.

"Thank you." She started walking away but Jimin jumped to pat her shoulder.

"Do you have any lipstick on you?" Mia raised an eyebrow and gave her tray to Jimin before searching into her pockets to pull out a red tube.

"Yeah, here you go."

"I will have this in Prince Yoongi's room which you should come in and wake him up in a couple of minutes," Jimin smirked, handing the tray back to the lady and then ran to Yoongi's bathroom to put on the lipstick.

"Damn I'm mighty fine with lipstick on." Jimin chuckles before quickly going to straddle Yoongi's waist.

The redhead giggles while cupping the prince's face, he begins with kissing until there were lip marks covering his entire face and a little on his neck and chest for fun.

"This is too funny." Jimin bit his lip from laughing before he got off, wiped the lipstick off, and snuck out Yoongi's window and out of the castle's walls.

"Man, the security is horrible here." The redhead chuckled and once he was over the last gate he rushed to his ship.

'Should I say goodbye?' Jimin wondered but the thought of having to explain why he was leaving and then get a lecture from Jin or Jinyoung or both is what simply makes him sneak to his office, take the letter on this desk, and silently leave the boat.

The redhead took a deep breath as he made his way to an empty field past the market.

"See you guys later." The pirate mumbled and started feeling his bones break and crack into something that should be extinct.

'I hate this so fucking much.' He thought when his wings sprouted out. Jimin then looks towards the sky and flew up, heading towards the Dark Forest.


"Be safe Jimin." Jungkook sighed, hiding behind a bush and watching the fiery dragon disappear above the clouds. He changed back into a snake and slithered back to the ship.

"He's gone?" Taehyung wonders when Jungkook enters their room.

"Yeah, I saw him fly away." Jungkook's face planted into his pillow.

"How's your jaw?" Taehyung smirked, rubbing the younger's back.

"How's your dick?" The tiger clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"My dick is fine even though you won, I did have some good hits." Jungkook smiled and turned his head to the side, glancing at Taehyung sitting next to him.

"You did but who won again?"

Taehyung growled, "You won."

"Damn right, I did! But I still love you sugar cube." The elder rolled his eyes though a small smile appeared on his lips.

"I love you too and Jimin will be fine, he is one tough motherfucker."

"You're right, should we go snoop through Jin and Namjoon's room. They won't be back until tomorrow?" Jungkook sat up.

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