Chapter 7: You Don't Deserve Love

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As the morning rose and everyone began to wake up. Jimin had already docked the ship and the rest of his crew had boarded. So you could imagine the surprise when the others came up for breakfast.

BamBam stood there with a nervous stance, gripping onto some flowers as he rocked back and forth on his heels. Waiting for his favorite fox to walk out, breaking into tears as the love of his life ripped off the blindfold Jimin had over his eyes.

"Bammie!" Hoseok cried, screaming in joy when bolting to hug his fiancé.

"This is actually pretty cute," Yoongi confided, standing next to Jimin.

"Yes, sleepless night but it's worth it." Jimin smiled with tight lips, watching as BamBam kissed his future husband's face.

"Cap, we got to talk," the two turned to the voices and Jimin nodded, leaving Yoongi for JB.

"What's up?" He questions, stuffing his hands in his pockets once the two were alone in his quarters.

"Royal family are going crazy on finding their son. They've put out a huge reward for who finds him. Jimin, if people found out he was here?" The captain raised his hand, stopping JB from continuing.

"He's seen our faces and Taehyung is his best friend. We can't kill him and we can't let him go."

"Maybe we can throw him overboard? Maybe Jin or Namjoon could just hit him in the head with their tail and he loses his memory?" Jimin rolls his eyes at the stupid but not horrible suggestion.

"We can't do that either. I'll think more about this but go hang with the crew." He ordered shooing him away.

"You're part of this crew as well, let's go!" JB grabbed Jimin's hand and dragged him out and to the crew. "Go talk with people, you introvert." He laughs, shoving the smaller towards Jackson and Yugyeom.

"Hey, Ji-" Jimin covered Yugyeom's mouth before waving over the newly added crew, except for BamBam.

"You idiots! Yoongi can't know who I am, so just call me captain. Don't ask why, just do it." Jimin snapped and they disbanded.

As Jimin and Yugyeom were taking, the elder glanced over at Mark and BamBam talking. When BamBam gave him a thumbs up, he smiled since everyone now knows what to do around him.

"Dude, why ya going through so much trouble for this one guy?" Yugyeom wonders, as his boyfriend, Youngjae, back hugs him.

"He's a prince."

"How's my brother then?" The snake asked, looking towards Jungkook's direction.

"Jungkook is good, happy that Taehyung is back on board."

"Even before they started dating, they were upset when they were separated." Youngjae chuckles, shaking his head.

"True, but what are we having for breakfast?" Yugyeom asked.

"Pick whatever we have. We do need to get more food from the market though." The two nodded.

"Why don't you take the prince with you?" Both Youngjae and Jimin look towards Yugyeom like he was the biggest idiot ever.

"Let me say this slowly so your brain can process it. I would be walking with the missing prince of the kingdom. Who says he won't run or someone recognizes him. I would get executed on the spot?"

"Why don't you just ask him? I promise you, you might be surprised," Jimin turned around and chuckled at Yoongi.

"Sure! Why don't we just go to your kingdom, the one we took you away from! Oh, and last night you spoke about running away but now you're saying you won't go back to that big, homey-looking castle that will be mocking you?" Jimin sasses, acting all happy and as he finished he looked at the prince like he would with Jungkook and Taehyung when they do something stupid.

"Well, I won't run but I can't stop people from recognizing me." Jimin walked up to Yoongi and took his chin to make the taller look him in the eyes.

"Why are you doing this? Why won't you be upset we have you? Why do you say you won't run? Tell me, your highness?" The captain snapped, pushing Yoongi back after every question.

"Because of you," Yoongi whispered, gripping the oldest wrists and Jimin went still. Everyone instantly grew silent as they watched the scene unfold.

"Guys leave," Jimin ordered and listened to the footsteps that quickly disappeared. "What do you fucking mean, because of fucking me, you stupid fucker?"

"I mean, I'm starting to like you," the prince mumbled. His eyes trailed down from Jimin's green snake-like ones to his thick pink lips.

"Your highness, don't lie to yourself. You barely even know fucking me. You think you like me cause of my looks but sorry to burst your bubble because the real me is truly terrifying! You can keep thinking you like me, however, nothing is going to happen between us, do you know why? Because I'm fucking the Captain of The Royal fucking Fortune and you. You are the Prince of Shadowpaw, your dad has been hunting this ship and me, the captain, for years. Even if there was something here we could never be together and deep down you know that." Jimin snapped, looking away the whole time. Yoongi smiled and cupped the redhead's face to slowly lock their eyes.

"I think it's my turn for you to listen, hm?" Jimin huffed, pouting slightly. "I don't care about my dad and I certainly don't just like you because of your looks. But don't get me wrong, you are very good-looking! I admire how you protect your crew, even when you're hurt you don't let that get to you. You never give up. You're assertive and smart, you're even sassy but I've heard stories from Taehyung that you do have a heart underneath everything. The real you can't be scary because I already know the real you. You think you're scary, that you did a bad thing, that you don't deserve love. Am I wrong?" Jimin bit his lip. "Just forget all that, forget the pain and suffering you might've once had and take a leap of faith. I will be there to catch you if anything happens." Yoongi took ahold of the captain's hand and brought it up to their faces. With their hands measuring together, Jimin watched the prince intertwine their fingers.

"We have known each other for nearly 4 days, you say these nice words to me, but they have no meaning. Now I am going to the market, you are staying here." Jimin whispered, ripping his hand away, walking off his docked ship at a hurried pace.

Yoongi sighed and watched the back of the redhead disappear when something spotted caught his eyes.

"A cheetah?" Yoongi frowned but then he gasped. "SHIT! TAEHYUNG, RAVI JUST SPOTTED ME!" The prince yelled and you could hear a crash before a low deadly growl.

"What?" Taehyung's eyes, a deep brown as his fangs started coming out while he walked from where he was hiding to Yoongi.

"Ravi, I saw his cheetah. The captain is out there, and if he sees me next to him, you know what will happ-" Taehyung covered Yoongi's mouth.

"Stay here, Jungkook, come with me!" He declared, picking up one of the swords that were left on the ground.

"We will make sure he is okay." Jungkook patted Yoongi's shoulder and then followed his boyfriend off the ship.

The prince watched as the two quickly left to find the redhead but there was just this sick feeling stabbing him in his chest.

It was either because Jimin crushed his heart or because his dad already got the news about him at Diamond's Peak and shit was about to happen.

Which one do you guys think it is?

A crushed heart?


Shit about to go down?



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