Chapter 34: Crazy

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"Wake up lab rat." A bucket of water was dumped onto Jimin waking him up.

'What the fuck?' The pirate groaned and pulled at his hands, however, they were strapped down to a metal table just like his feet were.

"Where am I?" The lady shrugged but giggles leaning onto one hand.

"We are going to see what you have in that pretty little mind." She grabbed his hair and pulled it back. "Then we are going to cut you until you are minced meat." Jimins eyes slightly widened and burst out laughing, so hard he had tears.

"You're a crazy-ass bitch if you think you can kill me. Now, if you don't let go of my hair I will be sure to burn your hand off." She pulled her hand away and to her chest.

"My name is Eneri, nice to met you, Prince Jimin." She giggles.

"Hi Eneri and you don't need to call me Prince, don't tell anyone but I would like only you to call me Jimin." He smiles.

"I down think my employer would like that but I can call you anything when we are alone," Eneri says trailing her hand down Jimins thigh and...

"Oh." Jimin licked his lips even though he is hating every second of it.

"Eneri hands off the merchandise." The pirate lifted his head and growled at the figure.

"Chris get yo ugly flat ass over here and face me like this beautiful creature Eneri is doing." Chris waved the woman out before walking next to Jimin.

"Now that you are awake, I would like to start testing. If you noticed we are in a lab." Jimin scoffed.

"No shit sherlock, just tell me what you want to I know not to give it to you." The pirate smiles.

"Your parents knew of a map in the Dark Lands but you killed them before I could retrieve it. There is another way to get what I want and it is through you. You don't know but your hair is magic, blessed by the Elder Pixies, a thanks to Viro for helping them out. You know that your hair lights up when you are angry but what you didn't know is that it lights up when you are near the next part." Jimin frowned and started thinking about when he was in the Dark Lands.

"What does this map... lead too?"

"Have you ever heard of the Map of the Soul?" Jimin bit his lip and looked away. "You know what it can do?" The redhead nodded. "It will great me my wish on becoming immortal. I can become the King of the world and that is why you are going to have to lead me to it but we need to see your strength. Eneri darling can you bring the photos please?"

Jimins head snapped back to Chris taking a bag from Eneri and then taking photos out of it.

"Look Jimin, they are like this because of you," Chris growled shoving the photos into the younger's face.

He could see how Yoongi and the Queen were shoved into the cells with the others. How they talked and how they cuddled together, probably for warmth.

"They can take care of themselves, if Yoongi is with them then they can handle being thrown into your pathetic cells." Jimin spat.

"You are an evil creature. You killed your parents, and more than half of your people, you are a murderer and people like you need to be punished." Chris spat. "So how would you feel if every two hours you don't comply, I shoot one of your men?"

Jimin once again tries getting out of the straps again. "Don't. Touch. Them."

"Oh I can and I will if you don't cooperate. If you try and run which is impossible cause you won't. I will shoot your crew if you try to vex one of my guards, oh and if I see any red smoke or you trying to make your hair glow I kill them, it's simple." Jimin nodded. "We have to test your skin, hair, and blood so see you in the morning." Chris smiled and then left the room, just as Eneri was entering.

"I like you so I promise I won't go as hard or as long as I would the others." Eneri smiled and kissed Jimins cheek.

"Well do what you have to do, but please don't hurt you know, lit-or I mean bigger me." Jimin winks and glances at his crotch.

"I won't." She looks at Jimin and brings her hand up onto his chest. "But you can't see what I do." Eneri stabbed a needle into Jimins neck.

'I will get back to you guys, so please don't do anything stup-.'


"Sir I got what you wanted, but what does his blood have to anything?" Eneri asked holding up a tray that held 10 vials of blood.

"That's for me to know so keep them in the fridge until I come back. I need to get back to my castle and see my son and soon to be ex-wife." Chris smiles and leaves.

Eneri smiles back but when the King was finally gone, she rushed to her phone and typed in the number. "Hello, Bang Chan... Yeah, keep my brother away from me..... I got some work I need to do... Of course not, no one knows who I really am. It is hard being a agent so make sure Changbin doesn't call me..... Yes and say hi to the others for me, bye.." Eneri sighs and ends the call before going back into the room where Jimin is.

"I'm sorry for how I acted, but I know you are acting too. I know you can't hear me but Yoongi is safe, my team is making sure of that. Hold still." She jokes and starts doing what the King told her to do.


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