Chapter 30: Fast

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"So Jimin how is the food?" Chris asked and Yoongi watched his dad carefully just like his mother was doing.

"It's good but you should ask Yoongi, he is your son." Chris raised an eyebrow.

"But I am asking you, how do you feel about that?" Yoongi glares at his dad who has his notebook out and open.

"I feel like I am being tested and it takes a lot for me to get angry and shift but if you want to see my hair glow keep pushing me," Yoongi smirks and puts his hand onto Jimin's.

"You're not being tested but what can I do to make your hair flame up?" Jimin looks at his Prince and smirks.

'Oh shit.' Yoongi sighs.

"Punch Yoongi, in the face and you can see my hair." Lisa gasps, putting her hand on Chris's arm.

"This is crazy, Chris isn't going to punch Yoongi." She giggles. "You guys are so silly."

Chris nods and looks at Jimin who then kissed Yoongi's cheek while looking at him.

"Yeah," the King closes his notebook and continues eating, not talking the rest of dinner.


"You are one sneaky son of a bitch." Yoongi chuckles closing his door.

"Bitch I know!" Jimin smiles and jumps onto Yoongi, wrapping his legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

"His face when you told, 'I feel like I am being tested.' He was like, 'Oh shit he knows.'" Yoongi laughs and kisses Jimins lips.

"What would you have done if your dad punched you?"

"I would have punched him right back. But to think all that was for your hair." Jimin nods and puts his head in the crook of Yoongi's neck.

"Cause I am special but I still love only you." Yoongi walks to their bed and slowly lays Jimin down.

"Well, you can stay here if you want cause I have to go train with Suho." The younger put his head on the bed and looked at Yoongi.

"I want to go for three reasons. 1, to watch you, possibly sweat and see your skills, also wear a white shirt. 2, I will like to see Suho and 3, I haven't fought with swords in a while so it will be fun."

"Babe I will wear no shirt if you want." Jimin groans closing his eyes.

"How bout the pants?" Yoongi smirks.

"Only in this room will I be that exposed also do you want to have other people looking at me, naked?"

"True." Jimin opens his eyes. "Now that would make me angry. You're mine and don't forget it." Yoongi smiles caressing the pirate's face.

"Wouldn't have it any other way and you're not leaving me in the near future, so I guess you're stuck with me too."

"Then let me just go to the bathroom and we can go to Suho," Jimin said, Yoongi stepped to the left to allow the younger to go to the bathroom.

"Babe when we get to Suho, don't tackle him or anything. He's an old man." Yoongi jokes when Jimin comes out.

"I won't and he is around 46 so he is not that old." The Prince shrugs.

"Let's just go, you weirdo." Jimin smiles and helps Yoongi off of their bed.

"If I am just weird, you must be a god of weirdness or something then." Jimin slapped Yoongi on the back of his head.

"Just shut up." The younger mumbled and looked down as they walk to where Suho was.

"Suho?" Yoongi asked opening the Generals office door.

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