Chapter 28: Drunk

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"Fine, just be careful. I love you." Yoongi kissed Jimin on the side of his neck.

"I love you too." Jimin sat up and went to go tell his crew, who were tanning, the news, and then left them once he put on his long coat.

As Jimin walks to his ship he kept a lookout for any of his enemies as he got to the docks.

"Ah, there she is." He grins and walked up the ramp. 'What am I even looking for?' Jimin wondered, looking around.

The Captain hummed a pirate song as he went to his quarters.

"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me,
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho,
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho." He softly sang and sat in his chair, putting his feet on top of his desk.

'Maybe I need a drink.' Jimin thought and then opened his drawer to find a bottle of rum. "Ah, my best friend." He smirks and started drinking.

"How much I have missed being a pirate, no rules, just me, the sea, and the rum. Stupid Royals, fucking ruins my life."

Jimin continued to drink, bottle after bottle, but stopped before his vision started to become fuzzy but kept going.


"Wellllllll shittttt." Jimin muttered and stood up stumbling over his own feet as he walks off the ship and to Yoongi or well Jinyoung who found him walking sideways to them.

"Ah, Jimin where have yo- are you drunk?" Jinyoung smelt Jimin and moved away disgusted.

"I'm telling Yoo-".

"YOOMI MY LOBE." Jimin put his hands on Jinyoung chest. "Youb smell gowd." Jinyoung rolled his eyes and picked his Captain up and threw him over his shoulder.

"LEET MW GOWD! I WHAVE LOBER!" Jimin started kicking Jinyoung stomach and punching his chest.

"JIMIN I KNOW I AM BRINGING YOU TO HIM. MY GOD STOP FUCKING HITTING ME." He growls and the younger goes limp. "I hate this type of drunk Jimin." He whispers and brings him back to the group.

"What the?"

"What happened?

"Is Jimin okay?"

"Who touched him?"

"EZVEYROHN SHWUT UP." Jimin wiggles out of Jinyoung arms and lands on his butt as everyone whines

"Ouchie," Jimin slowly stands up and stumbles back into Jinyoung arms.

"I haven't seen him this drunk since Jackson and JB got captured by (G)I-DLE. Oh how his face turned sour when he heard, those girls get them." Taehyung laughs pushing Yoongi towards Jinyoung now running after Jimin.

"PARK JIMIN," Yoongi yelled in the lowest voice he could muster.

Jimin immediately froze but then he starts giggling a little bit evilly or maybe he was trying to be a cute mad?

"Wepll isn't it the one who kepse attrpacting danger buht it's vokay, I will bsie happy, knowing someonxe loved mte." Jimin slurred and passed out into Jinyoung arms.

"Is he going to be okay?" Lisa asked Jungkook.

"Yeah, something must have upset him." Jungkook sighs and watched Yoongi take the Captain from Jinyoung.

"Well, we should start heading back. He is out cold." Yoongi smiles.

"Okay give us a moment to pick everything up and then we can go," Lisa said and started putting on her shirt to cover her two-piece bikini and then a towel went over her bottom.

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