Chapter 6: Dare I Say?

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Jimin stared with an emotionless face as his ship crashed into the salty waves below. Over the years it's become almost therapeutic for him to watch the waves.

And though he was steering the ship, Jimin had always made a way to have time and just watch the horizon.

"You okay?" The captain peered to his right and nodded at the prince.

"Just taking my mind off things."

"Why are you looking at the sea when the sky looks so much better?"

'Cause em always in the sky.'

"I like looking at places I can't be. I and my spirit can't swim. I can be in the sky so why would I stare at it in my free time?" Yoongi rubbed his red tired eyes and hummed, strolling to the captain's empty side.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi shrugged, readjusting the jacket that laid over his shoulders. It shielding his body from the cold wind.

"Do you not want me here? Cause I'll gladly leave now that my feelings are hurt." Jimin rolled his eyes, shaking his head while Yoongi smiled at the redhead.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"I know, I'm just playing with you. You've been up here all day, I wanted to see how you're doing."

"Why?" The prince rubbed the outside of his arms and sniffled, his nose turning a soft pink.

"Because I can." Jimin cracked a small smile and exhaled loudly.

"Touché, your highness."

"Man when you smile, you actually look, dare I say approachable?" Jimin cocked a brow.

"I did-".

"It was a tiny one," Jimin poked his tongue against his cheek, putting his knee in between the stubs of the wheel to give the prince a half-ass smile.

"Even though that wasn't a happy smile, it was still a smile but where are we going? Hoseok literally can't stop jumping and it's starting to give me a fucking headache." Yoongi says harshly, pointing to the fox who was in fact, jumping up and down around Namjoon who was sharpening his sword.

"Going to Dionysus Docks on Diamond's Peak." Yoongi's eyes widened.

"That's near Shadowpaw, isn't it." Jimin slowly nodded with his lips pressed together in a thin line.

"For my crew and I's safely, I hope you'll understand why we are going to have to lock you up but we'll let you out once we get back."

"Tickle me." Jimin looked at Yoongi and leaned on one foot.

"You have seen our faces and our ship. We- I can't have us being ratted out."

"I get it.... so which one is Hoseok's fiancé?"

"We call him BamBam."

"Don't take this the wrong way but I'm still kinda surprised that you guys get married. I grew up thinking pirates were heartless and could never love."

"A lot of people think we are bad guys but we are just surviving, just like everyone else. Except for you and the royal families."

"Jin was telling me, you've been hunted for your past and because you're a pirate. What did you do to get all of this side to turn on you as what I'm assuming was a kid?" Jimin sighed and spun away from the older's beady eyes.

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