Chapter 39: Eternity

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"I, King Yoongi, take you, Prince Jimin, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, or for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." Soobin nods and turns to Jimin.

"Prince Jimin, your turn." The said male took a deep breath and glanced at everyone to his right.

Their wedding wasn't really huge, just Jimin or well JB's, and Shownu's crew was here. Stray Kids and actually some of their kids came too. Mia, Aisha, and not so surprising a new boyfriend and a baby on the way.

Lisa was in the front seat with her boyfriend. A while ago she wanted to move out to the countryside and that was where she met a guy named Daniel and they have been really happy.

There were a couple of the Kingdom reporters but they were in the way back along with some maids and guards.

Also, Suho and is husband, Lay was there. Even the new General, Ravi, and his partner, Hongbin were invited. Another surprising person, Irene was even revived an invitation.

Jimin was pretty mad when Jin and Namjoon left but when he found out why he immediately calmed down and became super excited.

Jin and Namjoon were going to have their first kid, it was the only reason why they had to leave. In Atlantis it is a big deal when you have kids so when the Prince of Atlantis gets their first kid, the two were rushed back to the ocean.

Sadly, Soobin told Jin what was planned for Jimin, obviously instantly after said he had nothing to do with it, and for the three's safety, they had to stay in underwater Kingdom until the coast was clear.

It is been a little over a year since everything bad had happened and if it was even possible Jimin and Yoongi got even closer so there was no reason why he would ever say 'no' so he repeated everything Yoongi had said in the beginning.

Finally, it was the moment the two have been waiting for.

"-I now pronounce you Kings of Shadowpaw, you may now kiss your husband." Yoongi instantly brought the younger in by the waist and connecting their lips as the cheers erupted.

"I love you, Min Yoongi."

"I love you too, Min Jimin." The two whispered and with hands connected they turned to the crowd, standing tall with their crowns on their heads.

"MY BOYS ARE MARRIED!" Lisa screamed and brought the two in a hug once they both stepped down from the arbor.

"Finally, is what I think you meant to say." Hoseok lifts Lisa up and then goes in to replace her.

"Where is Jiyong?" Yoongi asks once Hoseok stepped back.

"With Bammie and I think Mina is with Mr. Kim." Yoongi shuddered at the name of Hoseok's youngest child.

"Oh Yoongi stop it, she just likes to see your reaction when she scares you, grow up." Was all Hoseok said before he was called over by his husband who was talking with Baekhyuns husband, Johnathan.

"Hey, baby guess what?" Jimin whispered bringing back the King's attention.

"What?" The younger grinned, seeing that they are all alone for now.

"We're married!" Yoongi smiled and nuzzled his head against the younger parted hair.

"You bet we are, and I don't know if I had said this yet but you look so amazing in your suit."


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