Chapter 10: Schedule At High Noon

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"Okay, guys we need to start going." Jimin chuckled as the crew hugged him with all their might.

"Just please stay safe, and Yoongi make sure he doesn't get captured. You better do everything in your power to keep him safe or I'll rip you limb from limb, prince or not," JB warned, glaring at the said lion.

"Stop, you're scaring him." Taehyung chuckled as he shoved JB away.

"I-I'm uh fine?" Yoongi shuffled a little closer to Jimin.

"Princey, are you scared of a couple pirates?" Yoongi shook his head and then gulped, looking over the crew.

"I never really got a chance to get a good look at you all. I'm usually looking at your captain here." The prince spoke, giving the group an up and down look.

"Um, dude, I know I am good-looking but don't be doing that shit with my Markie," Jackson growled and pushed Mark behind him.

"That is enough, we are leaving," Jimin announced, already ready with his cloak on and hood around his head.

"Stay safe," Namjoon whispered, his hand on the younger's shoulder to stabilize himself.

"I will get him back. Please go lay down and rest." Jimin turned and engulfed Namjoon in a hug.

"I trust you and you know I am sorry for my actions earlier, right? I couldn't control it." The captain hums against the siren's shoulder.

"You were upset, I couldn't be mad at you." Namjoon smiled and squeezed Jimin a little bit tighter before letting him go.

"We should go now," Yoongi mumbled. Jimin nods and bowed to his crew before both of them run off the ship.

"They are going to die," Jungkook announced, crossing his arms.

"Jungkook! You can't just say that" Taehyung snapped, pouting slightly.

"I'm sorry babe, but look, Yoongi is fucking walking." Jungkook pointed out and the tiger's head snapped to the two.

"ARE YOU A FUCKING OMEGA? CATCH UP WITH CAP, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Taehyung barked and watched the lion jump before catching up to Jimin.

"Finally, I thought you were getting scared, omega," Jimin chuckled, now jogging next to the prince who growled.

"We look like we did something bad if we run."

"We have done something bad and we're about to make it worse."

Yoongi smirked, "Here is the tunnel," he says, dragging Jimin down an alley suddenly. "Taehyung and I both built this tunnel so we could sneak out of the castle to go party and watch the ships sail." Jimin blinked and watched fondly as Yoongi guided him through the alley and inside the secret passageway.

"Were you a wild child?"

"A bit, but when it came down to my duties I was always on point." Jimin made an 'o' shape with his lips, "We are here." Yoongi moved wooden planks that were tied together by some vines.

"Even the dungeon looks fucking nice." The captain shook his head and ran down the cells to find Jin. "Yoongi, he is not here." Jimin hissed, starting to panic as he spotted the guard sleeping.

"There is one more level of cells so come on." Yoongi intertwined their hands and led the way down the hundreds of stairs.

"My God, I hate stairs," Jimin whined once they got to the bottom.

"Good to know, now he should be here," Yoongi rushed down the cells until he saw the familiar siren. "Jin?" The elder takes his head out of a bucket to look up and wave weakly.

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